***************************************************************** Version 2024.4 December 3, 2024 Changes ***************************************************************** File > Print Reports -------------------- - Enhanced the Site Description report: + Changed so grids that do not fit on a single page wrap directly below the previous table section. (for example, the Weather information). + Added Global - Borders report option to control whether no borders should be printed around Site Description sections, a single line be printed between sections, or a full border should be printed around sections. File > Print Reports > Summary Reports -------------------- - Updated to only print the relevant subsamples on the Assessment Data Summary report. - Added footnotes to the Factorial AOV Table report for "na" mean comparison code. Tools > Options > Treatment View Options -------------------- - Changed so Treatment fields always use the maximum allowed length on the Treatment editor. Window -------------------- - Fixed so right-click menu on editors is not slow to open when there are a large number of study rules. - Updated so when a window split is in place, command "Window > Split > Remove Split" closes the editor that is not in focus. Previously always the lower editor would close. Window > Site Description -------------------- - Added ability to display Google Maps directly on Trial Location GPS dialog. - Updated the tool that displays the Trial Location GPS map. This fixes the 'Script Error' that sometimes occurred while on Bing Maps. - Fixed so all fields with entries are not always locked when pasting a Site Description - SE Definitions column. Only entries that explicitly defined by the SE should be locked after the paste. - Fixed the issue that the first Crop on the Site Description Crop tab could not be collapsed. - Fixed error 5 that occurred when inserting a large number of crops and ARM font size was greater than 8. - Fixed the issue that after inserting 50+ Crops, the last crop could not be expanded. Window > Assessment Data -------------------- - Updated descriptions for the ARM Action Codes list. - Fixed that sometimes an invalid assessment value message was shown when Rating Interval was 0.01. Window > Schedule Tasks -------------------- - Changed Type and Timing option texts to include reference to Crop or Pest. Window > Study Rules -------------------- - Fixed the issue that Protocol Description study rules would display on all tabs when clicking through Study Rule editor tabs and the option to Display all Rules is unchecked. - Fixed the issue that the number of complete study rules may be incorrect if fields are required for a Site Description grid and the last row is empty. Graph > New Graph -------------------- - Improve the position of the AOV mean letters on horizontal graphs. ST > Begin Summary > Graph -------------------- - Fixed so ST report graphs use a consistent resolution for Treatment and Trial means graphs. ***************************************************************** Version 2024.2 September 3, 2024 Changes ***************************************************************** File > New Protocol -------------------- - Fixed error 9 that occurred when creating a G-Seed protocol from a template. File > Open Study from List -------------------- - Fixed the issue that changes to the study list column order were not always saved. - Added translated text for German, French, and Portuguese. File > Export Study -------------------- - Changed so the TBD selection during Database export is filtered based on the ARM study type (protocol or trial). File > Print Reports -------------------- - Added option to Product Amount Totals report for adding up to 2 additional Treatment fields that are used for matching products and combining product amount totals. - Enabled additional Treatment/Site Description fields on the Treatment and Spray/Seeding Plan reports. File > Print Reports > AOV Means Table -------------------- - Added the analysis of Equivalence Tests between 2 treatments. These tests are defined on the Settings dialog - Statistics tab. - Changed how treatment standard deviations are calculated when adjusted means are used as primary mean. This change also affected how treatment standard deviations are calculated when using traditional AOV and there are missing plot estimates. - Fixed an issue where 'na' did not display correctly for columns with at least one treatment missing or empty. - Fixed an issue where test statistics for normality tests were missing for certain Windows Region settings. - Fixed an issue where incorrect de-transformed means were reported for assessments with excluded treatments and non-parametric statistics were run (ARM Action codes have both AR and ETn or EC). - Fixed an issue that certain R scripts did not honor the ERn action code. This affects Column Diagnostics and analysis of ranks (Action Code 'AR'). Tools menu -------------------- - Fixed the issue that the Tools - Multiply Out Treatments menu item was not available if a protocol was changed to multi-factor. Tools > Merge -------------------- - Improved merging of studies that were saved with an older ARM version. - Fixed error 9 when Site Description is selected to be merged, but then Cancel is selected when asked which sections to merge. Tools > Connect EDC -------------------- - Fixed so ARM Mobile Tour notes are not always pulled into row 1 of a trial. Tools > Import Weather Data -------------------- - Updated DTN ClearAg import to include the following fields: + Solar Radiation at Application Start, Stop, and Max + Moisture 2 Weeks Before Appl + Moisture 1 Week Before Appl + Moisture 24 Hours After Appl + Moisture 2 Weeks After Appl + Moisture 3 Weeks After Appl + Moisture 4 Weeks After Appl - Added default Unit for Leaf Wetness Duration in Weather Import Settings. Tools > Validate Study -------------------- - Fixed issue that validation errors were sometimes not shown when Assessment Column Diagnostics/Properties panels were open. Window > Site Description -------------------- - Added support for pasting latitude and longitude at the same time when the copied values are separated by a space, comma+space, or tab. - Fixed so 'Set GPS' button does not lose decimal precision when Windows decimal separator is comma. - Fixed so Other Contacts repeating section is merged correctly during the Tools - Merge and New Protocol - Template process. - Fixed an issue that could occur displaying many collapsible panels, like on the Crop Description. - Fixed so Site Description does not automatically switch between tabs and refresh multiple times after ATD and EDE import. - Fixed so a new blank record is automatically inserted at the end of the Notes table when the last row is a signature record. Window > Assessment Data -------------------- - Added 'Required' field to Assessment Data header. Columns marked as required cannot be deleted, and must have data in a trial marked as 'Final'. - Fixed the issue that the Auto-hide Properties panel option was not hiding the Assessment Properties Panel. - Fixed so 'Days After First/Last Applic' Assessment Data Header fields will calculate when one or more of the applications were not applied. - Changed so 'Column x in formula is blank' messages are only shown when selecting 'Tools - Recalc Transformations' to recalculate assessment data transformations. Window > Schedule Tasks -------------------- - Added Pest Establishment Date to the Schedule editor as a selectable Task type and interval. - Updated application list to include Method, Timing, Placement as comment fields. The list will now show applications in the protocol Schedule editor. - Fixed so dates on the editor are formatted correctly with ARM date format, specifically: Deviation, Planned, and Completed. Window > Attachments -------------------- - Added an option to the Attachments editor to display a column with the size of each attachment file. Window > Settings -------------------- - Added the ability to define Equivalence Tests between 2 treatments. The analysis is performed and summarized on the AOV Means Table report. Window > Study Rules -------------------- - Added checkboxes to the Study Rules editor rows so select groups of study rules can be deleted or saved. - Fixed the issue that some of the text on the Study Rule tabs may be trimmed. - Fixed so prompt is not shown when modifying a field that contains 'Consistent entries across Rating Timing' study rule and the Rating Timing group did not contain any existing entries. Graph -------------------- - Fixed the issue that means on the graph did not always match the AOV Means Table when the Summary option 'Automatic transformations apply to Plot means if subsamples are present' is checked. - Fixed an issue where rank means displayed instead of the arithmetic mean, when the ARM Action Code is 'AR'. ***************************************************************** Version 2024.1 June 10, 2024 Changes ***************************************************************** File > New Protocol -------------------- - Fixed the issue that an error may occur when creating a new protocol from a template that has an SE with study rules. - Fixed the issue that extra repeating section could be added during a merge with a new protocol. File > Open Study > from List -------------------- - Updated field lengths in Study List to allow the full length of all GDMdef fields. File > Print Reports -------------------- - Changed how ARM reports data where residual error is 0. Such columns are now considered non-analyzable, so P(F) is reported as 'NaN' (not a number) and mean separation letters are reported as 'na' (not applicable). - Changed so Thousand Seed Weight will be read from Site Description - Crop Description when calculating product amounts. If it is not specified on Crop Description, then Thousand Seed Weight on Treatments editor will be used. - Changed so products will only be separated by 1000 Seed Weight on the Product Amount Totals report for variety treatment lines. Tools > Options > Display -------------------- - Added increased precision to the alternative GPS display formats: + Changed 'Degrees Decimal Minutes' to show 4 decimal places in the minutes value (DDD*MM.MMMM’). + Changed 'Degrees Minutes Seconds' to show 4 decimal places in the seconds value (DDD*MM’SS.SSSS”). Window > Site Description -------------------- - Changed so the Site Description - Experimental Unit field (PF) is used in place of "Plot" in ARM prompts for situations where plots are not used. - Fixed so hidden by default fields that were made visible in a repeating section remain visible for all records in the repeating section when opening a study. Window > Assessment editor -------------------- - Added copy and paste shortcut buttons to the assessment data header grid. - Added 'Copy Coordinates to LL Corner of Trial' right-click menu command to copy GPS coordinates from Assessment Data to the Site Description as the lower left corner of the trial. - Save the size and state of Assessment panels and restore them when returning to the Assessment editor. Window > Schedule Tasks -------------------- - Fixed the issue that only 4 personal calendars would display in the Schedule Task Calendar list. Window > Settings -------------------- - Added support for Protocol Reviewed and Protocol Signatures. Window > Study Rules -------------------- - Added a study rule to require who should sign the protocol. - Added a study rule to define who can mark the protocol as reviewed. - Added support for Study Rules condition 'Reviewed and Reported' to the Required, Recommended and Greater than 0 rule types. ***************************************************************** Version 2024.0 March 18, 2024 Changes ***************************************************************** File > New Protocol -------------------- - Fixed so the language selected on the Protocol Settings is honored when the protocol is created. - Updated to auto-refresh SEs in protocols created from templates. File > Open Study from List -------------------- - Added new fields to the Study List: + Trial Origin + SE Definitions - SE Name + Assessment Data - SE Name - Fixed so the Browse button will only show appropriate file types. - Fixed so the '(Blank)' filter functions correctly on the Study List. - Changed to allow exporting blank repeating entries to the Study List. File > Create Trial -------------------- - Fixed the error creating a trial from a protocol that had unused transformation equations. File > Export > SE -------------------- - Only add SEs files to Favorites list if SE is in the Study Definition path. File > Print Reports -------------------- - Fixed an issue where incorrect means were reported for assessments with excluded treatments and non-parametric statistics were run (ARM Action codes have both AR and ETn or EC). File > Print Excel Report Link Workbook -------------------- - Updated ReportLink Excel file with the latest fields. - Fixed error 4198 that sometimes occurred while breaking links. Tools > Build Headers -------------------- - Fixed so number of subsamples are increased as needed when performing Build Headers in a trial and a custom number of subsamples were entered on SE Definitions tab. Tools > Import Weather -------------------- - Added decimal precision to weather data imported from DTN ClearAg. Window > Header -------------------- Changed so incompatible filename characters are not allowed in Protocol ID and Trial ID fields. These characters include: \ / : * ? < > | # % & $ ! ' @ + ` = Window > Treatments -------------------- - Fixed so an extra field is not cleared when clearing out a Treatment entry that is part of a multi-field list. - Fixed so deleting Treatment Name will show a prompt to also delete all fields that are part of the Treatment Name validation list. Window > Site Description -------------------- - Changed so the Site Description editor can hide multiple fields at once using the right-click 'Hide Current Field' menu. - Fixed the issue when first viewing a Site Description tab with a grid, the validation list would display for the first item in the grid. - Fixed so RTF fields are colored as required or recommended for study rules. - Fixed so 'Angle y-axis to North' Site Description field only allows entries between 0-359. - Fixed so plot length and width values cannot be updated if a study rule to lock the value is active. - Fixed so an extra field is not cleared when clearing out a Site Description entry that is part of a multi-field list. Window > Trial Map -------------------- - Added message to Trial Map Quality if there are no suggestions. Window > Settings -------------------- Fixed so tab names on Settings dialog do not wrap for non-English translations. Fixed so the Time Zone setting does not run off the right edge of the dialog when language is Spanish. Changed so Treated Plot Size settings are arranged so labels are better aligned with textboxes. Fixed incorrect translation of “Language:” prompt for Spanish and Portuguese. Graph > New -------------------- - Fixed an issue where graph outliers may be beyond the Y-axis when the Y axis scale is set to Zero Origin. - Fixed the issue that 'Label every' option on the graph X axis was not updating the graph. - Fixed an issue where mean comparison letters could be truncated when displayed on top of graph with larger font sizes. - Fixed an issue where a column with the ARM Action Code 'N' only displayed zeroes for the mean values. Tablet - Tablet Data Entry -------------------- - Fixed an issue when changing the image File Name Component order when the Trial ID component is locked. - Fixed so automatic sizing of Assessment Data Header prompts takes into account indented space of prompts. - Reduced width of Assessment Data header prompts in Tablet Data Entry mode. Master Calendar -------------------- Fixed an error "unable to modify tasks" in the Master Calendar. Summary Across Trials > Tools > Begin Summary -------------------- Fixed so trial columns that have a blank ARM Action Code are not forced into separate grand mean columns in ARM ST. ***************************************************************** Version 2023.6(2) February 5, 2024 Changes ***************************************************************** Tools > Connect Electronic Data Collector -------------------- - Changed so dates can be entered as assessment data in an Excel Rating Shell file. Rating Unit in Rating Shell file should be set to 'DATE' for date columns. - Fixed so a period can be entered in an Excel Rating Shell for missing data when a period is the Windows Region thousands separator. - Fixed error 0 that occurred when exporting ARM Mobile file while an Assessment Data column filter was applied. Window > Site Description -------------------- - Fixed so duplicate Trial Status notes are not added to Notes section when Trial Status is "S" (setup) and a date is entered in the trial. - Fixed so a new blank record is automatically inserted at the end of the Notes table when the last row is read-only. Window > Assessment Data -------------------- - Added 'Rating Interval' field to Assessment Data editor that allows specifying the interval between assessment values. Assessment Data values must be divisible by the entered interval value. - Fixed so Rating Minimum and Maximum fields accept negative values. Window > Settings -------------------- - When adding a signature to a study, if the signature is too large reduce the size of the signature so if fits in the study. - Improved messaging when an image is too large to add to the Profile Signature or to sign a trial. - Added validation for trial signatures that may be corrupted. ***************************************************************** Version 2023.6 November 29, 2023 Changes ***************************************************************** File > New Protocol -------------------- - When creating a new protocol from a template, do not import the mandatory study rules. New protocols should only use the latest mandatory rules. File > Print Reports -------------------- - Fixed error 6 overflow that occurred when printing large amount of RTF text. Tools > Build Headers -------------------- - Improved speed of Build Headers process. - Fixed so ARM does not show the Study Rules editor while performing Build Headers. Tools > Connect Electronic Data Collector (EDC) -------------------- - Fixed so dates as assessment values are imported correctly from ARM Mobile. Previously were imported as "Jul-15-1905". - Fixed incorrect tooltip for 'Edit List...' button on 'Edit Favorites for ARM Mobile' dialog. Tools > Import Weather Data -------------------- - Changed so GPS coordinates are validated against country boundaries prior to weather import. Tools > Options -------------------- - Updated the action for 'Display Study Rules as split window' to support new Study Rules Editor. Only display Study Rules as a split screen if rules are added and Study Rules editor is not loaded. Tools > Validate Study -------------------- - Changed so Site Description tab names are included in validation messages for Study Rules. - Improved message that displays when an application does not have a date entered in a completed trial. - Fixed error 9 that occurred when reviewing protocol entries and application related repeating sections did not contain the same number of applications. Window > Site Description -------------------- - Fixed so copying and pasting contact information on the Contacts Site Description tab does not overwrite the read-only Role. - Fixed so applications are inserted in all linked application sections when pasting multiple columns of data to an application table. - Fixed an error 9 that may occur when clicking through the SE validation list. - Fixed so Site Description grid rows inserted in position 1 are not read-only. - Fixed so application sections are balanced after importing a study from ATD. Window > Assessment Data -------------------- - Added icons in assessment data cells to identify assessment data attachments (GPS, Image, or Barcode). - Changed so assessment data comments are shown as tooltips when hovering over an assessment data cell that has a comment. - Changed Assessment Data 'Damaged' flag to 'Exclude' since it can be used for more than just damaged plots. - Changed so excluded assessment data points that do not have an assessment value entered will still have a red line drawn on the cell. - Fixed so an extra field is not cleared when clearing out an Assessment Data header entry that is part of a multi-field list. - Changed so blank validation list dialog is shown for automatic drop-down combobox if there are no items in the validation list. - Changed to automatically show the linked Site Description section when opening an internally built validation list on the Assessment Data editor. - Changed so double clicking the Assessment Data grid splitter will remove blank grey space between the grids. - Changed so 0 cannot be entered in Number of Subsamples Assessment Data header field. - Fixed so columns are sized properly on the Column Diagnostics table to fit all prompts. - Fixed so Rating Unit Min and Max values can be entered without the values being lost during a refresh after creating an Abbott transformation using Tools - Transform. Window > Schedule Tasks -------------------- - Added support for linking Outlook tasks to calendars other than the default Outlook calendar. - Added better messaging if ARM cannot connect to Outlook to check for updated linked tasks. Window > Study Rules -------------------- - Updated conditional study rules description to multi-row text box so can read longer descriptions. ***************************************************************** Version 2023.3 September 5, 2023 Changes ***************************************************************** File > New Protocol -------------------- - Include the number of treatments on the New Protocol checklist. File > Print Reports -------------------- - Fixed issue that the "Active" column of study rules was not printing on reports. File > Print Reports > Summary Reports -------------------- - Improved error handling and messaging in spatial analysis and diagnostics when there are many missing plots. - Fixed so horizontal scrollbar is visible while selecting Assessment Data header rows for printing. Window -------------------- - Fixed positioning of ARM windows when using multiple monitors that are different sizes. Tools > Options > Site Description View -------------------- - Changed so Site Description view files will save the visible state of every field. Previously only fields that the user manually hid or made visible were included. - Changed so fields in the Site Description that are required or might become required can be hidden. - Improved repeating section names that appear in Site Description View options tree. - Fixed slow load time of Site Description View options tab. Tools > Validate Study -------------------- - Fixed so 'Application Date' rules are not enforced when an application is flagged as not applied. - Fixed false validation warning message for Form Unit 'MBIOE/g'. Window > Site Description -------------------- - Fixed so multiple new repeating section rows are not automatically inserted when entering irrigation/rainfall values in weather table. - Fixed so tooltip can be shown when clicking into a general Site Description textbox without needing to move cursor out of textbox and then back in. Window > Trial Map -------------------- - Fixed issue that not always prompted to save a trial when closing after making edits to the Trial Map. Window > Assessment Data -------------------- - Added Data Reliability shortcut buttons to each column on the Assessment Data grid. - Fixed so assessment image links are not lost when multiple images are attached to a single plot. - Fixed so 'Data Entry Date' is not copied when using Assessment Data Column Tools on Assessment Data editor. - Improved error handling and messaging column diagnostics when there are many missing plots. - Changed so Assessment Data interval fields are refreshed automatically after importing an ARM Mobile file. - Fixed so the default width of Assessment Data columns are is not 1-2 characters wider than needed. - Fixed so values on the Diagnostics panel are not highlighted red if they are equal to 0.05. They will only be highlighted if they are less than 0.05. Window > Study Rules -------------------- - Fixed issue where Comment columns would not accept more than 1 character in the Rules table. - Fixed so 'Limit validation list' rule for crops/pests is immediately activated after importing this study rule during ATD import. Window > Settings -------------------- - Added new tab titled 'Statistics' for study-wide settings related to analysis and statistics. - Added the ability to define Planned Comparisons of a chosen set of treatments. The analysis is performed and summarized on the AOV Means Table report. - Added new Application Amount Unit 'L/AC' (liters per acre). Graph > New Graph -------------------- - Fixed the issue that Box-Whisker graph did not honor ARM Action Code ERn. - Fixed the issue that when including only some treatments on a graph, the graph options Legend colors would not correspond to the selected treatments. ***************************************************************** Version 2023.2 June 13, 2023 Changes ***************************************************************** File > Send To -------------------- - Fixed an error that may occur when including a report set that contains a Trial/Protocol Treatments report. File > Print Reports -------------------- - Added Scott-Knott mean comparison test for AOV Means Table report. - Fixed issue with mean separation letters for assessments with 'AR' action code and the rank standard error is exactly 0. - Fixed crash that occurred when trying to print the Dose Response report with a data set of unrealistic values. - Fixed so Assessment group header rows are not printed on reports when using the "Current View" option on assessment reports. Tools > Transform -------------------- - Fixed an issue where changes to an existing transformation were not saved if the transformation is made shorter but the initial portion stays the same. Tools > Connect EDC -------------------- - Enhanced so Tour Report comment is imported to Site Description - Notes section for each assessment imported from ARM Mobile. - Fixed so ARM Mobile import correctly warns when an assessment column was not imported due to the column already containing data in ARM if the ARM assessment column has at least 1 missing data point. Window -------------------- - Added 'Required/Recommended fields' view for trials on the Treatments, Site Description, and Assessment Data editors. - Fixed so applying a validation list filter on a number field does not fail. Window > Site Description -------------------- - Added support for E-L Growth Stage Scale for viticulture studies. - Changed so unit fields can be linked together in cases where 2 separate value/unit pairs should always use the same unit. Changing the unit in 1 field automatically changes the unit in a linked field and automatically adjust the value to the new unit. - Fixed so Site Description editor does not freeze/crash after changing the Study Definition on the study Settings dialog. Window > Assessment Data -------------------- - Re-ordered Assessment Header fields into logical groups, and added the ability to collapse/expand header groups. ***************************************************************** Version 2023.0 March 22, 2023 Changes ***************************************************************** File > New Protocol -------------------- - Updated and streamlined the New Protocol process: + Added an option to load a Protocol Template to copy selected sections of an existing protocol into the new protocol. + Display a checklist of common items on the New Protocol dialog to help identify if common settings, including study rules and SEs, are in place for a new protocol. + The Study Definition is now automatically selected. This removes the first 2 dialogs from the original New Protocol process. File > Open Study > From List -------------------- - Changed so ARM will always remember the last filter, column order, and sort order on the Study List dialog. - Changed so the column order is not cleared when new fields are added to Study List. File > Import Study -------------------- - Changed so ATD import/export is allowed for a technician licenses. - Fixed so decimal separator is not lost when a study is imported from ATD with a different decimal separator than what was used to export the study. File > Print Reports -------------------- - Fixed error 5 when printing Site Description report to Word. - Fixed an issue where RTF fields were not included in Print to Excel. Edit > Undo -------------------- - Fixed issue where 'Edit - Undo' was sometimes disabled after inserting or deleting in a repeating section. Tools > Merge -------------------- - Fixed issue that sometimes Site Description entries were not merged when the study to merge from was saved with an older version of the study definitions. Tools > Connect EDC -------------------- - Fixed so SE columns from EDC are imported in the correct order when the same multi-column SE was assessed 2+ times in a row, and the last column of the SE was a calculated column. Tools > Options -------------------- - Fixed so 'Auto-format large whole numbers in scientific notation' option is saved when the option is unchecked. Tools > Refresh Editor from List -------------------- - Fixed so 'Refresh Editor from List' command does not clear entries after a Merge was performed. Graph > New -------------------- - Fixed issue where left and right graph titles did not display correctly if more than 5 fields were used to build the graph title. Window > Treatments -------------------- - Fixed so 100,000,000,000 is shown as 1E11 when converted to scientific notation instead of 1E10. Window > Site Description -------------------- - Fixed so fields that are filled with a blank from a user picklist (such as Trial Location or Contacts) are not flagged to skip validation. - Fixed so entered time is not sometimes off by 1 minute. Window > Assessment Data -------------------- - Added "Townsend-Heuberger from subsamples" formulas for disease indices 0-2, 0-3, 0-5, 0-6, 0-7, 0-8, and 0-9. - Optimized speed of reading additional assessment data information (Comment, Barcode, GPS, and Image attachments). - Fixed so the 'Number of Subsamples' default of 1 does not prevent subsamples from being copied from the Site Description during Build Headers. ***************************************************************** Version 2022.7 December 18, 2022 Changes ***************************************************************** File > Open Study > From List -------------------- - Added 'Last Exported' column to the Study List table. File > Export Study -------------------- - Changed so studies are always validated before being pushed to a cloud location. File > Import Study -------------------- - Fixed an error 91 that occurred when importing an EDE/EDP that had 1 or less columns. File > Print Reports -------------------- - Change so summary reports always start on a new page when printing multiple reports. - Fixed an issue where General Summary report options scroll completely to the bottom for certain display resolutions. - Fixed error 5 that may occur when displaying the X axis as a log scale on the Dose-Response report. Tools > Connect EDC -------------------- - Fixed error during ARM Mobile export that occurred when trial time zone was 'Europe/Kyiv'. - Added additional error messaging when ARM is unable export ARM Mobile file. Tools > Import Weather Data -------------------- - Fixed so custom weather data import can handle a column heading that contains a degree symbol. - Fixed error that occurred when trial time zone was 'Europe/Kyiv'. Tools > Validate Trial -------------------- - Added validation warning so 'Data Entry Date' cannot be later than 'Rating Date' in an assessment column. Tools > About Study -------------------- W190- Added 'Last Export Date' to the About Study dialog. Window > Site Description -------------------- - Fixed 'Invalid Date' error that occurred when entering weather data in a row that did not have a date entered, and the date field was scrolled off the screen. Window > Assessment Data -------------------- - Fixed so heading for subsample column is not pasted into assessment data headers during paste from Excel. - Fixed an issue where incorrect assessment images were shown when 'Display by treatment' option is selected and the image preview is expanded. - Fixed an error that could occur when copying assessment randomization, causing ARM to crash. Window > Study Rules -------------------- - Added an interface to study rules editor to visualize the rules grid and add rules easily. + Added Duplicate button that copies an existing rule, to easily add similar rules. + Added Rules Sets tab to view rule sets that have loaded in the current study, and to add more rule sets easily. + Enhanced Save Set function to include the option to save only rules from one editor. - Enhanced so rules can be conditionally applied, defining when a study rule should be activated, based on another field's contents. Graph -------------------- - Fixed the issue that the right graph title was lost when changing the graph columns. Help menu -------------------- - Added support for 'Send License Details' button on the Profile and Request Customizations dialogs in order to share ARM license details in an email. ***************************************************************** Version 2022.5 October 9, 2022 Changes ***************************************************************** File > Print Reports > AOV Means Table -------------------- - Added an option to include the Shapiro-Wilk test for normality on the AOV report. - Fixed a discrepancy in reported skewness/kurtosis significance that could occur compared to Column Diagnostics. Updated report calculations to be more precise. - Added an option to control how normality tests are reported. Choices include: test statistic only, p-value only, or both. Tools > Connect Electronic Data Collector -------------------- - Changed so Assessment/Crop Description (ECE) or Rating Type (EDT) + Rating Unit (ERU) are exported to ARM Mobile as the assessment description if SE Description is blank. Tools > Review Protocol Entries -------------------- - Fixed so user is not prompted to review entries that came from the protocol in fields that were already edited on the Settings dialog in the trial. Utilities - Use WSSA Weed Codes and Names -------------------- - Fixed so WSSA Weed code names are not refreshed to EPPO Weed code descriptions. Window > Treatments -------------------- - Fixed issue that treatment rate conversions were not calculated correctly when using TRV rate units. Window - Site Description -------------------- - Changed so a new blank record is automatically inserted at the end of GDMdef repeating sections (excludes Application, Crop, and Pest sections). - Added shortcut button to easily insert an SE from file on the SE Definitions tab. - Changed so 'Set as Default' can be used in multi-line long text fields and rich text fields. - Fixed so the mix size calculator can calculate a minimum mix in a protocol when using the 'L/10000 m3 TRV' Application Amount unit. - Fixed so the LWA/TRV per treatment can be calculated in a protocol when only an estimated Treated LWA/TRV is entered. This is printed in the table heading of the Spray/Seeding Plan report when LWA/TRV units are used. - Fixed so grid is refreshed when selecting an entry from a drop-down combobox in the last field of a Site Description grid. Window > Assessment Data -------------------- - Changed to highlight values on Column Diagnostics that indicate a failure of the data to meet the AOV assumptions. - Fixed so Column Diagnostics now recognizes Action Codes EC and ETn entered in the column, when performing calculations and recommendations. - Fixed so Rating Unit Min and Max values are not lost when selecting a custom *.se file from the SE Name validation list. ST > Begin Summary -------------------- - Fixed overflow error 6 that occurred when using ST with an ATD database. ***************************************************************** Version 2022.3 July 31, 2022 Changes ***************************************************************** File > Open -------------------- - Updated to support R versions 4.2.0 and newer. Previously ARM would display an error that it could not detect the R installation. - Removed message that warned about duplicate GUIDs while opening a study. ARM now only tests for duplicate GUIDs during ATD export. File > Print Reports -------------------- - Fixed so right border of Tour Report is not missing when printing to Word. - Changed so Treatment No field is left aligned on all reports. - Fixed so the Notes column of the Tour Report is extended to the edge of the page when printing to Word. Tools > Connect Electronic Data Collector -------------------- - Changed so assessment images and other properties are imported from ARM Mobile to an assessment that already contains a data value. - Changed so the ARM Mobile subfolders (TrialDef, TrialAssmt, BaseInfo) cannot be selected as the Mobile Location path. - Fixed so treatment numbers are exported correctly to ARM Mobile when treatment numbers in the trial are non-consecutive. Tools > Options -------------------- - Fixed so GDMdef option to save product ingredient information in the study can be used when the product list is connected to a database. - Removed Tools > Spelling menu item. Tools > Review Protocol Entries -------------------- - Fixed so Confirm button is not covered up when there are 100+ columns to review . - Added maximize button to make it easier to resize. - Added wait cursor to dialog while it is loading. - Changed so some fields do not trigger the Review Protocol Entries dialog to display. Window > Header -------------------- - Changed to not allow entering a Protocol ID or Trial ID that is already in use. Window > Site Description -------------------- - Fixed error 5 that was sometimes shown after leaving the Site Description editor when the cursor was in a read-only RTF field. - Fixed so hidden date fields that are made visible correctly have the calendar button visible in the textbox. Window > Treatments -------------------- - Fixed so Other Rate 'PT/A' is not incorrectly identified as an LWA unit when the 'Base product calculations on Other Rate and unit fields' option is turned on. Window > Study Rules -------------------- - Changed so treatment study rules are not applied to treatment lines that do not have a Type entered. - Fixed an issue where the Field displayed incorrectly for Review - Site Description - Trial Location GPS on the study rules editor. General > Licensing -------------------- - Changed so Technician, Graduate, and Classroom licenses are no longer linked to a full ARM license. - Changed so Technician and Graduate licenses are allowed to request corporate ARM customizations. - Changed so Technician licenses are not always forced to select entries from validation lists. ***************************************************************** Version 2022.2 April 17, 2022 Changes ***************************************************************** File > Open > Study from List -------------------- - Fixed so Study List controls are sized properly when using a non-English program language that has longer prompts. File > Print Reports -------------------- - Fixed issue that large images sometimes did not print in RTF fields on the Site Description report. Window > Site Description -------------------- - Added ability to identify an application as 'not applied'. These applications are not included in product calculations and display with a strikethrough on reports. - Added verification that a crop or pest is used in a trial. + A crop/pest is "in use" if there is information on the Crop/Pest Stage at Appl sections, or if it is referenced in an assessment column with data. + A warning displays when deleting a crop/pest that is in use. + A validation warning occurs when a crop/pest is defined but not in use. - Changed so validation (log errors) is performed automatically when the Trial Status is changed. - Simplified messaging that is shown when inserting/deleting applications that will affect application codes entered on the Treatments editor. - Fixed so Part Rated C/P field (on SE Definitions) is not editable when locked by an SE. - Fixed issue that an application code was not always deleted from the Treatments editor after deleting it from the Application tab. - Fixed issue that shortcut buttons above add-column repeating sections were sometimes not positioned correctly after scrolling. - Fixed an error 65 that could occur when moving to a grid after making edits when an Audit Trail is active. - For non-GEP trials in France, ARM will not copy GEP Number or link to the Site Description. ARM will not attach the GEP Certificate pdf. Window > Assessment Data -------------------- - Added new dialog for previewing and zooming assessment images. - Fixed 'out of memory' error when viewing images on the Assessment Data editor. Window > Settings -------------------- - Changed so a trial can be signed regardless of Trial Status. Previously only trials marked as 'Final' could be signed. - Changed so trial changes are logged with the Audit Trail after signing a trial marked as 'Final' or later. The Audit Trial prompts for a reason for each change to the trial. + The Audit Trial is now included on the Signature report page when applicable. - Fixed the issue that multifactor level descriptions were not saved for levels larger than 9. - Fixed so value/unit pairs of fields do not become disabled on the Site Description View Options tab. Window > Study Rules -------------------- - Added the ability to require a trial signature at a particular trial status. + ARM prompts for the signature when trial status is set/changed (if passes validation) Window > Audit Trail -------------------- - Changed so editing Trial Status does not require entering Audit Trail reason for change. - Changed so editing a field that is used for an automatically-calculated field does not result in Audit Trail prompts for every linked field. Linked fields will all be logged with the same reason. ***************************************************************** Version 2022.0 March 6, 2022 Changes ***************************************************************** File > Print Reports -------------------- - Fixed so Print Reports dialog is not sized too large for the screen, when using multiple monitors with different resolutions. - Fixed an error when loading a report set that contained Protocol or Trial Treatments report. - Fixed issue that selecting the Cancel button on Repeated Measures data column matching did not cancel the report process. File > Print Reports > Protocol/Site Description report -------------------- - Fixed so grid columns are printed wide enough for blank fields when 'Print Blanks' option is selected. File > Print Reports > AOV Means Table report -------------------- - Changed so Replicate F-tests are not reported for columns that have spatial analysis applied. File > Print Reports > FAOV Table report -------------------- - Fixed an issue where 'Level Description' was printed as the heading when the option to print Level Descriptions was not selected. Edit > Subsamples -------------------- - Fixed so Subsample editor dialog is sized to fit the subsample grid. Edit > Delete -------------------- - Fixed error 91 that occurred when deleting replicates that contained assessment data if the Treatment editor had not yet been initialized in the current ARM session. Tools > Build Headers -------------------- - Changed so Crop/Pest Type and Code are filled when inserting an SE from file on the Site Description - SE Definitions tab. - Fixed so Crop BBCH Scale field on Assessment Data editor is not always blank after performing Build Headers. Tools > Merge -------------------- - Fixed so the Protocol GUID field is never merged because it is specific to each protocol. This resolves errors with "duplicate Project GUID" when merging with an unsaved, new protocol. - Fixed so "invalid date" confirmation message does not appear when merging from .prt0 files. - Fixed error 62 that occurred when merging in a trial saved with ARM version 2021.7. Window > Validation Lists -------------------- - Changed so personal lists are now called Favorites. + The list now displays on a tab in the validation list window to make it easier to access. + Master List is now just "display all". + Added shortcut buttons to add and delete items from the list. - Fixed error 5 when filtering validation list column by "%". - Fixed so can type a character while holding the Shift key in the validation list filter textbox. Window > Site Description -------------------- - Fixed so multiple SEs can be selected at once from the SE Name list on the SE Definitions section. - Fixed so double-clicking the border of a Site Description grid heading will auto-size the column to fit entries. - Changed so ARM will search for SE files in the study data path and the attachments path, in addition to the study definition path. - Fixed so Application Amount units 'L/m3' and 'mL/L' can only be used with rate units that are per volume. - Fixed so user-hidden rich text fields are not read-only after being made visible. Window > Assessment Data -------------------- - Added support for Area Under Curve (AUC) and Standardized Area Under Curve (SAUC) transformations. - Improved the expanded assessment image dialog: + Image size is adjusted when adjusting the window size. + Window size is adjusted when