GDM Solutions
Providing an Industry Standard Software for Research

ARM 2021 Release Notes

See ARM 2021.x Features (pdf) for a presentation of features added to ARM this year.
  • Watch the PowerPoint version in presentation mode to view embedded feature-in-action videos.
See the Change Log (txt) for a complete list of all changes made in this (and previous) versions of ARM.

Version 2021.7

December 12, 2021

Review Protocol Entries

Review trial for information that was entered in the protocol and has not been changed by the trialist.
Key benefits:
  • Protocol Writers: use protocol to inform and instruct, with confidence in trial accuracy
  • Trialists: Save time with this wizard, instead of manual review of all screens

Multiply out treatments

Convert protocol factor levels to the full "multiplied out" list, while still in the protocol.
Note: once protocol treatments are converted, they cannot be reverted back to the original factor level view.
Only Edit > Undo can reverse this action.

Tree/Crop Row Volume

ARM supports tree row volume (TRV) calculations.
Canopy Height * Plant/Row Diameter * 10,000 m3 / Row Spacing
  • Automatically calculated for applications that have all required information.
  • Adjust product calculations by using new TRV rate unit
Tip: the Application Plan displays all fields for TRV and Leaf Wall Area (LWA) in one spot!

Version 2021.2

September 12, 2021

Introducing the User Profile

A list of settings and information specific to the ARM licensee. Open from Help menu or bottom of Navigation bar.
Displays details about the ARM license. Add a local user or custom password for ARM here. 
Lists the license maintenance expiration date and renewal invoice (when available).
Save GEP accreditation/test facility details, to update your trials and attach the PDF certificate file.

Trial Signatures

Add your signature to a trial to finalize or "sign off" on the trial. 
  1. Window > Settings
  2. Select Add Signature
  3. ARM prompts to add signature if not present in profile
  4. Choose a method to add signature
  5. Select signee role from Contacts
    • If contact name does not exactly match license name, can still select OK
  6. ARM prompts for login password as additional safeguard
See Utilizing Signuatures with Trials pdf for more information.
Note: Include signatures on reports with Global Report - Footer. A new study rule "Sign" will require a signature for a trial.

Version 2021.1

May 31, 2021

Drop-down lists in Site Description

Replaced short, limited validation lists with simpler drop-down lists in Protocol and Site Description.
Speeds up data entry especially for (number) + (unit) pairs!

Rating Unit Minimum and Maximum

Define valid range of values for data with Rating Unit Min/Max. (Some are auto-filled for units that have pre-defined data limits.)
We also removed ARM Action Codes that were used to define data limits.
Now these limits are always explicitly stated in the column and are set in only one place!

New feature highlights in ARM

New features and fields are highlighted in ARM for a limited time after release.
  • New entry fields: 30 days
    New features: first 10 times displayed on-screen

  • To turn off highlight for all current new features:
    Tools > Options > Display > (Screen element=New Features) > Accept New Features

New Merge function: Replace

Replace some components during Tools > Merge, instead of always adding to the current study:
  • Treatments list
  • Crop and/or Pest information
  • Trial Map randomization

Version 2021.0

February 14, 2021

Bringing Column Diagnostics to AOV reports

New features for the AOV Means Table report brings the calculations from Column Diagnostics into your reports.
  • Calculate normality tests from residuals
    • Tests for assumptions of AOV are done on the residuals on Column Diagnostics.
      Now the AOV report matches the decisions made during data review.

  • Diagnostic Graphs
    • Include the diagnostic graphs from Column Diagnostics into your report.


Impactful Changes to Summary Reports

There are a couple of changes that have an impact on summary reports that users should be aware of:
  • Subsamples: automatic transformations now applied to plot mean
    • Auto-transforms (AA, AL, AS) are now applied to the plot mean instead of
      individual subsample values. This is because AOV analyzes the plot means
      and not the individual subsample values, so the data correction transfom should follow.

  • Arithmetic means added to AOV report
    • Add the arithmetic treatment means to your AOV report.
      New option added to Mean Descriptions section of AOV options.


New shortcut buttons added to 'Plot' description

  • Sort the assessment data editor by Assessment or Harvest Order with one click.
  • The Trial Map button makes it easy to update these custom plot orders.