zooming in/out on the image. + Window size and position is preserved when clicking between other plots/treatments. - Changed so calculated columns will automatically be recalculated when a linked Site Description value is modified (such as Crop % Standard Moisture). - Fixed so header columns displayed on the following dialogs are sized to fit all fields: + SE Preview panel + Repeated Measures column selection dialog + AUDPC column selection dialog - Fixed an error that caused the Column Diagnostics panel to not display when the significance/alpha level was not 0.05. - Fixed so SE Preview displays properly when the SE list is automatically shown. - Fixed error 9 that occurred when an SE was inserted from file while on the Assessment Data editor. - Fixed so multiple SEs are inserted correctly if at least 1 of the inserted SEs is from a file instead of the master list. Window > Settings -------------------- - Added the Level Description to the Design tab for multi-factor studies. This is also available on the Trial Map dialog. Graph -------------------- - Fixed an issue where Error Bars for Standard Deviation and Standard Error were not displaying on ST graphs. ***************************************************************** Version 2021.7 December 12, 2021 Changes ***************************************************************** File > New Protocol -------------------- - Changed so Limit Validation List study rule is no longer automatically added to new protocols. Previously this occurred when there was a Field License Bundle linked to the current license. File > Open Study -------------------- - Added Spanish translation for the Study List filter form. - Changed to remove the file path from the message warning about attachments that cannot be found. File > Create Trial -------------------- - Fixed an error that occurred after making changes to Factor Level Descriptions. File > Print Reports -------------------- - Added option to print Level Descriptions instead of treatment fields to print, for the following reports: + Trial Treatments + Factorial AOV Table - For multi-factor designs, treatment lines are hidden when they only contain Factor ID and Level No. information for the following reports: + Trial Treatments (and Protocol) + Spray/Seeding Plan (and Protocol) + Tour Report Tools > Multiply out treatments -------------------- - Added option to convert protocol factor levels to the full "multiplied out" treatment list before creating a trial. Window -------------------- - Fixed so the 'Delete Study Rule' right-click menu item is enabled in a protocol. Window > Site Description -------------------- - Changed to only attach the PDF file when a GEP Accreditation Link is listed. Previously, the link is the user's Profile would be attached regardless. Window > Assessment Data -------------------- - Fixed an issue in Column Diagnostics where test results for Levene's was reported in diagnostic plots when Bartlett's was the selected homogeneity of variance test. - Fixed incorrect calculation for SE 'Y124_C2' that caused calculated values to be 10x smaller than they should be. Window > Trial Map -------------------- - Added Reset button to Level Description tab to clear and build descriptions by selecting fields from the treatment list. Window > Settings -------------------- - Added support for Completely Random Design with factorial arrangement of treatments (Factorial CRD). + Design previously called just "Factorial" renamed to "Factorial RCB" to clarify the difference. ***************************************************************** Version 2021.6 September 12, 2021 Changes ***************************************************************** File > Export Study -------------------- - Added option to export Assessment Column information for Raw Data Label export. Graph > Graph Options -------------------- - Fixed so the legend for x-axis labels is updated with changes to font options. Tools > Connect EDC > Mirus -------------------- - Fixed so an error message is shown during Pull from Mirus if the chosen CSV file is not recognized. Tools > Review Protocol Entries -------------------- - Added new Review Protocol Entries tool to review information that was entered in the protocol and not changed by the trialist. Tools > Validate Trial -------------------- - Changed so study rules that are based on a Trial Status are not enforced if a non-GEP/GLP trial is canceled. Study Rules with a condition of "Always" or "Canceled" will still be enforced when trial is canceled. Window > Site Description -------------------- - Changed so 'Interval to Previous Application' is calculated in minutes when the interval is less than 1 hour. - Added support for product calculations based on Tree/Crop Row Volume (TRV). Window > Settings -------------------- - Changed so calculated Mix Size is automatically converted to mL if it is less than 0.01 L. Graph > Graph Options -------------------- - Fixed so legend font is updated with changes to Font options. ***************************************************************** Version 2021.5 September 12, 2021 Changes ***************************************************************** File > Open Study from List -------------------- - Fixed the issue that the Previous Filter dialog displays off the screen. File > Print Reports -------------------- - Fixed so the footer is always printed on the Protocol Treatments report. Previously did not when 'Multi-Factor View' report option was set to Both and the current protocol was not a multi-factor protocol. Window > Validation Lists -------------------- - Fixed so Pest Type validation list does not display as completely blank. Window > Site Description -------------------- - Fixed so the correct cell is selected when clicking in a Site Description grid for the first time. Window > Assessment Data -------------------- - Added support for pasting a new randomization to overwrite the entire randomization (including plot numbers). This is only activated by pasting a column heading of "PLOT_NoMatching". Window > Settings -------------------- - Fixed an error 9 when clicking OK for a Split plot design when a block size was defined. ***************************************************************** Version 2021.2(1) October 4, 2021 Changes ***************************************************************** Graph -------------------- - Fixed an error when reselecting data for a Box-Whisker graph and multiple columns are selected. - Fixed the issue that decimals were dropped from ST graphs when the decimal separator was not a period. ***************************************************************** Version 2021.2 September 12, 2021 Changes ***************************************************************** File > Export > Raw Data Labels -------------------- - Added the following to the Plot label format: + Plot Width + Plot Length File > Print Reports -------------------- - Improved spacing to reduce unnecessary space on the following reports: + Protocol/Site Description reports + Summary reports - Added Page Footer options page to the Global Report Options. - Fixed so blank rows do not appear in the assessment header section of summary reports. - Updated Spray/Seeding Plan to convert liquid product amounts to weight when 'Weigh liquid formulations' option is on, even if no formulation concentration is specified. - Fixed an error where the Data Collection report did not print when running as a batch. File > Print Excel Report Link Workbook -------------------- - Added sections to Report Link workbook: + Crop Stage at Application (Sheet4) + Pest Stage at Application (Sheet5) - Fixed so Contact fields are exported properly to the Report Link workbook. Tools > Import Weather Data -------------------- - Fixed so irrigation information can be imported from a custom weather connection. Window -------------------- - The prompt for data entry fields is now colored when required or recommended so it is easier to identify. - Fixed an error 75 that sometimes occurred when opening or closing multiple ARM windows. - Fixed error 5 that occurred when showing the Study Rules editor as a split window during ARM startup. Window > Site Description -------------------- - Fixed so values are immediately visible after selecting an entry from a multi-field validation list in a grid. - Fixed a delay that could occur when entering the first date in a trial. Window > Assessment Data -------------------- - Fixed an error where column references in user transformations could become incorrect if the Edit > Undo command was used to undo an Insert Column action. - Changed to calculate the 'Interval to Prev. Appl' even if only the Start Time or only the Stop Time is entered for an application. - Changed so entries in Rating Unit are not forced to upper case. - Fixed an error in Show AR Graphs on Column Diagnostics when 'Include Spatial Models' is selected. Window > Settings -------------------- - Added an option to add signatures to a trial. + Create and save a signature on the Help > Profile dialog. + Signatures are saved as an image embedded in the trial. + The signatures can be included as a separate page on a report using the Global Page Footer report options. - Updated Layout tab so options are easier to understand. Window > Study Rules -------------------- - Added a new rule "Sign" to require a trial to be signed before it passes validation. Signatures are added on the Settings > General tab. Graph -------------------- - Fixed so outliers display correctly when data points are also drawn on the graph. Help > Profile -------------------- - Added a Profile dialog to save settings for the ARM licensee. Currently includes the following sections for various aspects of ARM usage: + License + Maintenance + Signature + Certificates + Training ST > Window > Treatments -------------------- - Fixed so Fields to Match are colored darker to visually identify them. ***************************************************************** Version 2021.1(2) June 15, 2021 Changes ***************************************************************** Window > Site Description -------------------- - Fixed an issue where Site Description entries were sometimes lost when switching editors while on a tab that contains a rich text field. - Added 'Format Language..." to the right-click menu in rich text fields to allow editing the keyboard language associated with the entered text. - Fixed so read-only rich text fields are not editable. ***************************************************************** Version 2021.1 May 30, 2021 Changes ***************************************************************** File > Open > Study from List -------------------- - Added support to cut, copy, and paste in the Filter fields on the study list. - Fixed so filter is saved for the current ARM session after opening a study from the list. - Fixed so buttons at bottom of Study List are not missing under some combinations of Windows display options. - Fixed an error where dates would be rounded to the next day if the time is nearly midnight. File > Print Reports -------------------- - Fixed so selecting duplicate Treatment fields to print does not result in an error. File > Print Reports > Spray/Seeding Plan -------------------- - Fixed so Mix Size is not hidden when calculating by area for CFU or entity rate units. - Fixed so Mix Size is forced to print if some, but not all, treatment lines were adjusted for LWA or Canopy Height. - Fixed so Mix Size is not listed per LWA in the table heading when the product amount was actually calculated using Canopy Height. File > Print Reports > General Summary reports -------------------- - Fixed the issue where descriptive statistics did not line up correctly when mean comparison test was set to 'none'. - Fixed so multi-field assessment header rows loaded from the same validation list do not display validation comment "decodes" when the value is not in the list. Tools > Build Headers/Tasks -------------------- - Changed the prompting to build headers and tasks so it is easier to understand. Tools > Transform -------------------- - Fixed so ARM does not hang after entering an invalid User Formula involving subtraction. Tools > Merge -------------------- - Added options to Replace the following components, instead of adding to the current study: + Treatments + Crop/Pest Description + Randomization - Fixed so Crop and Pest IDs in merged assessment columns are updated properly. Tools > Validate Study -------------------- - Updated so a second dialog stating "the study is valid" does not appear. Window -------------------- - Enhanced so controls can now have special background coloring for a limited time, to draw attention to new or updated features. Controls can be colored for a certain number of days, until a particular date, or a certain number of times visible to the user. - Enhanced so fields with limited items in the validation list on the Site Description and Assessment editor display a drop-down list instead of the validation list dialog. Window > Treatments -------------------- - Fixed so Ingredients editor is refreshed after adding a new treatment with ingredients to the validation list. Window > Site/Protocol Description -------------------- - Fixed so GPS fields can have the same number of decimals for negative and positive values. - Fixed so Windows keyboard language does not change when placing cursor in a rich text field. - Fixed an error when viewing Protocol Description after Application Plan is displayed for printing Spray/Seeding Plan. - Fixed error 91 that could occur when clicking a Site Description tab on the Navigation Bar. Window > Assessment Data Editor -------------------- - Assessment images can now be removed when the image file cannot be found. Previously the Remove button would be disabled in this situation. - Fixed so the Column Diagnostics "Graph Layout" option is honored for columns with Action Code 'AR'. - Removed Rating Limits section of ARM Action Codes list. Data limits should now be applied with Rating Unit Min/Max fields instead. Window > Schedule Tasks -------------------- - Fixed the issue that tasks sent to Outlook would not continue to sync with ARM. Window > Calendar -------------------- - Fixed an error viewing tasks on Master Calendar when the Tutorial study list is turned on. Graph -------------------- - Fixed an issue where the "display data" points were drawn incorrectly when the Y axis was less than 10. ST > Tools > Begin Summary -------------------- - Fixed an error that could occur when multiple graphs are included in the report. ***************************************************************** Version 2021.0 February 14, 2021 Changes ***************************************************************** File > Print Reports -------------------- - Fixed so Print Reports dialog is not sized too large for the screen, when using multiple monitors with different resolutions. - Fixed an error 5 that could occur rarely when loading a report set. File > Print Reports > General Summary -------------------- - Added option to apply automatic transformations to plot means for columns where subsamples are present. Previously the individual subsamples were always transformed and then summarized. File > Print Reports > AOV Means Table -------------------- - Added option to specify how to calculate normality tests on the report. Set to 'Residuals' to match the analysis on the Column Diagnostics panel. - Added option to include arithmetic mean as a Mean Description on the AOV report. Also added an option to toggle the primary mean used in the analysis. - Added option to include Diagnostic Graphs from Column Properties analysis for all columns in the report. - Moved Descriptive Statistics options group to its own section/tab. Edit > Subsamples -------------------- - Added new Edit Subsamples wizard to replace Add/Delete Subsamples commands. Also automatically updates the 'maximum subsamples' property of the trial when appropriate. Edit > Delete -------------------- - Changed so ARM warns if assessment data will be deleted when deleting replicates, treatments, or treatment lines. Tools > Convert Yield -------------------- - Enhanced to increase the precision of the calculated conversion factor used in Convert Yield. This only affects newly calculated Yield columns, not historical trial files. Tools > Connect Electronic Data Collector -------------------- - Fixed error 'Plot 0 was not found' that occurred when pulling from an Excel Rating Shell that contained both 'Plot Data' and 'Subsample Data'. Tools > Import Weather Data -------------------- - Changed so the column delimiter and decimal symbol of the CSV weather data file can be specified in the custom weather import options. Tools > Options > Toolbar -------------------- - Changed so there is only 1 toolbar for sorting. Clicking the button displays sub-options for Ascending or Descending, and Assessment/Harvest sort orders (for assessment data). Tools > Validate Study -------------------- - Fixed so study validation dialogs can be closed with the Enter key. Window > Treatments -------------------- - Fixed so converted treatment rates have correct decimal precision after changing treatment units between US and Metric settings. Window > Site Description -------------------- - Added shortcut button to Contact repeating sections to hide all fields for a particular contact. - Changed so shortcut buttons display for all contacts on the Contacts tab. Window > Trial Map -------------------- - Fixed so ARM does not prompt to save Trial Map color changes when no changes were made by the user. Window > Assessment Data -------------------- - Added shortcut buttons on the plot description for Trial Map, Sort by Assessment Order and Sort by Harvest Order. - Fixed so an SE is loaded correctly while a column filter is active. Window > Study Rules -------------------- - Changed to allow read-only fields to be hidden by Study Rules. Graph -------------------- - Fixed so option to display AOV mean letters on top of graph is enabled. - Fixed so fonts for data labels are updated when changing font sizes. - Fixed an issue where the Left and Right titles did not display as horizontal. - Fixed so the 'Number of Decimals' assessment header field is used to format the Display Data values. - Fixed so graph legend does not always wrap at 25 characters. This makes the legend size more fluid for longer legend text. - Fixed an error where non-consecutive treatment numbers did not display correctly when x-axis labels are in a legend. - Fixed so treatment label text is rotated if too long to fit horizontally. - Fixed so error bar width adjusts to match the 2D bar spacing. - Fixed an error when displaying AOV letters above X-axis and the AOV letters are blank. ST > Tools > Options -------------------- - Added option "Include non-analyzable columns" to control whether trial assessment columns considered non-analyzable should be included in the Criteria. This includes columns where the ARM Action Codes field contains one of the following: N, NM, THT, TTHT, TSO, TTAB, TTABR, TUPOC, TUPOCR, REL, RELR, RELS, RA, RA2, or ITAB. ***************************************************************** Version 2020.5(2) November 30, 2020 Changes ***************************************************************** File > Import -------------------- - Fixed so date columns are not blank on Cloud Import dialog when Windows date separator is a period. Tools > Connect Electronic Data Collector -------------------- - Fixed so assessment columns can be clicked on during Push to Excel Rating Shell. Graph -------------------- - Fixed error displaying the 2D bar graphs when the Windows Decimal Symbol is a comma. - Fixed the unhandled exception when pasting text into graph options Label or Legend grid. - Fixed an error that occurs when loading a Graph file with option to graph by columns. ***************************************************************** Version 2020.5 November 23, 2020 Changes ***************************************************************** File > Open > Study from List -------------------- - Fixed so Date/Time fields are sorted correctly in the Study List. Previously was only sorted by date, and not by time too. - Fixed so the 'Filter For...' right-click command for a Date field displays the date filter dialog. File > Close -------------------- - Fixed so ARM does not prompt to save changes when no changes were made to a study. File > Export > Send to Cloud -------------------- - Changed so study is fully validated before sending to Cloud. Tools > Connect Electronic Data Collector -------------------- - Changed so data collection connections are accessed through a new EDC wizard. This includes Mirus and Excel Rating Shell commands. Tools > Import Weather Data -------------------- - Renamed 'Iteris' weather connection to 'DTN LLC'. Note there is no change in functionality. Tools > Validate Trial -------------------- - Fixed so messages for 'Initiation Date' uses the actual field name from the current study definitions. Previously referred to 'Establish Date' instead. Utilities > Rebuild Study List -------------------- - Fixed so information from the last Assessment Data column in a study is exported to the Study List. - Fixed so Check for Updates is not run automatically when rebuilding the Study List. Utilities > Migrate Studies and Settings -------------------- - Optimized migration package creation. Study list database files do not need to be included in the package (as are rebuilt upon loading the package anyway). Window -------------------- - Added formatting rules to all decimal fields to prevent inappropriate values. - Changed so Min/Max fields are validated so Min cannot be larger than Max. - Changed so Average fields are validated to ensure they are between specified Min and Max. Window > Treatments -------------------- - Enhanced to display a lock icon on row or column headings when the value is locked by a study rule to prevent edits. The icon is gold when the entire line or column is locked. The icon is grey when just the current field is locked. Window > Site Description -------------------- - Enhanced to allow selecting multiple SEs from the SE Name list to add to SE Definitions tab. Hold the Ctrl button while clicking on multiple items in the list. - Fixed issue that text from RTF fields sometimes could not be copied. - Fixed so Trial Location GPS map displays when using South African Windows region settings. - Fixed issue that the textbox was sometimes positioned incorrectly on add-row Site Description grids. Window > Assessment Data -------------------- 11694- Enhanced to allow importing multiple SEs from the SE Name list at one time. Hold the Ctrl button while clicking on multiple items in the list. Window > Calendar -------------------- - Fixed an error 13 that could occur when loading the Master Calendar. Window > Settings -------------------- - Added option to load GEP and GLP study rule sets from the GLP/GEP tab of Settings. This option also displays on the New Protocol dialog when GLP or GEP is turned on. - Changed so number formatting rules are enforced for the following Settings fields: + Plot Width + Plot Length + Alley width between blocks + Alley width between plots + Mix Size + Mix Overage + Application Amount Window > Study Rules -------------------- - Added new rules to lock the following Settings options to prevent edits: + Treatment Units + Study Design + Number of Replicates + Non-Randomized Replicate + Treatment Adjacency - Changed so rules that hide fields are now visible on the Study Rules editor. Previously the rule would be hidden on the editor in addition to the field being hidden. - Changed so fields locked by study rules display as disabled. This affects fields on the Treatments and Site Description editors. - Changed so 'Rating Timing' cannot be used in combination with the 'Consistent entries across Rating Timing' assessment study rule. Graph -------------------- - Updated graph control to use new graphing utility behind-the-scenes. Toolbar -------------------- - Added 'Connect EDC' button to launch Connect Electronic Data Collector wizard. This replaces buttons for Mirus and Excel Rating Shell connections. - Removed EDE Push/Pull buttons, because EDE is no longer an accepted way to export/share trial information. ***************************************************************** Version 2020.4 Changes ***************************************************************** File > Open Study from List -------------------- - Changed to update the study list after exporting to cloud, to display the correct exported status. File > Close -------------------- - Fixed so ARM does not prompt to save unsaved changes when closing a protocol in which the user is not allowed to view any of the rows in the Trial Location table. File > Import Study -------------------- - Changed to remember the last-used filter in the current ARM session for all DB and Cloud import dialogs. Tools > Build Headers -------------------- - Changed so Build Headers functionality is allowed in a trial. Window > Treatments -------------------- - Added error message when IU, CFU, or EN rate units are used with an incompatible formulation concentration, which prevents product amounts from being calculated. Graph > Weather Data -------------------- - Fixed refresh issues that occurred when a completely blank field was selected to be graphed. ST > Begin Summary -------------------- - Fixed so files with paths containing Unicode or accented characters can be selected and summarized. ***************************************************************** Version 2020.3 October 30, 2020 Changes ***************************************************************** File > Print Reports -------------------- - Enhanced 'Clip scrolling fields' option to allow adjusting the number of characters an assessment column is clipped to on reports. This option is found on the Global Report Options. 11735- Fixed error 5 that could occur when printing Protocol Description report to Word. Window > Protocol Description -------------------- - Fixed so 'Total Trials' field is automatically updated after deleting a row from the Trial Location table. Window > Site Description -------------------- - Fixed so fields in the Other Contacts table can be hidden by Study Rules. - Fixed so field IDs for study rules linked to Contacts fields are updated when opening a study saved with an ARM version older than 2020.2. - Fixed so page size and margin does not change in rich text field after pasting a table from Excel. ***************************************************************** Version 2020.2 September 11, 2020 Changes ***************************************************************** File > Open -------------------- - Fixed so entry of "N" is not lost from checkbox fields when opening a study in a newer version of the study definition. - Fixed error 6 when opening a study if a user-saved default entry contains a comma. File > Open > Study from List -------------------- - Added Active Filter (x/y) text to the top title bar of the study list when there is a filter applied. - Changed to support adding ARM filenames that contain Unicode characters to the Study List. - Fixed so duplicate rows do not exist in the Study List after performing a rebuild that includes ede/edp files. - Fixed issue where 3 separate dialogs displayed when an error occurred while adding a study to the Study List. File > Import Study > Cloud -------------------- - Fixed error 52 when Cancel was selected when prompted for download location. File > Export Study -------------------- - Fixed so ARM does not automatically open an SE file after performing 'Export SE...' from the right-click menu. - Fixed so ARM shows the Windows 'Open with' dialog when there is no default Windows application associated with a non-ARM file being opened. - Changed so exported SE files are not saved in the study definition language subfolder by default. - Changed so Assessment Data GPS coordinates are exported to EDE and ATD with a maximum of 7 decimal places. File > Print Reports -------------------- - Added a warning when a protocol report is selected for a trial, or a trial report is selected for a protocol. File > Print Reports > Product Amount Totals report -------------------- - Added option Group products by to specify a field to use to group product totals, when printing this report for a batch of studies. - Added option Additional Site Description fields to specify 2 additional header or site description fields to display on the report. - Changed so this report does not move from its position in the Report Set. Previously for a single-study report set, the Product Amount Totals report always printed as the last component of the report. Edit > Insert SE from File -------------------- - Fixed so adding an SE to an existing assessment column does not force the SE to be added as a new column when the ARM Action Code contains an automatic transformation code (AA, AS, AL). Tools > Build Tasks -------------------- - Fixed so selecting No on Tasks already exist prompt still updates existing tasks, instead of doing nothing. Tools > Options -------------------- - Added option Save Method to control whether ARM preserves file metadata when saving. The non-standard method may lead to corrupted files when saving to a cloud drive. Tools > Validate Entry -------------------- - Added the ability to filter by blank entries in a validation list. - Fixed issue where a validation list could not be filtered by one than one field. Window > Treatments -------------------- - Changed so Rate is automatically recalculated when manually changing Other Rate. - Changed so rate conversions occur even when a valid mix size is not specified. This affects rates with /seed, /plant, /unit, and /item. This also affects rates with per-weight denominators, such as g/kg and OZ/LB). Window > Site Description -------------------- - Added Export option to Trial Location GPS dialog to export GPS map to Bing Maps, Google Earth, or Google Maps. - Fixed so grids are automatically refreshed to show newly inserted columns or rows. - Fixed so Hide Empty Fields view only hides a repeating field if it is blank in all repeating sections. Window > Trial Map -------------------- - Fixed an issue selecting plots to move after inserting a row/column for a multi-factor trial. Window > Assessment Data -------------------- - Fixed invalid longitude message when entering a longitude larger than 90 or less than -90 on the Properties panel. - Fixed issue where an infinite loop that could occur if trying to change editors after entering an invalid GPS coordinate on the Properties panel. - Fixed so the data grid does not become misaligned when Assessment columns are resized and 'No' is selected to resize all. Window > Assessment Data > Assessment Images -------------------- - Changed so multiple assessment images can be removed at once by selecting a block of assessment cells. - Changed so dialog to rename assessment images does not display when opening a trial. - Changed so trial is automatically saved when renaming assessment images. - Changed so Rename Assessment Images dialog displays the date of the current Assessment Column in the image filename preview. - Fixed so assessment images linked to the last column have the column ID in the filename when the Column ID naming option is turned on. Window > Attachments -------------------- - Changed so the Attachment editor automatically previews image files. Window > Study Rules -------------------- - Added new rule to require that GPS coordinates are reviewed and confirmed with the Trial Location GPS dialog. - Added new rule to require that study rules are reviewed and accepted upon opening the trial. Help > Request ARM Support -------------------- - Fixed an issue where email connection message displayed behind ARM and so gave the appearance that ARM was not responding. ***************************************************************** Version 2020.1 May 22, 2020 Changes ***************************************************************** File > Open > Study from List -------------------- - Changed so 'temporary system directory' message displays only when a study is opened from a Windows temporary directory or the Windows Downloads directory. - Changed study list to an SQLite database instead of Access. This resolves a variety of support issues that can arise with that format. - Changed so studies open as read-only if saved in a folder named 'ReviewOnly'. - Fixed an error 5 that could occur when opening ARM which referred to 'SplitterDistance'. - Changed field name 'Last Version Exported' to 'Exported'. File > Export Study -------------------- - Changed to display the list of study rules included when exporting assessment column(s) to an SE. - Changed so more assessment header row fields are visible by default when exporting an SE. - Fixed an error exporting Date/Time fields to database when Windows region settings were not English. - Fixed so Boom Flow Rate is included in EDE exports. File > Import Study -------------------- - Changed so studies imported from cloud are immediately exported to the study list. File > Print Reports -------------------- - Fixed so multiple blank Excel workbooks are not opened when printing the Product Amount Totals report to Excel. This occurred when multiple studies were included and the option 'If Batch: Each study in separate file' option was on. - Fixed so all plot numbers are printed on Spray/Seeding Plan when treatments are grouped by factor and the trial has non-standard plot numbering. Tools > Import Weather Data -------------------- - Fixed so columns are not skipped if headings contain extra spaces in the CSV import file. Tools > Options -------------------- - Changed so display font size can be set to 16 or larger. - Fixed so ARM editors and dialogs are refreshed after changing ARM font size. - Changed so the following use the font size defined in Display options: + ARM menus + Study Rules editor + Application Plan and Trial Location GPS dialogs + Validation List dialogs Window -------------------- - Changed master database to an SQLite database instead of Access. This resolves a variety of support issues that can arise with that format. Window > Treatments -------------------- - Added new Treatment Type SBSTR = Substrate: surface or material (such as type of potting soil). - Added new Treatment Type CHKT = Check as Treated. These treatments will be affected by required/recommend treatment field rules (whereas CHK treatments are not). - Fixed so treatment fields linked to applications are refreshed after inserting/deleting applications. - Fixed so ARM refreshes Treatments from the product list when some of the treatments are missing the treatment type. Window > Protocol/Site Description -------------------- - Added 'Copy Application Column' button to copy information from one application to another. - Added a Delete button to grid repeating sections, and for repeating sections with collapsible panels. - Removed confirmation dialog when deleting repeating sections that contain data. The Edit > Undo function can be used in case of accidental deleting. - Changed so numeric fields linked to Settings are modified directly in the Site Description. Previously the Settings dialog displayed to edit the value. - Changed to automatically advance to the next field after selecting a date from the calendar tool in a date field. - Fixed so GPS coordinates display on Trial Location GPS map when the Windows region settings define a comma as the decimal separator. - Fixed so the correct repeating section rows are deleted when multiple rows are chosen while the Study Rules editor is open as a split window. - Fixed so the correct trial is created from the Trial Location table when selecting the Create Trial toolbar button while on the Protocol Description editor. - Fixed so copied Weather table rows with blank Precipitation or Irrigation fields do not fill with a 0 instead of a blank when pasted. - Changed so invalid Latitude and Longitude values are not allowed. Values must be between -90 and 90 for Latitude, and between -180 and 180 for Longitude. - Optimized inserting and deleting repeating sections to improve performance. - Optimized grid controls to improve display performance. - Fixed an error 91 that could occur when displaying all fields. - Fixed so grid fields are sized properly after editing a field. Window > Assessment Data -------------------- - Fixed so the width of inserted data columns are correct, so the header and data grids do not become misaligned. - Optimized situations where ARM checks whether there is assessment data in a trial with multiple subsamples. Window > Study Rules -------------------- - Added new rule to require/recommend to fill in a Treatment field. Conditions include 'Always' and trial statuses. - Fixed so rules that hide treatment fields are enforced when loaded from a rule set. - Changed so rules added by a user from a different company can be edited by the protocol owner. Other users from the protocol owner's company can also edit these rules. - Fixed so rule owners that no longer have ARM are still recognized, so users in the same company are given appropriate permissions. - Removed rule 'Create GUID' from list of available rules. This is unnecessary because every trial now automatically is assigned a GUID. - Changed to automatically open or close the rules editor when Tools > Options > Editor > 'Display Study Rules as Split Window' option is changed. Graph > New -------------------- - Fixed so Box-Whisker graph does not include damaged values when 'Box percentiles based on' is set to 'subsample values'. ST > Window -------------------- - Fixed so Exclude option on filter dropdowns correctly excludes all items selected from the list. - Fixed so 'SE Group No' is not automatically filled when inserting a new assessment criteria column. ST > Begin Summary -------------------- - Changed so non-analyzable data columns are included in the summary when the mean comparison test option is set to None. This includes columns with ARM Action Codes that contain NM, TTAB, TUPOC, THT, REL, RA, and ITAB. ***************************************************************** Version 2020.0(2) April 15, 2020 Changes ***************************************************************** Window > Protocol/Site Description -------------------- - Fixed so seed treatment minimum mix volume is not 1000x smaller than expected when the Slurry Rate unit is L/tonne. - Changed so Trial Location GPS button is not hidden when not connected to the internet. Window > Assessment Data -------------------- - Fixed error when scrolling to the right in Windows 8 that could cause ARM to close. ***************************************************************** Version 2020.0 February 12, 2020 Changes ***************************************************************** Log in -------------------- - Fixed so ARM does not crash when logging in. This occurred after installing January 2020 Microsoft Office updates. File > Import Study > EDE -------------------- - Fixed so treatment rates beginning with '0.00' are not cleared when importing FieldPro (*.EAF) file. File > Print Reports -------------------- - Fixed an error on FAOV Table report where means are reported in the wrong order when there is an entire replicate of data missing. - Fixed so SE Definitions > Crop Code is not printed multiple times on the Site Description report. Edit > Paste -------------------- - Fixed so pasted decimal values are automatically formatted for the destination field. Edit > Insert > SE from file -------------------- - Fixed so codes that follow a formula with a column reference are included in the ARM Action Codes field when inserting an SE. Tools > Validate Study -------------------- - Fixed error 'Invalid Select Expression' that could occur when validating a study. Graph -------------------- - Fixed so graph does not shrink in height when graph title is wider than the graph dialog. Graph > Weather Graph -------------------- - Added Weather Graph tool to visualize daily weather stored in a trial. + Create up to 4 graphs at one time. + Plot up to 3 weather fields on each graph. Plot on left and right Y-axis for mixed units. + Select a custom date range to plot, using the interactive slider on Graph 1. + Summarize plotted data within chosen date range (Min, Max, Average). Window -------------------- - Fixed to standardize all components to use the font defined in ARM display options: + Navigation Bar + Assessment Data grid boxes + Study List Window > Treatments -------------------- - Fixed so textbox is aligned properly on the Ingredients grid. - Fixed so grid rows are sized properly when zooming in and out on TDCx. Window > Site Description -------------------- - Changed so GPS values are always negative if W or S GPS directions are specified. - Fixed error 'Invalid Latitude' when opening Trial Location GPS dialog if PC is in a region that uses comma as decimal separator. - Fixed so decimal values can be exported to ATD with increased precision to support 7 decimal places for GPS values. - Fixed so 'Interval to Prev. Appl' unit field is not filled when there is no interval to calculate. - Fixed so grid rows are sized properly when zooming in and out on TDCx. Window > Assessment Data -------------------- - Fixed so borders are not missing when fields are required or recommended by study rules. - Changed so Crop Stage Scale defaults to the scale specified on the Crop Description tab of Site Description. Window > Assessment Data > Column Diagnostics Panel -------------------- - Added support for spatial models to the Column Diagnostics panel. + New ARM Action Codes to apply a spatial model to an individual data column. There are 3 trend and 4 nearest neighbor models available, previously found only through the Spatial AOV report. + Diagnose and select a spatial model with new statistics on the Column Diagnostics panel: model and residual degrees of freedom, AIC, BIC, Moran's I, and Tukey's 1 DF. + Two new diagnostics plots investigate spatial patterns a heat map of the residuals and a spatial bi-plot. - Added support for selecting the number of diagnostic plots per page, to improve its readability. - Fixed so that a period displays in Recommendations for missing data. - Added new ARM Action Codes 'ART' and 'KW' to force non-parametric rank analysis to Aligned-Rank or Kruskal-Wallis (respectively), even if a different method is preferred. Window > Trial Map -------------------- - Fixed so Orientation arrow points to North. Previously the arrow pointed at the actual degrees entered in the trial orientation field. Window > Study Rules -------------------- - Fixed so Editor value is not lost for 'Strict SE Selection' rule. Window > Settings -------------------- - Fixed so ARM prompts to re-randomize the current trial when changing from a non-augmented design to an augmented design. Help > Rollback to Previous ARM Version -------------------- - Fixed so Rollback to Previous Version feature is no longer disabled. ST > Window > Assessment Data -------------------- - Updated which fields are automatically set to 'match and separate' (@) by default. ***************************************************************** Version 2019.8 October 29, 2019 Changes ***************************************************************** File - Open - Study from List -------------------- - Added 'Last Version Exported' field to show whether the latest version of a study was exported to cloud or database. File - Print Reports -------------------- - Changed AOV Means Table report to support non-parametric statistics. A column with AR action code will have an appropriate rank test performed and an LSD mean comparison test run on the ranks. - Added 'Multi-factor View' option to Factorial AOV Table report. This controls whether factors and levels are printed as they were in the original protocol or how they are in the trial. - Fixed so the correct Appl Amount and Mix Size are printed in the Spray/Seeding Plan heading when the first treatment in the table was an untreated check. Tools - Refresh Editor from List -------------------- - Fixed so prompt to replace a decimal value does not display when the value is not actually different. Tools - Validate Entry -------------------- - Changed so Crop/Pest Scientific Name and Common Name fields are correctly labeled in the validation list. Window - Site Description -------------------- - Added Trial Location GPS dialog to verify where entered trial GPS coordinates are located on a map. + Added warning if selected Time Zone does not match Time Zone calculated by ARM. Window - Trial Map -------------------- - Fixed an error where duplicate plots numbers could occur when renumbering plots, for Standard by Rep and Range by Row numbering when not all plots in a replicate were in the same row/range. Window - Assessment Data -------------------- - Added Column Diagnostics panel to review data and prepare for analysis. + ARM now recommends actions for optimal analysis based on residuals and the distribution of data. + View diagnostic plots on the raw data, residuals, or transformed residuals. - Added new ARM Action Code 'AR' to perform non-parametric rank analysis. When running a summary report, a column with AR action code will have an appropriate rank test performed and an LSD mean comparison test run on the ranks. - Fixed so entry fields automatically filled by ARM cannot be filled by copy and pasting from another column. - Fixed so non-analyzable text from Excel can be pasted in an assessment column that has ARM Action Code 'NT'. - Fixed error 9 when pasting an entire data column to another column that contains multiple subsamples and is sorted by treatment number. - Improved the default column sizing. ARM was ignoring hidden-by-default fields when determining default column width. Window - Schedule Tasks -------------------- - Fixed so Outlook settings are not disabled when Outlook is installed. Window - Settings -------------------- - Changed so Time Zone and Orientation (Angle y-axis to North) are automatically filled from entered Trial Location GPS coordinates. ST - Build Treatments -------------------- - Fixed so that ranges are matched correctly for treatment application codes when building treatments in ST. ***************************************************************** Version 2019.7 October 11, 2019 Changes ***************************************************************** File - Open Study -------------------- - Fixed an error that caused ARM to freeze when opening a file that was saved with incorrect text formatting. ***************************************************************** Version 2019.6 October 17, 2019 Changes ***************************************************************** File - Import Study - EDE -------------------- - Fixed so focus is not get lost to EDE data conversion import dialog. Tools - Validate Entry -------------------- - Changed so numbers smaller than 0.0001 are not automatically formatted to scientific notation in validation lists. ***************************************************************** Version 2019.5 September 30, 2019 Changes ***************************************************************** File - Save Study -------------------- - Changed so ARM overwrites data in an existing file instead of deleting the old file and then saving a new file. This fixes an issue where metadata saved in SharePoint was lost when resaving existing ARM files. File - Print Reports -------------------- - Fixed issue that 'Report Too Wide' dialog displayed multiple times after 'Apply All' was selected. Tools - Transform -------------------- - Fixed so function @TrtCostAC() calculates treatment cost per acre and @TrtCostHA() per hectare. Previously both functions were calculating treatment cost per plot. Tools - Validate Entry -------------------- - Fixed error 9 when scrolling down by dragging the scrollbar in a validation list. Window - Treatments -------------------- - Changed so treatment rate conversion can be performed when Application Amount, Mix Size, and Plot Size are all zero. - Changed so Application Amount Unit is not required for seed treatment product calculations. - Added warning message when pasting scientific notation values from Excel to a text field. - Changed so "entity per unit" rate units include formulation concentration in product amount calculations: + Spore/Seed + M-Spore/Seed + MIU/Seed + M-CFU/Seed + CFU/Seed - Fixed so a field that is part of a multi-field personal list and also defines its own validation list does not allow invalid entries to pass validation. Window - Site Description -------------------- - Fixed so Mix Size calculator layout is correct after toggling the Application Amount unit from a seed treatment unit to an area based unit while the 'User-defined mix size' option is checked. Window - Assessment Data -------------------- - Fixed so columns are not skipped when pasting data from Excel that contained a single header entry above each column of data. ***************************************************************** Version 2019.4 August 5, 2019 Changes ***************************************************************** File - Open Study -------------------- - Changed to automatically show fields that are hidden from view but contain information when opening a study the first time. This removes the "Hidden Study Editor Fields Containing Information" prompt. File - Export Study - EDE -------------------- - Fixed so treatment means are exported to EDE for non-analyzable columns. File - Export - SE file -------------------- - Fixed so all assessment editor study rules are saved to SEs. Previously some rules could be skipped if they did not apply to the first data column. File - Print Reports -------------------- - Added new custom report 'Trial Fact Sheet' to be used as a synopsis for trial tours. - Added 'Apply All' button to Report Too Wide dialog to apply changes to all pages in a report. Previously the dialog would appear for every page in the report so the changes would have to be applied one-by-one. - Fixed the Tour Report so plot numbers are always listed under the correct replicate number. - Fixed so the treatment mean displays on summary reports even when the first replicate of the calculated data is marked as damaged. This only affects non-analyzable calculations, like @TTAB where the value is the same for all replicates. - Fixed so strikethrough font style is not added to reports containing assessment column headers. This was caused by special characters saved within the SE Description field. - Fixed error 91 when printing the Spray/Seeding Plan grouped by factor in the Dow AgroSciences study definition. - Fixed an error 75 that could occur when opening the Print Reports dialog. File - Print Reports - Site Description report -------------------- - Removed option 'Print display only protocol instruction fields'. These fields are now always printed by default. - Fixed so the prompt to select Site Description sections to include is always sized tall enough to show all sections, without a scrollbar. File - Print Reports - Study Rule report -------------------- - Changed so columns are split onto multiple pages when all columns cannot fit on a single page. - Changed so column headings repeat on each page when all study rules do not fix on a single page. Tools - Merge -------------------- - Fixed an error that caused extra repeating sections to be added during a merge. Tools - Data Collector - Push/Pull Excel Rating Shell -------------------- - Added SE Name field to the Excel Rating Shell. Also added Application fields that have been added to ARM recently. Tools - Import Weather Data -------------------- - Added right-click menu to Weather Import Settings to support insert/delete rows and cut/copy/paste commands. - Added Save button to Weather Import dialog to save changes to custom weather connection. Tools - Options - Display -------------------- - Added option to change the background color of required and recommended fields. - Changed so 'Font Color' option for 'Required fields' screen element is only applied to fields that are always required in the study definition. Previously conditionally-required field pairs (like Rate+Unit) were also colored by this option. - Fixed so 'Color bands' color does not overwrite text color of required fields on the Treatments editor. Window -------------------- - Changed so the Batch Import dialog can be resized. Window Treatments -------------------- - Changed so Ingredients grid now supports more than 9 ingredients. Window - Site Description -------------------- - Added option 'Auto-hide Quick View toolbar' to the Site Description view options. - Changed to display the validation list or combobox choices when opening the Settings dialog from a Site Description field linked to Settings. Window - Trial Map -------------------- - Changed to display an arrow indicating trial orientation from North. This arrow only displays if an Orientation value is entered in General Settings. Window - Assessment Data -------------------- - Changed so when pasting data from Excel, column labels in the copied block are pasted to the Description assessment header by default. Previously these labels would be pasted into the Pest Name field. - Changed so when pasting data from Excel, column numbers (e.g. 1, 2, 3) are not pasted into assessment headers. - Improved auto-sizing of columns when opening ARM for the first time after new header fields were added. - Improved auto-sizing of columns when double-clicking column heading border. - Fixed an error 9 that could occur when modifying the Rating Date field. Window - Assessment Data - SE files -------------------- - Fixed so all assessment editor study rules are added correctly when loading an SE. Previously when multiple required rules were applied to a field in the SE, only one of the rules would be added. - Fixed so when prompted to insert SE and 'Cancel' is selected, the SE does not continue to insert from validation list. Window - Study Rules -------------------- - Added new Assessment Data rule 'Consistent entries across Rating Timing'. This ensures that values entered in the chosen field auto-fill and remain consistent across the same Rating Timing. - Added new rule 'Value greater than 0'. This ensures that the value in a number field is greater than zero. Can be used with fields automatically filled from Settings, to ensure the value is updated at the appropriate time. - Changed 'Always' condition to 'With Application Date' for Site Description rules linked to applications. This way, a trial will not fail validation if the selected field is blank but the application date is also blank. ***************************************************************** Version 2019.3(2) May 21, 2019 Changes ***************************************************************** File - Print Reports -------------------- - Fixed error 91 when printing the label "Brief Harvest Bag, bar code Trial,Trt,Plot". ***************************************************************** Version 2019.3 May 10, 2019 Changes ***************************************************************** File - Create Trial -------------------- - Do not prompt for study rules when creating a trial if there are study rules files attached to the protocol that cannot be found. File - Export Study -------------------- - Added Raw Data Labels output option to export data label information to a .csv file. This can be used to create custom labels in a word processor by using Mail Merge. - Fixed so 'Data Entry Date' field is not exported to (or imported from) SE files. - Removed prompt to confirm today's date when exporting a study to EDE. File - Print Reports -------------------- - Added Raw Data Labels report to export data label information to a .csv file. This can be used to create custom labels in a word processor by using Mail Merge. - Fixed error 5 that could occur when the report option file was corrupted. File - Print Reports - Spray/Seeding Plan -------------------- - Added option to print product amount and unit in separate columns. - Fixed so overage amount displayed on table heading is calculated as the percent of minimum mix instead of percent of total mix, when Site Description Mix Overage unit is '%'. This only affected the display value, not any mix size calculations. - Fixed to not automatically sort by application code when the Spray Volume/Mix Size are blank in some applications but filled in others, and the Spray Volume/Mix Size in Settings matches the application columns in which it is filled. - Fixed so 'Selected Application' checkboxes appear in the correct order on the Application Plan dialog. File - Print Reports - General Summary -------------------- - Fixed so the chosen 'homogeneity of variance test' option (Levene's or Bartlett's) is used for verifying assumptions of AOV to determine if data correction techniques should be applied. File - Print Excel Report Link Workbook -------------------- - Fixed so docx and xlsx files can be selected with the classic GDM file-open dialog. - Changed so Browse button honors the "Use explorer-style open and save dialogs" option when selecting a workbook file. Tools - Data Collector - Pull from Excel Rating Shell -------------------- - Fixed 'Plot 0 was not found' error when pulling from an Excel Rating Shell multiple times in a single ARM session. Tools - Import Weather Data -------------------- - Create a custom connection to import weather data from .csv file containing daily or hourly weather information. Tools - Options -------------------- - Optimized to improve load time of Site Description View tab of Options. Window -------------------- - Improved appearance of toolbar button icons. - Changed so value+unit and code+description fields display as 1 checkbox in the 'Hidden Fields' list on the Properties panel. - Changed so focus is set to a field made visible using the 'Hidden Fields' list on the Properties panel. Window - Treatments -------------------- - Fixed error 'Unable to find validation list ' when opening a G-Seed7 study with a non-default Crop entered in the study header. ARM now automatically creates the required Entry Name validation list. Window - Site Description -------------------- - Added 'Quick View' toolbar to the Crop Description to automatically filter visible fields by task. Options include Variety, Treatment, Planting, Transplant, and Harvest views. - Changed to prompt for Crop Stage Scale to use when Crop Stage Majority, Minimum, or Maximum validation list is displayed without a defined stage scale. - Changed so all user-hidden fields are completely removed from view, instead of just greyed out. This behavior is controlled by new option Tools - Options - Editor - Completely hide user-hidden fields. - Changed so Test Facility is now connected to a blank validation list. Previously was connected to an outdated master list that is unrealistic to maintain. - Fixed so Stage Scale entry on Crop Description tab is used as the default for Stage Scale Used entry on Crop Stage at Appl tab, for all applications. - Fixed so Mix Size calculator is opened using seed treatment settings when a seed treatment spray volume unit is specified in the Application Equipment - Spray Volume field. Window - Assessment Data -------------------- - Fixed so the chosen 'homogeneity of variance test' option (Levene's or Bartlett's) is used for verifying assumptions of AOV to determine if data correction techniques should be applied. - Fixed so all columns of a multi-column SE remain after Tools - Build Headers is selected and 'No' is chosen when prompted to delete existing columns. Previously only the first column of the SE would be left after this action. - Fixed error 9 when pasting assessment data from Excel and there are more columns in the copied block than there are available columns in ARM. - Fixed so default column widths are wide enough to show all data header fields. Previously header rows with multiple fields may not display correctly. - Changed so focus remains on visible columns when showing a hidden field on the Assessment Data editor. Window - Settings -------------------- - Fixed so a zero can be entered for the Orientation option on the General tab, which is equivalent to 360 degrees. Graph -------------------- - Fixed an issue that ARM could crash when resizing a graph to a very small height. ST - Tools - Merge from ARM Study -------------------- - Fixed so criteria is not closed after merging from an ARM trial while in ST. ***************************************************************** Version 2019.2 February 27, 2019 Changes ***************************************************************** File Print Reports -------------------- - Fixed so all products from a treatment containing component lines are added to the Product Amount Totals table when printing the Spray/Seeding Plan report with the study grouped by a specified factor. Tools Merge -------------------- - Fixed field matching during merge so entries are not skipped when merging older studies. - Fixed so repeating sections that have default entries defined do not causes blank records to appear after performing merge. Tools Transform -------------------- - Fixed so the SAUDPC transformation displays a missing value for plots that have a missing value in the original data. Window Properties Panel -------------------- - Changed so the 'Hidden Fields' list does not scroll back to the top of the list after making a field visible. Window Site Description SE Definitions tab -------------------- - Changed so the Rating Timing field is no longer required on the SE Definitions tab. - Changed so inserting an SE from file on the SE Definitions tab imports the SE column that matches the SE filename. If no column in the SE file matches the SE filename, column 1 is imported by default. - Changed so manual entries are only copied to all assessment columns of a multi-column SE during Build Headers if 'Consistent entries across SE Name' study rule is present. - Fixed so 'ARM Action Code' on the SE Definitions tab is not automatically copied to all assessment columns of a multi-column SE during Build Headers. Window Assessment Data -------------------- - Changed so assessment data linked to plot or treatment information from Excel can be pasted into an ARM assessment data column that has data headers but no assessment data. - Fixed an error 13 when pasting values formatted as percentages from Excel. - Fixed an error 9 when inserting SE from file on the Assessment Data editor. Window Study Rules -------------------- - Changed the default permissions for new study rules to 'Everyone in my company'. Previously it was 'All protocol owners'. ***************************************************************** Version 2019.1 February 1, 2019 Changes ***************************************************************** File - Close Study -------------------- - Fixed so the correct fields are listed for inserting/deleting repeating section on the Saved Changes dialog. File - Import Study -------------------- - Added support for importing PIAF 5.9 EDE files. File - Send To -------------------- - Fixed an error where ARM crashed when trying to generate an email in Outlook. This may have been caused by a Windows update and did not occur on all systems. File - Print Reports -------------------- - Fixed so bulleted lists in rich text fields print correctly to Word/RTF when the option to print borders is on. File - Print Reports - Summary Report -------------------- - Fixed so 'NM' Action Code correctly reports treatment means when data from replicate 1 is missing. Edit - Undo -------------------- - Fixed so Undo is not incorrectly disabled when changing between Site Description repeating sections. Edit - User List -------------------- - Changed so User List is available for Technician licenses. Tools - Transform -------------------- - Fixed so AUDPC calculates even if Pest Code, Rating Unit, or Rating Type are blank. - Fixed so missing values are not converted to 0 during transformation recalculations when the option 'Limit calculated values to positive' is checked. Tools - Merge -------------------- - Fixed so extra blank applications are not added during a merge. This was triggered by Minimum Mix/Treatment fields. - Optimized performance of merge when Site Description editor is visible. Tools - Import Weather Data -------------------- - Added support for filling new field 'Moisture 6 Hours after Appl' when importing application weather from Iteris ClearAg. - Fixed an issue where weather import was very slow in trials containing many study rules. Tools - Validate Entry -------------------- - Fixed so validation list dialog does not display too high off the top of a secondary monitor. Tools - Validate Study -------------------- - Fixed to not enforce Required Header field study rules when in a protocol. - Fixed so calculated mix size validation warnings are shown each time the trial is validated. - Changed so validation message about a blank completion date in a completed trial is easier to understand. Utilities - Rebuild Study List -------------------- - Optimized study list rebuild to improve performance and reduce the size of the database file. ARM now performs a 'Compact and Repair' on the Access database file. Window - Header -------------------- - Added 'Trial Origin' field to identify whether the trial is performed in-house, contracted, or by a public institution. (This field was also added to the Trial Location table in the protocol Trial Establishment Guidelines.) Window - Site Description -------------------- - Added new SE Definitions tab to plan and define standard evaluations (SEs) and tasks to use in the study. Use Tools - 'Build Header, Tasks' to create the SEs and tasks defined on this tab. - Added new fields to track trial status and progress throughout the season. These fields are read-only and filled automatically by ARM. + Added 'ARM Trial Created On' to General Trial tab. + Added 'Entry Date' to Crop tab. + Added 'Entry Date' to Pest tab. + Added 'Appl. Entry Date' to Application tab. - Changed so Site Description headings are bold and left justified. - Fixed so pressing the spacebar toggles values in a checkbox field instead of automatically displaying the validation list. - Changed so Mix Size Calculator loads default Spray Volume and Mix Size values from treatments linked to that application. Previously only Settings values were used as the defaults. - Fixed so Mix Size Calculator information is still updated even when a minimum mix cannot be calculated. Previously none of the information on the calculator would update when choosing a mix size or application volume from which a minimum mix cannot be calculated. - Fixed error 91 when Ctrl+S is pressed while the cursor is in a long text field. Window - Assessment Data -------------------- - Added 'Data Entry Date' assessment header field for the date the first data value was assessed. This field is read-only and filled automatically by ARM. - Fixed an error 9 when clicking into Plot Description cells. - Fixed an error 9 when copying subsample data while columns are filtered or sorted. - Changed so 'Number of Subsamples' field is automatically filled with '1' in a calculated column when both the source column and calculated column contain 'SUMSUB' ARM Action Code. Window - Trial Map -------------------- - Fixed so Trial Map is drawn correctly when randomization is loaded from a randomization file (*.rnd) that was saved with 'Block Size' and/or 'Blocks as Columns' options that differ from the current trial. Window - Settings -------------------- - Added new application volume 'Acre foot'. Example: 10 acre foot = a 2-acre pond with a 5-foot average depth. - Fixed so Time Zone validation list does not open up formatted for Standard Evaluation files. - Fixed so closing the Previous Filters list does not also close the validation list it was opened from. Window - Study Rules -------------------- - Changed so mandatory rules are always loaded when creating a new protocol by renaming an existing protocol. Help - Deactivate this ARM -------------------- - Changed to prompt to build a migration package during deactivation process. ARM now also prompts to load a migration package on a new computer before displaying ARM options. Help - Request ARM Support (or Request Customization) -------------------- - Fixed an error where ARM crashed when trying to generate an email in Outlook. This may have been caused by a Windows update and did not occur on all systems. ***************************************************************** Version 2018.5 November 13, 2018 Changes ***************************************************************** File Open Study -------------------- - Fixed so Sponsor Name is exported to the Study List. - Changed so ARM searches for attached view files when they are not found at the saved path. - Fixed so an error reading corrupted view files does not prevent a study from opening. File Save Study -------------------- - Fixed so 'Last Saved By' study attribute is updated when saving a protocol. File Create Trial -------------------- - The Treatment Description on the Trial Map is now automatically filled with values from Treatment Name, Rate, and Rate Unit when creating a new trial. File Export Study -------------------- - Fixed so when creating a new SE, are prompted to include study rules only if rules exist in the study. File Import Study -------------------- - Fixed so mix size units are standardized after EDE and ATD import. Now changes "liters", "gallons", and "grams" to "L", "GAL", and "g" respectively so are consistent across languages. File Print Reports -------------------- - Fixed so the wait cursor always refreshes when the print reports process is cancelled. - Fixed so 'List ingredients for pre-mixes' option remains selected when Treatment Type is missing for one or more treatments. - Fixed so 'Fields to Print' options for the Spatial AOV Means Table report display correctly. File Print Reports Spray/Seeding Plan -------------------- - Changed so Mix Size and Spray Volume are automatically hidden from table header only when no mix size is used for the table. Previously if Mix Size defined in Settings was 0 then the values were always hidden, even when a different Mix Size from Treatments or Site Description was used. File Print Reports Repeated Measures -------------------- - Added Repeated Measures summary report to analyze repeated assessments across time. + Define data column matches for repeated measures during the reporting process. + Apply a correction to the AOV analysis to adjust for correlated errors. + Include a correlations table on the report, listing all possible correlations between columns on the report. + Include a Treatment x Time graph on the report, plotting treatment means over time to visualize treatment interaction across time. File Print Excel Report Link Workbook -------------------- - Fixed so dialog instructing to break links does not always display when the Word report contains hyperlinks, table of contents, or page numbers. - Changed so 'Browse' button on Report Link Options dialog displays both *.docx and *.doc files. Tools Transform -------------------- - Enhanced AUDPC column matching dialog when creating an AUDPC transformation: + allow selecting multiple values for match fields, + lists the columns currently matched, which can be edited manually as well, + and view only selected/matched columns on the assessment data editor (or view all columns). - Changed so if a source data column excludes a replicate (using the ERx ARM Action Code), then transformations referencing that column also exclude that replicate in its calculations. Tools Merge -------------------- - Enhanced how study rules are handled during a merge: + Added an option to specify whether rules should be merged, available when the owner of the current study is from the same company as the owner of the study to merge. + ARM prompts for study to merge before prompting for sections to merge. + ARM now only merges study rules for fields in protocol/site description sections that are selected to merge. Tools Import Weather Data -------------------- - Added 'Trial location time zone' option to the Weather Import dialog. This links with the option added to the General tab of Settings. - Fixed so warning messages display when attempting single trial weather data import without required information, such as missing application time. Previously these only displayed briefly during the import process. Tools Validate Entry -------------------- - Fixed error 5 when displaying validation list with a pre-defined default filter. Tools Validate Study -------------------- - Changed so validation messages from study rules include the rule number in the message. Utilities Rebuild Study List -------------------- - Changed so view files attached to studies are no longer read during study list rebuild. Window -------------------- - Changed to automatically display the validation list for fields with an exclusive list (ie selection must be made from the list). Window Header -------------------- - Changed so when Trial Year is more than 2 years in the future, the validation message is a warning instead of an error. Window Treatments -------------------- - Fixed so rate conversions involving LWA units can be calculated without an entered Leaf Wall Area. Window Site Description -------------------- - Changed so read-only Protocol Comments fields in a trial now support rich-text formatting. Previously the fields were copied to the trial as plain text, which removes any text formatting. - Changed option text from 'Buffer between blocks/plots' to 'Alley width between blocks/plots'. - Changed so the Trial Status is automatically updated to 'S' (setup) during trial creation, and 'E' (established) when a date is first entered in the trial. - Changed the Application Plan dialog to auto-fill Mix Size, Mix Overage, or Spray Volume fields with default entries from Settings when selecting a blank field. - Changed so selecting an empty Mix Overage field auto-fills the overage value from Settings by default. - Fixed so repeating section panels are resized properly after displaying hidden fields. - Changed so a value of -1 is treated as 'blank' in Site Description number fields for SE fields that are required when trial status is 'Final'. - Fixed so required fields are colored appropriately when on the same table row as other required fields. Window Assessment Data -------------------- - Added new Assessment Rating Unit 'HUEANG' to specify data limits between 0-359.99. This hue angle data relates to the color angle of observed images of plots often taken with drones. - Added an option to include Column ID in assessment image file name when attaching plot pictures. - Changed so Pin button on Properties panel is larger, making it easier to click on especially on TDC tablets. - Fixed so ARM Action Codes 'EC' and 'EST' can be used along with other action codes in the same assessment column. - Fixed so ARM Action Codes 'N' and 'NM' cannot be used together since they have conflicting actions. - Fixed so Column Properties panel is automatically refreshed when first opened. Previously this did not occur when using Tablet Data Collector. Window Study Rules -------------------- - Added 'Assessment Values' study rule to enforce a particular data range for an assessment data column. Validation fails when an assessment value in that column falls outside the specified range. This can be useful for a calculated column to ensure that calculated values are valid after entering data. - Added 'Review' study rule to create review groups defining who is allowed to mark the study as reviewed. - Changed so original study rule set name displays on the editor heading when a rule is selected. - Add 'Strict SE Selection' study rule to prevent inserting an SE (Standard Evaluation) from file. Instead, use the SE Definitions tab to define and document SEs used in the study. - Fixed so rules added using the right-click menu fill in the default Permissions, the same as adding rules through the study rules editor. Previous right-click menu would always use 'All protocol owners'. - Fixed an error 9 that occurred when viewing the study rules editor in a new G-Gen7 protocol. - Fixed so protocol description fields with the 'Lock field to prevent edits' study rule are not treated as required fields that fail validation. Window Settings -------------------- - Added new General option 'Reviewed Trial' to indicate when a trial has been reviewed and by whom. - Added 'Trial location time zone' option to the General tab of Settings. This links to the option added to the Weather Import dialog. - Added new Mix Overage Unit 'L' (liters). - Changed Layout option text from 'Buffer between blocks/plots' to 'Alley width between blocks/plots'. - Changed so Calculated Mix Size is blank when using Application Volume units that are not area-based (mL/L, mL/item, L/100 row-m, or L/m3). Previously the mix size would display as 0. Tablet GPS -------------------- - Changed so Record GPS dialog displays current GPS coordinates, accuracy, and altitude as position changes. Licensing -------------------- - Fixed so number of available activations and deactivations display correctly. Previously both were reported as '0' during initial activation and on Help About ARM. ST - Tools - Begin Summary -------------------- - Fixed an error in Levene's test for individual trials when a trial has multiple treatments combined in ST equivalent treatments. ST - Window - [Editor] - Scan for Criteria -------------------- - Fixed so Possible Criteria are sorted correctly for date and interval fields. ***************************************************************** Version 2018.3 May 25, 2018 Changes ***************************************************************** File - Import Study -------------------- - Fixed to remove prompting for the save name of every protocol during a batch import. - Fixed so Database Import button is visible on Toolbar options even if there are no databases installed that support exporting. - Fixed so ARM does not freeze when importing an EDE that has assessment data transformations that require untreated treatments, but untreated treatments setting is blank. File - Print Reports -------------------- - Fixed so Print to Excel and Print to Word buttons are not disabled when Excel and Word are installed. - Fixed so RTF text does not print with black highlighting when printing to Word. File - Print Reports - Spray/Seeding Plan -------------------- - Changed so calculated minimum mix size is included in the table header when possible. - Fixed so diluent amount is calculated from the levels in the grouped factor only, when the report is grouped by factor in a multifactor study. - Changed to hide 'Adjust mix size and product amounts for Treated Canopy Height...' as this option is now always on by default. - Fixed so reporting process is not cancelled when the Application Plan dialog cannot be displayed. Edit - Paste -------------------- - Optimized pasting of assessment subsamples when copying from one ARM session to another. Tools - Merge -------------------- - Changed so blank treatments are automatically removed when performing a merge with another study. - Changed so Trial Status field is never merged from another study. Tools - Data Collector - Push Trial to Excel Rating Shell -------------------- - Fixed error 1004 when specified rating shell directory does not exist. Tools - Validate Study -------------------- - Fixed so Assessment Crop Stage and Pest Stage header fields are re-validated after Stage Scale is changed. Tools - Import Weather Data -------------------- - Added a progress bar to display the status while weather data is imported. - Fixed so 0 is not saved for precipitation amount when adjusted precipitation data is not available from Iteris ClearAg. Tools - Options - Assessment Data View Options -------------------- - Changed to allow matching multiple items for the Match column filter. - Changed so the sort order that was last used is automatically restored when opening a study. Window - Site Description -------------------- - Fixed so repeating sections are correctly inserted before the cursor in non-grid sections containing one section. - Fixed so ARM does not load a previous tab before loading the current tab when loading the Site Description editor. - Fixed so ARM prevents RTF fields from exceeding the size limit in the current study definition. - Fixed error 6 when printing reports, validating, and EDE export/import when Site Description contained more than 32,767 fields. Window - Assessment Data -------------------- - Changed to automatically fill the Crop/Pest Number fields when turning on the Limit Validation List study rule to restrict crop and pest codes to Site Description entries. - Changed so yield formulas that use standardized crop moisture link to the Crop '% Standardized Moisture' Site Description field. Window - Trial Map -------------------- - Fixed so 'Begin At' plot numbering layout option does not require trial map to be re-randomized. - Fixed so ARM prompts to re-randomize trial map when changing layout options in a Split-Plot or Strip-Block trial while on trial map. - Fixed so block size layout changes are not applied if 'No' is selected when asked whether trial map should be re-randomized. Window - Settings - Design -------------------- - Fixed so when the protocol design is changed to a multi-factor design, new treatments are correctly added to the under the "Start of Factor" lines on the Treatments editor. Window - Settings - Application -------------------- - Changed the Mix Size Units as follows: + Standardized units to remain constant for all languages. + Units are now selected from a Master validation list. + Units are chosen from the same list available on the Treatments and Site Description editors. - Added new Mix Size Units to specify quantity of soil or media to treat: + FT3 - cubic feet of mix + YD3 - cubic yards of mix + m3 - cubic meters of mix - Changed to hide 'Adjust mix size and product amounts for Treated Canopy Height...' as this option is now always on by default. ***************************************************************** Version 2018.2 February 6, 2018 Changes ***************************************************************** File - Open - Trial -------------------- - Fixed error 6 when opening a trial that had a large number of repeating sections defined. File - Print Reports - Spray/Seeding Plan -------------------- - Fixed so diluent is calculated correctly when a single treatment contains multiple products. Tools - Options - General tab -------------------- - Fixed so 'Longest Language' is not included in the program language list. Tools - Import Weather Data -------------------- - Fixed so decimal separator is not lost when importing weather data from Iteris and Windows decimal separator is a comma and thousands separator is a period. - Fixed error 400 during weather import from Iteris when Weather table contained blank rows. - Fixed so time zone is correctly determined for application weather import when GPS coordinates use W or S direction. Window - Treatments -------------------- - Fixed rate and product calculation errors when using mL/Item application volume unit. Window - Site Description -------------------- 10312- Fixed display issue when adding repeating sections to single-row nested repeating sections in collapsible site description panels. Window - Assessment Data -------------------- - Fixed so ARM Action Code 'SUMSUB' functions correctly after being inserted from an SE. Tablet Data Collector -------------------- - Fixed so collapsible Site Description sections are sized properly when zoomed in. - Fixed so Tools button is drawn properly on GPS Site Description fields when zoomed in. ***************************************************************** Version 2018.1 January 8, 2018 Changes ***************************************************************** File - Open - Study from List -------------------- - Added new fields to the study list: + Soil %OM + Soil pH + Treatment Description + Treatment Identification Code + Number of Treatments + Number of Assessment Columns + Number of Assessment Columns with Data - Changed so Study List displays after canceling New Protocol process, and after canceling database import process. - Fixed so Study List columns are not automatically sized wider than needed. - Fixed an error 13 when applying a date range filter using 'Filter For...' dialog when the ARM date format is 'DD-MM-YY'. File - Create Trial -------------------- - Changed so message that there are no pre-defined randomization files no longer displays when creating a trial. File - Print Reports -------------------- - Logo images now keep their original size ratio when resized. - Changed so large logos are automatically sized down to fit on the page. - Added new plot label: "Trt #, Rep, Col, Row, Plot". - Fixed so all options on report option dialogs are visible on very small screens. - Fixed so 'Level No' field values are printed on multi-factor treatment reports. File - Print Reports - AOV Means Table -------------------- - Updated report options so Spatial Analysis is a separate report called 'AOV - Spatial Report'. This report always uses the 'Least square estimation' analysis method. Tools - Transform -------------------- - Fixed so AUDPC/SAUDPC transformation columns display data as missing if all summarized columns are missing assessment dates. - Changed so a message displays when all columns summarized for an AUDPC/SAUDPC transformation have blank assessment dates. Tools - Import Weather Data -------------------- - Added feature to import weather data from Iteris ClearAg. + Import current weather conditions into an Application with today's date. + Import hourly historical weather and soil data into an Application with a date within the last 2 years. + Import daily historical weather and soil data into the Weather table of the Site Description editor. Tools - Options -------------------- - Removed 'Auto-size protocol description and site description grid columns' option from Site Description View options. This is now always done automatically. - Changed so common ARM options do not change when switching between study definitions. - Fixed so Assessment Data header fields that are hidden by default can be made visible after loading an assessment view file. Window - Application Plan -------------------- - Added option to print treatments that are not linked to an application code. - Clicking the 'Selected Applications' heading now selects/deselects all applications to print. - Changed so all applications are selected by default when the 'Print selected' applications report option is not selected. - Changed so all applications are always selected to print by default when printing Protocol Spray/Seeding Plan report. - Fixed so pressing F5 key displays the help topic for the site description field. - Modified so Properties panel is hidden on the Treatments pane. - Added warning message when a formulated product is not linked to an application code. - Fixed error 91 when printing Spray/Seeding Plan report and none of the selected applications on the dialog exist in the study. - Fixed so validation lists are not shown for auto-display validation list fields when pressing help shortcut keys. Window - Treatments -------------------- - Changed so Mix Size field can open the Mix Size Calculator tool by pressing F9 or dropdown button. Window - Site Description -------------------- - Changed so ARM does not prompt about deleting a repeating section that contains information, when only read-only fields have data. - Fixed so tooltips display for non-grid textbox fields. - Fixed so extra fields are not added after deleting a grid repeating section and selecting Edit - Undo. - Optimized inserting and deleting grid repeating sections. - Optimized using Edit - Cut in a block of selected grid fields. Window - Assessment Data -------------------- - Enhanced to support pasting extended plot description columns (Alt Plot ID, Barcode, and GPS) from Excel or similar spreadsheet program. Columns headings in pasted data must match ARM headings. - Changed so 'Number of Subsamples' data header field defaults to the maximum number of subsamples in the trial when pasting a block of assessment data into a new column. - Changed so assessment data with multiple subsamples copied from an external source is no longer required to be sorted by plot number before being pasted in ARM. - Fixed so selecting Edit - Cut in extended plot description columns does not clear all extended plot description columns. - Optimized the automatic recalculation of calculated assessment columns. - Fixed slow response time when the cursor is in AUDPC column. - Fixed an error 9 when pasting assessment data into a highlighted block of assessment data cells in a trial with more than 1 subsample per plot. - Fixed so the last column of a multi-column SE does not overwrite the first column when selected from a validation list. Window - Trial Map -------------------- - Changed so Split-Plot and Criss-Cross (Strip-Block) trials can be re-randomized if no assessment data is entered. Window - Settings - Design -------------------- - Added 'Spatially balance treatments' option for Randomized Complete Block design. This creates randomizations that are optimized to balance treatment distribution across the trial. Licensing -------------------- - Added support for TDCx (Tablet Data Collector features on choice of Windows hardware). Login -------------------- - Fixed to automatically log in to a new ARM session that was initiated from an existing ARM session when on a terminal server. ***************************************************************** Version 2018.0 October 10, 2017 Changes ***************************************************************** File - Open - Study from List -------------------- - Fixed 'Error selecting from database - No value given for one or more required parameters' when ARM starts after installing an ARM update that updated both the Study List and the Tutorial. - Fixed so pressing F1 on the Study List editor displays the Study List help. - Changed so entire text entry is highlighted when clicking into Site Description textbox or Study List filter textbox, so content can be changed easily. - Fixed so checkbox column does not scroll out of view while on Study List filter control. - Changed so columns are not sized larger than width of the entire Site Description grid when using Auto-Size Grid Columns. - Changed so tooltip displays for current row on filter control grid if text cannot fit on the visible column. File - Open - Field Map -------------------- - Added 'Default trial arrangement' option to the field map properties panel. - Fixed so are not prompted to save changes when clicking on trial map objects. - Improved field coordinate accuracy to prevent loss of precision. - Fixed so Field Map properties are not read-only. - Changed so adjusting the left or top position of the field does not affect how the field is drawn. File - Export -------------------- - Fixed so calculated data columns are always recalculated when exporting an unsaved trial to EDE. File - Import -------------------- - Changed so extended plot information is not imported from database if it is a blank entry. File - Print Reports -------------------- - Changed so the Print Reports dialog is wide enough to show all AOV Means Table report options. - Fixed error 9 when printing Trial Comments to a custom report. - Fixed so text does not print with strikethrough font when printing an 'Other' report that contains validation list comments. - Fixed error 9 when none of the previously-selected treatment fields to print exist in the current customization. File - Print Reports - Site Description -------------------- - Fixed so images always display when printing RTF fields with images close to a page break. - Fixed error 0 when printing Site Description report with hidden RTF fields. - Changed so hidden RTF fields with information print to the Site Description report message log as plain text. File - Print Reports - Spray/Seeding Plan -------------------- - Added option to include diluent quantity for liquid mixes. - Changed so mix overage is included in the table header of the Spray/Seeding Plan report. - Changed so Treated Leaf Wall Area per Plot is included in Spray Plan heading when there is at least one LWA treatment in the table. - Changed so the LWA portion of the mix size is printed as LWA per treatment. Previously it was printed as LWA per hectare. - Changed so entries in application A are used as default for additional applications that are blank when printing Protocol Spray/Seeding Plan report or Protocol Product Amount Totals. - Fixed so Spray Volume always prints when it differs among treatments in a table and the Spray Volumes were specified on the Site Description editor. - Fixed so calculation equations and product amount totals print correctly when printing treatment tables grouped by factor and the option to sort by application code is turned off. - Changed product amount unit format from l to L, ml to mL, and ul to uL. - Changed so Treated Canopy Height column is not added when using Treated Canopy Height rate units because the Mix Size unit shows the canopy height. File - Print Reports - Product Amount Totals -------------------- - Fixed so option to add Settings overage to Mix Size is used when a new Mix Size is automatically calculated for a Spray Volume entered in the Site Description or Treatments. - Fixed so overage is appropriately added to Mix Size when option to add Settings overage to Mix Size is set and Mix Size unit is mL. Previously the mix was made too large causing very large product amounts because the overage was not standardized to liters or gallons before the addition was made. - Fixed so totals include all application codes when option 'List product amount totals - Include all application codes in study' is selected. File - Print Reports - AOV Means Table -------------------- - Added support for Levene's test for homogeneity of variance. + Added 'Homogeneity of variance test' descriptive statistic, which displays on AOV report and column properties panel. Choices include Bartlett's or Levene's test. + Selected Homogeneity of variance test is used for testing assumptions of AOV. - Added support for spatial analysis of data when 'least square estimation' analysis method is selected. + Trend analysis models analyze effects across the whole field. + Nearest Neighbor models analyze effects only in space adjacent to individual plots. + Added Automatic option to select the best-performing model automatically. + Added a separate 'Mean separation test' option used when spatial analysis is performed. Options currently include LSD and Tukey's HSD. + Added 'Spatial AIC' descriptive statistic to compare relative quality of spatial model used for a given column. + Added support for Treatment Type III Sum of Squares for spatial analysis. - Added 'Analyzed as' row when Brief AOV table is printed and a column has been deprecated for analysis. - Fixed so treatment means of 100 are not dropped from analysis when there is missing data and are using adjusted means or Yates missing data estimates. Edit - Undo -------------------- - Changed so 'Last change done by' Site Description field is restored to its original entry when 'Edit - Undo' is selected. - Optimized action to undo the entry of assessment plot description, treatment, or site description information. Tools - Options -------------------- - Added option to General tab to display large numbers on Treatments and Site Description editors in scientific notation. - Added browse button to Toolbar options for selecting default TBD to use for Database Import toolbar button. Tools - Validate Entry -------------------- - Fixed so can search for items in a filtered personal validation list via keystrokes. - Fixed error 13 that occurred when reading a corrupted validation list. Tools - Validate Study -------------------- - Fixed so when validating a study with logged errors, the study does not incorrectly pass validation when Recommended study rules are present. Window - Site Description -------------------- - Added collapsible frames around repeating sections that span multiple rows and are not already in a grid. + When a large number of repeating sections exists on a page, the frames are collapsed by default to prevent redrawing issues. + Added a Copy button to each frame to copy the entire contents of the repeating section. - Added 'Collapse All' and 'Expand All' buttons to the Properties Panel to apply the action to all repeating sections on the current tab. - Changed so Mix Size is entered as total mix for Leaf Wall Area and Canopy Height treatments instead of the mix per 10000 m2 LWA or per 1 meter canopy height. - Fixed error 9 when loading a Site Description grid that contained a long text field. - Fixed error 9 when adding new product to Maintenance Treatment Name list. - Fixed so Maintenance list file 'G-Maint.lst' is found when using Tools - Refresh Editor From List. - Fixed so hidden unique ID fields automatically refresh when entries are manually typed in linked fields. Window -------------------- - Added Application Plan dialog to show all fields necessary for mix size and leaf wall area calculations in one table. + Added option to highlight mix sizes that differ from calculated value (including overage) by more than a defined percentage. + Open the Application Plan from Site Description, Treatments, Settings - Application, or while printing Spray/Seeding Plan report. + Select applications to print using the table heading, when printing Spray/Seeding Plan report. + Added protocol option 'Copy protocol Application Plan information to created trial(s)' to control whether Application Plan entries are copied from the protocol to created trial(s). - Added Mix Size Calculator tool to calculate mix size based on current application settings and desired overage. Mix Size Calculator is opened from Mix Size field on Application Plan, Site Description, or Treatments editor. Window - Assessment Data -------------------- - Added support for Assessment Rating Units 'PROP' and 'RATIO' having a valid range of 0-1. - Fixed so pasted block of assessment header entries is not mistaken for assessment data when block contains header entry of 'PLOT'. - Fixed error 5 that occurred when pressing spacebar in assessment data grid. Window - Study Rules -------------------- - Fixed error 5 when loading Study Rules grid and current license was in the same company as the license that created the Study Rules. Window - Settings -------------------- - Changed so Application option to always adjust product amount when there is a calculated leaf wall area only applies when Spray Volume unit is L/10000 m2 LWA. Graph -------------------- - Fixed so opened graph is sized correctly after previously being closed while maximized. Changed so the size of the dialog is restored to the last used size. - Fixed so dialog does not flicker when navigating through columns. Licensing -------------------- - Changed to allow technician license to create and load migration packages. - Changed to display license expiration messages 2 months prior to expiration. Previously these displayed 3 months prior. - Optimized license activation. ST - Tools - Begin Summary - Graph -------------------- - Fixed so Treatment Box Whisker graphs are drawn correctly when there are equivalent treatments defined that are not at the end of the treatment list and 'Min/max/count/std dev basis' is set to 'Plot' experimental unit means. ***************************************************************** Version 2017.5 June 1, 2017 Changes ***************************************************************** File - Open - Study from List -------------------- 9724- Changed name of panel that identifies filter sections to 'Filter Navigation Bar'. 9595- 'Last Opened' date is now updated when the Windows Region AM/PM symbol is translated for a non-English language. 9595- Fixed error 13 when opening a study if the Windows Region date format used a period as the date separator. 9603- Fixed error 5 when entering the last row of Permissions column and you are not the protocol owner. File - Open - Protocol/Trial -------------------- 9571- Fixed so studies containing a period followed by 3-4 characters and a space in the filename can be opened by double-clicking the file in Windows Explorer. File - Export Study - Database -------------------- 9743- Fixed error 6 when exporting trial with a large number of columns to ATD. File - Print Reports -------------------- 9383- Optimized printing reports with RTF images. Reduced time it takes to preview/print reports with very large RTF images. 9568- Fixed an error 5 when printing a trial map that was too long to fit on a page. File - Print Reports - Labels -------------------- 9740- Added 'Brief Harvest Bag Lg.# (harvest order)' label that excludes treatment names and prints treatment and plot numbers in large, bold print. 9822- Added labels that print separate labels for each treatment line, include product amount, and have large/bold plot numbers: + Container 1/Trt Line, Lg. Plot # + Container 1/Trt Line + Appl, Lg. Plot # File - Print Reports - Spray/Seeding Plan report -------------------- 8985- Changed so Spray/Seeding Plan report uses Spray Volume and Mix Size specified on the Site Description in linked applications by default. Order of priority: Site Description editor, Treatment editor, Settings. 9735- Added an option to always adjust mix size/product amount when there is a calculated Leaf Wall Area. 9735- The defined Mix Size Overage in Settings is now used when a Mix Size is explicitly defined in Treatments or Site Description that matches the calculated mix size. 9794- Changed name of 'Planting' sub-report to 'Seeding' for consistency. 9794- Changed so sub-report name is used on the Page Heading as the report name (e.g. 'Spray Plan'). 8985- Separate equation tables are now printed for each application code when sorting by application. 9735- Changed to automatically calculate different Mix Size for treatment lines where a Spray Volume different from Settings is entered, a Mix Size is not entered, and 'Calculated Mix Size' Setting is selected. 8985- A warning message displays when Spray Volume or Mix Size differs between the Treatments editor and a linked application in the Site Description. 8985- Reduced length of Product Amount Totals footnote by only printing the unit once for Spray Volumes and Mix Sizes that are printed in succession with the same unit. 8873- Fixed so plot numbers are always listed under the correct Rep number. 8985- Product amounts are now totaled correctly when treatments are grouped by factor and application codes are unbalanced between treatments in the factor group. 8985- Fixed so untreated check treatments with a blank Mix Size/Spray Volume do not force Mix Size and Spray Volume columns visible on the Spray/Seeding Plan report. 8985- Fixed so unused mix sizes are not added to the Product Amount Totals footnotes. 9735- Fixed so Spray Volume and Mix Size values printed in treatments table do not print with too many decimal places. File - Print Reports - Print -------------------- 9742- Fixed so PDF report file is only opened once when printing to PDF. 9824- Plots are now sized correctly when print Trial Map with border plots to Excel. Edit - Replace -------------------- 9713- Fixed so using 'Replace All' to find and replace multiple fields on the Treatments editor replaces values in more than one treatment line. Tools - Data Collector - Pull Data From Excel Rating Shell -------------------- 9819- Fixed so trial randomization is changed when pulling from Excel Rating Shell. Previously when cursor was in a read-only field the randomization was not updated. Tools - Options - Treatment View -------------------- 9698- Added option 'Maximum rounding loss for calculated product rates' to specify the maximum acceptable loss of accuracy when rounding automatic product rate calculations. Tools - Validate Entry -------------------- 9801- Changed to support special characters such as ' '. 9807- Optimized so validation list grid does not flicker when scrolling with mouse wheel. Utilities - Migrate Studies and Settings to New Computer -------------------- 9720- Changed to allow creating a migration package on an external drive that Windows has listed as 'local'. Window -------------------- 9804- Fixed errors that occurred when quickly switching between editors. 9729- Fixed so 'Select Data Source' message does not display the first time that text is entered in a field after opening a study. Window - Treatments -------------------- 9813- Fixed so pasted text does not exceed maximum width of treatment fields. Window - Site Description -------------------- 9696- Improved performance of pasting, inserting, and deleting in repeating section grids. This reduces the amount of loading time when performing actions on a large number of repeating sections. 9735- Changed so if cursor is placed in Mix Size field when the 'Calculated Mix Size' option is selected, the Mix Size is automatically calculated from the Spray Volume entered in Site Description. 9798- Changed so 'Last Changed By' field is updated when clearing entries from Treatment editor. 9717- Fixed an error 91 after deleting an application code on Treatments editor and then editing a field on the Site Description. Window - Assessment Data -------------------- 9777- Changed so pressing F9 in a date field on the Assessment Data editor displays the calendar. Window - Calendar -------------------- 9721- Removed the close button from the Properties Panel. Use the Unpin button to hide the panel. Window - Settings -------------------- 9769- Optimized to remove flickering when loading the Application tab. 9769- Optimized to remove flickering when loading the Application tab. 9735- Fixed so a seed treatment mix size cannot be selected without a seed treatment slurry rate. Window - Study Rules -------------------- 9771- Added 'Auto-Size column widths' right-click menu item to the Study Rules table. 9703- Added 'Strict Validation' rule to the right-click menu on Site Description editor. 9771- Changed so when selecting rule items from list, the width of the list is increased so all items can be read. 9782- Display a message if Assessment Image rules cannot be added from a rule set because there are no columns. 9703- Fixed so 'Strict Validation' rules are available on the right-click menu, even when the Study Rules editor is not visible. Graph -------------------- 9381- Fixed so AOV Mean letters are not added to graphs for treatments excluded from the summary. Help - Search for Help On -------------------- 9708- Fixed so selecting Help - Search for Help on - ST opens the ARM ST Help system. Previously nothing would happen when selecting this item. Help - Request Corporate ARM Customization -------------------- 9749- Changed to include the current date and ARM version on customization requests. ***************************************************************** Version 2017.4 March 27, 2017 Changes ***************************************************************** File - Open - Study from List -------------------- - Added 'Equipment Type' Application field to the study list. - Fixed so fields with repeating entries do not show as blank on the 'Current Study' panel. - Changed so fields on 'Current Study' panel that do not have a linked field in the Study List grid are hidden. - Optimized Study List panels to reduce loading time. File - Open - Field Map -------------------- - Auto-size the dialog to fit the current field after changing the field dimensions or after opening a new field. - Changed so display date defaults to the latest date used in the field when opening a Field Map. - Changed so the Study List automatically changes to Tutorial mode if a field is opened from the Tutorial folder. - Changed so Trial Map location/size properties are disabled. These properties should be modified by double clicking on the Trial Map object. - Fixed error 5 that would sometimes occur when opening a field. - Improved accuracy of Trial Map coordinates on Field Map. File - Create Trial -------------------- - Fixed error 9 when Trial IDs are blank in the Trial Location table in Protocol Description. File - Export Study - Database -------------------- - Changed to allow selecting *.ede and *.edp files for database export. File - Import Study -------------------- - Fixed error 5 when importing EDE file containing a report set name that contains a wildcard character. File - Print Reports -------------------- - Fixed so blank lines are compressed out of the report header for hidden by default fields. - Added new label 'Brief Cont.,Material ID,MxSiz, 1/trt line' that prints Trt Name, Form Conc, Material ID, Product Amount, and Mix Size. File - Print Reports - Spray/Seeding Plan report -------------------- - Fixed so mix size displays correctly when treatment has a canopy height rate unit and uses the calculated mix size from settings. File - Print Reports - Summary reports -------------------- - Fixed so column number is not dropped from ARM Action Codes beginning with @ in the Transformation Equations table. - Fixed so assessment columns are grouped correctly when 'Display sort as tabs' and 'Paginate to keep together each sort section' options are set, and assessment columns are excluded with ARM Action Code 'ES'. - Do not add page breaks to each column after an assessment data sort is cleared. File - Print Reports - Print to Word -------------------- - Fixed so Unicode characters printed to Word display correctly in the Site Description report section headings. Edit - Delete - Treatments -------------------- - When deleting treatments in a trial, keep a minimum of 1 treatment. A trial cannot have 0 treatments. Tools - Connect with Mirus -------------------- - Fixed so text entries exported to HarvestMaster Mirus csv file are surrounded by quotes to prevent error when being imported to HarvestMaster Mirus. - Fixed so Mirus csv files exported from ARM have the appropriate number of comma separators. - Replaced Tab character in 'Name' field with a space in the Mirus csv file. Tools - Options - Assessment Data View options -------------------- - Fixed error 91 when saving changes to Assessment Data View options if all Assessment Header fields were hidden. Tools - Validate Entry -------------------- - Fixed so validation lists are not corrupted when opened at the same time in multiple sessions and entries are added to or deleted from the list. - Fixed error 91 when opening a validation list from dialog that prompted for a valid Trial ID. Tools - Validate Study -------------------- - Enhanced messaging for errors involving Completed Date, when the customization uses a different field name than 'Completed Date'. Window -------------------- - Changed so Backspace and Delete keys always deletes the entire entry in fields that only allow selections from the validation list. Window - Site Description -------------------- - Fixed so width of rich text fields does not shrink after inserting an image. - Fixed error 5 when opening a study with a rich text field with a very small page width. - Optimized undo function in rich text fields to prevent error 7 when there is a large amount of text. - Fixed error 91 when right-click in a field after editing it. Window - Assessment Data -------------------- - Optimized Assessment Data editor controls to reduce loading time. - Fixed to allow pasting into multiple columns when the study rule 'Lock field to prevent edits' is present. Previously the warning message about changing the field value would appear an infinite number of times. Window - Trial Map -------------------- - Fixed so 5x5 Lattice Square randomizations are balanced. Window - Calendar -------------------- - Fixed error 13 when modifying tasks on the Master Calendar editor. Window - Settings -------------------- - Fixed so study is not marked as changed when no changes are made on Settings dialog and OK is selected. - Fixed error 5 that occurred after changing number of treatments on Settings - Design tab while the Site Description editor was open in the background. Window - Study Rules -------------------- - Display the number of completed study rules on the Navigation Bar. - Updated 'Invalid Study Rules' warning message to include missing field name. - Added Help button to the Study Rules editor. - Fixed so list of Assessment Data fields is updated when adding or removing the 'Limit validation list' study rule. - Fixed so field names are correct when loading Study Rules that contain field ID codes that have changed. Tablet - Tablet Data Entry mode -------------------- - Added resize button that displays arrow buttons to easily resize the following: + TDC Keypad. + Splitter bar between Assessment Header and Assessment Data. + Assessment Data Properties panel. + Study List panels. - Fixed so when selecting the Properties or Column Properties tabs on TDC, the panels do not continuously alternate between visible and hidden. - Close split windows when entering data entry mode, to maximize screen space. - Fixed minor display issues after exiting Tablet Data Entry mode: + so 'Merge from Study' button is not hidden. + so 'Hidden Fields' frame is not visible when there are no hidden fields. + so Assessment Data Header prompt column is not wider than needed. - Fixed so Assessment Properties panel width is not lost after changing pinned state. ***************************************************************** Version 2017.3 January 1, 2017 Changes ***************************************************************** File - Open - Study From List -------------------- - Added 'Clear Field Map Link' right-click menu item to remove the field map link from a trial, when the corresponding Field Map file no longer exists. File - Open - Field Map -------------------- - Added Trial Legend grid to the Properites Panel. - Enhanced process for removing link between trial and field map, when a trial is removed from a field map. - Fixed so Save button does not prompt to select a field name. Previously this button always performed a 'Save As' instead. File - Print Reports - AOV Means Table Report -------------------- - Enhanced Post-hoc power analysis calculations for Minimum Replications on report. Calculations now use non-central t distributions, and (for Augmented designs) compute power for comparisons between an unreplicated treatment and a replicated control. Window - Settings - Design tab -------------------- - Enhanced Power and Efficiency tool calculations. Calculations now use non-central t distributions, and (for Augmented designs) compute power for comparisons between an unreplicated treatment and a replicated control. ARM Startup -------------------- - Fixed 'Tutorial Installation Error' that sometimes occurred during ARM startup. ST - Tools - Begin Summary -------------------- - When analyzing a series of lattice-designs, analyze the individual trials as RCB. This is to maintain consistency with the combined ST analysis, which is currently an RCB-based analysis. ***************************************************************** Version 2017.2 December 16, 2016 Changes ***************************************************************** File - Open - Field Map -------------------- - Added 'Size to Fit' button to adjust the zoom so the entire field map fits on the screen. - Changed so trials can be added to the Field Map using Study List. - Field Map zoom now allows zooming in and out further. - Changed to allow manually typing a zoom value. File - Print Reports -------------------- - Display multiple image types when selecting report logos when the 'Use explorer-style open and save dialogs' General Option is turned off. - Corrected CV calculation when using Least Squares analysis method. This affected the value displayed for the CV, but does not affect LSD values used for multiple comparisons. - Distributions used to calculate Post-hoc analysis are based on the error DF calculated from the total number of treatments and number of blocks, instead of being calculated on a single pairwise distribution. Tools - Options -------------------- - Fixed so longer translated option text fit on the Assessment Data View Options tab. Window - Treatments -------------------- - Added 'MIXED' formulation concentration unit, for product that cannot be expressed with a single formulation concentration. Window - Site Description -------------------- - Fixed so calculated Site Description fields are re-calculated correctly when pasting multiple rows or columns of data from an external source, such as Excel. - Grid columns are now auto-sized to fit text in repeating section grids after pasting data. - Optimized refreshing of calculated fields to reduce screen flickering. - Fixed so all read-only grid fields display in italics. Window - Assessment Data -------------------- - Allow pasting data into a column that already has some data present. The pasted data must include plot numbers. Previously, a new column would be created with the pasted data. - Added more information to 'Data out of bounds' dialog, to clarify the cause of the issue and what action to take next. - Fixed error 9 when inserting a replicate or treatment in a trial, when the Trial Map movement order is any of the 'within replicates' orders. Window - Trial Map -------------------- - Fixed an error 6 when opening the Quality tab in certain saved augmented CRD trials. Window - Settings -------------------- - Disabled options that are not used when 'Automatic to approximate square replicate' block size option is selected. Options include 'Block Size' Layout Setting and Apply button on Trial Map Quality tab. - Distributions used to calculate Power and Efficiency table on Design tab are based on the error DF calculated from the total number of treatments and number of blocks, instead of being calculated on a single pairwise distribution. Window - Study Rules -------------------- - Added 'Lock Trial Name' pre-defined study rule, so the study name is set to the Trial ID and cannot be modified when saving the study. Tablet - Tablet Data Entry mode -------------------- - Windows keyboard is now automatically displayed when in the 'Current selection' data entry option. ARM Startup -------------------- - When 'Check for Updates' is launched during ARM startup, close the current ARM session, and use the entered login information instead of prompting to log in. ***************************************************************** Version 2017.1 December 11, 2016 Changes ***************************************************************** File - Open - Study From List -------------------- - Fixed error 5 when deleting multiple studies at one time. File - Print Reports -------------------- - Corrected Grand Mean calculation when missing data is present and using Least Squares analysis method. This affected the value displayed for the Grand Mean and Post-hoc Power Analysis descriptive statistics, but does not affect reported CV or LSD values used for multiple comparisons. - Fixed so an error 6 does not occur during AOV analysis for certain assessment columns in Lattice-design studies. Window -------------------- - Fixed error 91 when saving changes to fields in Site Description or Header editor. ***************************************************************** Version 2017.0 November 1, 2016 Changes ***************************************************************** File - New Protocol -------------------- - Changed default study version to ARM 2015+ (.prt0/.dat0). File - New Field Map -------------------- - Added 'Default trial arrangement' option to define whether to arrange trials vertically (stacked) or horizontally (side-by-side). - Fixed error 9 reading an ARM 9 or older field map. File - Open - Study From List -------------------- - Fixed so the current study is added to Study List after changing file version during a Save As. File - Open - Field Map -------------------- - Added 'Snap trial to grid' functionality for positioning trials in a field. File - Create Trial -------------------- - Prompt to select which Trial ID to use from the Trial Location table in the Site Description, if more than one trial is specified. File - Print Reports -------------------- - Added 'Classification' option to print classification image in lower-right section of the report footer on each page. Available classificiations include Internal, Restricted, and Secret. - Changed so non-English Unicode characters can be printed on reports without changing the System Locale language in Windows. - Changed to maintain original size when adding a new header logo, unless logo dimension is smaller than 600 twips. - Changed so Available Sets list only displays report sets in the local path, study definition language path, and study definition parent path. File - Print Reports - Spray/Seeding Plan -------------------- - Changed so Product Amount to Measure prints in bold font when unit is scaled up/down to a different unit due to large/small values. - Fixed so 'Amount of product to use exceeds the mix size' footnote does not print for dry formulations. - Fixed so mix size overage is never multiplied by Leaf Wall Area or Treated Canopy Height. File - Print Reports - Summary Reports -------------------- - Fixed so footnotes now print on all pages, not just the first page. - Fixed so correct ARM Action Code formula/description displays when an automatic transformation code (AS, AA, AL) is used with a code that has a transformation formula to display and option is set to 'Include transformation equations'. - Fixed so the entire validation comment is included on reports. Previously certain fields would not be included in the comment when the 'List validation comments' option was selected. - Fixed so scrollbar is displayed on prompt for automatic transformations when the messages cannot fit on the screen. File - Print Reports - Assessment Data Summary -------------------- - Fixed so all treatment lines are printed for untreated treatments. File - Print Reports - Print to Excel -------------------- - Fixed so missing data ('.') is not printed as '0' to Excel for the Data Verification report. Tools - Recalc Transformations -------------------- - Display recalculation messages on a single dialog instead of displaying each message on a popup dialog. Tools - Connect with Mirus -------------------- - Added Push and Pull functionality to communicate with HarvestMaster Mirus software. Tools - Options -------------------- - Optimized the automatic building of study definition migration package when a Backup folder is defined on the File tab. - Added 'Display Study Rules Editor as split window' option on the Editor tab to control whether Study Rules editor automatically displays when study rules are present in the study. Tools - Options - Assessment Data View -------------------- - Added 'Beep when movement changes' option to beep when cursor advances to a plot in Assessment or Harvest sort order that starts moving in a different direction in the field. - Removed the 'First in Plot' choice from the 'View Subsamples' option. Tools - Validate Study -------------------- - Validate the Study Rules grid during study validation, to verify that all study rules are entered correctly. Window - [Editor] - Properties Panel -------------------- - Changed so 'Views' lists only display view files in the local path, study definition language path, and study definition parent path. Window - Treatments -------------------- - Fixed so do not scroll to last treatment row when selecting an entire treatment column using Shift+arrow keys. Window - Site Description -------------------- - Automatically size RTF field content to match the current print margins. - Added message that Mix Size must be entered per '/10000 m2 LWA' when Application Volume is 'L/10000 m2 LWA'. - Changed so Mix Size from Settings is not automatically copied to Site Description when Application Volume entered in Site Description differs from Settings. - Changed so 'Application Volume Unit' and 'Mix Size Unit' Site Description fields are not automatically filled if associated value fields do not contain an entry. Window - Trial Map -------------------- - Fixed so 'Filled Plots' calculations for Augmented designs are correct when there is a Block Size in Settings. Previously the calculated values would be off by 1. Window - Assessment Data -------------------- - Added 'SUMSUB' ARM Action Code, which sums subsamples in each plot instead of averaging them. - Fixed so values are calculated for all plots in a calculated column. Previously in ARM 2016.4 the wrong calculated value was refreshed when an assessment data value in a source column was modified and the sort order was not Plot order. - Fixed so assessment data dates are formatted correctly after inserting or deleting a column. Window - Study Rules -------------------- - Changed so the Study Rules table is now an editor, and no longer just a panel. - Changed to display 'All' in the Columns/Trt Lines field when a study rule applies to all data columns or treatments. Tablet - Tablet Data Entry mode -------------------- - Added 'Audible verification of key press' option to produce click sound when TDC keypad buttons are pressed. ARM Window -------------------- - Added High Contrast Mode Toggle button to the ARM toolbar, to toggle between the Windows High Contrast color scheme and the current Windows color scheme. - Changed the order of the ARM window title to '[Study name] - [Study definition] ARM [version]' so is easier to tell which study is open in the current ARM session. ST - Tools - Begin Summary -------------------- - Fixed error 9 when summarizing multi-factor trials. ***************************************************************** Version 2016.4 August 29, 2016 Changes ***************************************************************** File - Print Reports -------------------- - Changed to keep the current cursor position in the Assessment Header by default when selecting assessment columns or header rows. Previously the cursor would start back in column 1. - Changed so Form Conc Unit is used to differentiate products in the Product Amount Totals table. - Page break between reports is not removed if the reports have different orientations. File - Print Reports - Spray/Seeding Plan report -------------------- - Fixed so product amounts are not 10x too large when '% K', '% K2O', '% N', '% P', '% P2O5', or '% S' formulation units are used and the Treatment units setting is Metric Grams AI/kg. File - Print Reports - Print to Excel -------------------- - Fixed so images are printed to the correct worksheet. Edit - Insert - Data Column -------------------- - Changed maximum number of assessment data columns allowed to be inserted from 999 to 32767. Edit - Delete - Treatment -------------------- - When selecting which treatments to delete, selected treatments are now marked so it is easy to see which treatments are to be deleted. Edit - Validation List -------------------- - Fixed so the cursor scrolls correctly on multi-select validation lists. Previously scrolling with mouse wheel caused the validation list to jump up and not scroll. Tools - Transform - AUDPC -------------------- - Changed so AUDPC/SAUDPC transformation columns do not require all matching columns to contain data in order to calculate. - Missing formula error message is now only displayed once per column when recalculating data. - Fixed so the correct assessment data row is refreshed when entering assessment data in a source column for a calculated column. Tools - Data Collector - Push Trial To Excel Rating Shell -------------------- - Excel Rating Shells can now be pushed and pulled using the *.xlsx Excel workbook file type. - Added 'File type to save' option to change the default file type of Excel rating shells created in ARM. This option is found on the 'Push Trial to Excel Rating Shell Options' dialog. Tools - Assessment Data Column -------------------- - Fixed OverflowException error when closing study after changes were made using Assessment Data Column Tools. Tools - Options -------------------- - Added 'Validate study button re-validates entire trial' option to the Toolbar tab to re-validate entire trial when the validate toolbar button is clicked. - Added option to Editor tab to always start at column 1 when selecting when selecting assessment columns or header rows instead of displaying the current cursor column. This option is titled 'Always start view at column one when selecting assessment data columns or header rows'. Tools - Validate -------------------- - Recommended messages are now displayed on message log after validation. Previously the validation process was interrupted to display recommended messages. - The entire study is now revalidated after adding study rules to a valid study. - Added more detailed validation error messaging when a completed trial contains unused application codes. Tools - Study Rules -------------------- - Assessment Data Image study rules can now be added from the right-click menu. - The 'Delete Rule' button now deletes all marked study rules when clicked. Previously only the first marked rule would be removed. - The currently selected data column(s) are now used as the default Columns when adding Required - Assessment Data Images study rule. - Changed to not allow deleting assessment data columns that have Study Rules assigned to them. - Improved messaging for Invalid study rules so it is clear which fields need to be corrected. Window -------------------- - Fixed so entering the decimal separator by itself is not allowed in Treatment, Site Description, or Assessment Data header decimal number fields. Window - Treatments -------------------- - Display an 'Incompatible Spray Volume' message when Spray Volume Unit 'kg/ha' is used with a granule formulation. Window - Assessment Data -------------------- - The prompt to paste data header fields is no longer displayed after pasting just an assessment data block. - Fixed so color bands are refreshed after highlighting assessment data block and then clicking into assessment data header grid. - Fixed so color bands are not drawn over a highlighted assessment data block. - Improved performance of refresh when pasting data header entries. - Changed so ARM does not prompt to turn off automatic recalculations when a user input dialog displayed during transformation recalculation. Window - Trial Map -------------------- - Fixed error 5 when deleting an empty plot in a row or column containing only that plot. Window - Settings - Design -------------------- - Added 'Augmented Completely Random' and 'Augmented Randomized Complete Block (ARCB)' designs. These designs are standard CRD/RCB designs to which additional non-replicated test treatments have been added. Tablet - Tablet Data Entry mode -------------------- - Changed so warning message is now displayed when Caps Lock key is on while using the TDC keypad. ST - File - Open Criteria -------------------- - Fixed error 91 during ST summary when ST was started using the 'ARM ST' Start Menu icon. ST - Tools - Begin Summary -------------------- - Fixed error 13 that could occur when opening an ST criteria. ATD - Export -------------------- - Export only Assessment Data rows that contain information. Licensing -------------------- - Reduced the frequency ARM connects to the internet to verify license information. - The date ARM will next connect to the internet for license verification is now displayed on Help - About ARM dialog. - An expired ARM license can now run Check for Updates. - ARM now automatically checks for renewed license when logging in with an expired ARM license. ***************************************************************** Version 2016.3 August 10, 2016 Changes ***************************************************************** File - New Field Map -------------------- - Fixed an error 6 when creating a new Field Map. File - Open -------------------- - Fixed so ARM can open studies using G-Gen7.def study definitions when study rules are present. - Changed so refreshing the contents of read-only fields during study open does not cause ARM to prompt to save unsaved changes. File - Open - Study From List -------------------- - Number fields can now be filtered by a range of numbers. - Removed 'Interval to Prev. Appl.' and 'Interval to Prev. Appl. Unit' fields from the grid portion of Study List because these fields are always blank. - Changed so if an attached image is not found, the image path is not added to the backup folder when searching for backed up images. - Fixed so Study List panel widths are automatically adjusted to fit on the screen if they are larger than the Study List itself. - Fixed so Study List panel sizes do not gradually increase in width when ARM program font is larger than 8. - 'Previous Filters' control is now sized correctly when there are a large number of previous filters. File - Export Study - EDE -------------------- - Fixed so a new line is not always appended to text in a long text field during EDE import. File - Import Study - EDE -------------------- - Changed so warning message about different definition directories is not displayed when importing an EDE into a new study definition and the directories are not different. File - Print Reports -------------------- - Fixed so Timing, Assigned to, and Length information is correct on the Protocol Schedule report. File - Print Reports - Site Description -------------------- - Changed so columns with wrapped text are automatically sized to fit 1/4 width of the text per wrapped line. - Changed so wrapped text columns are only extended to fill the page in tables with a fixed number of columns. - Page break is now always removed after Site Description report when 'Remove page break when...' option is on and applies. - Wrapped text fields in the middle of a grid now only extend to fill all available space on the page when text cannot fit on 1 line. File - Print Reports - Spray/Seeding Plan report -------------------- - Changed so product amounts are never calculated for Leaf Wall Area rate units when LWA is not present in the study. - Fixed 'Amt Product to Measure' calculation errors when Spray Volume units 'QT/100 FT2', 'L/m2', or 'mL/FT2' were selected in Settings. - Calculation Equations section now uses correct Spray Volume and Mix Size when the values differ between treatments. - Fixed so Mix Size unit is printed appropriately when using Application Volume unit 'L/10000 m2 LWA'. + Changed so '/10000 m2 LWA' is added to the Mix Size unit when Application Volume unit 'L/10000 m2 LWA' is used and LWA is present. + Total mix size (multiplied by LWA factor) is now printed in parenthesis when Application Volume unit 'L/10000 m2 LWA' is used and LWA is present. + Calculated Mix Size is only printed if different from the Mix Size actually used. + Changed so Calculated Mix Size example is also expressed per '20,000 m2 LWA' when 'L/10000 m2 LWA' Application Volume unit is selected on the Settings - Application tab. + Removed 'Leaf Wall Area' column from report because the Leaf Wall Area was already printed in the 'Amt Product to Measure' column. File - Print Reports - AOV Means Table report -------------------- - Fixed so treatments with a mean of 100 are not dropped from analysis when 'Arcsine square root %' transformation (AA) is applied. Tools - Study Rules -------------------- - The Condition field is now automatically filled when adding a Protocol Description study rule. - An Assessment Data study rule is now applied to all columns when the entire assessment row is selected when adding the study rule. - Fixed an error 5 when loading a rule set when no other rules are defined. - Fixed an error 5 when the loading a rule set and the cursor was in the Condition column of the editor. Tools - Validate -------------------- - Changed so 'copy default destination field' validation messages are not displayed for read-only fields. Window - Site Description -------------------- - Entire area of drop-down arrow buttons can now be clicked. Previously only the lower half of the arrow button would accept a click. - Long text fields with less than 100 characters in add-row grids now show only 1 line of text. - Read-only fields now do not show drop-down arrow button. - Read-only date fields are now wide enough to show the entire date. - Fixed an error 91 when closing study while cursor is in a Site Description grid. - Fixed an error 91 when switching from Site Description editor to Header editor while cursor is in a Site Description grid that is scrolled to the right. Window - Assessment Data -------------------- - Fixed so entire area of drop-down arrow button can be clicked. Previously only the lower half of the arrow button would accept a click. Window - Schedule Tasks -------------------- - Fixed so an 'Unusual Year in Date' message does not appear when typing a date in the Schedule Timing Date field. Window - Attachments -------------------- - Changed so ARM searches for attachments and updates attachment paths when opening a study. Window - Settings -------------------- - The Tip on the Application tab now scrolls when the text cannot fit on the dialog. Graph - Graph Options -------------------- - The 'Graph title' option on the Colors tab now changes the colors of the graph title. Previously changes made to this option would not appear on the graph. Help - Request ARM Support -------------------- - The 'To:' field of the ARM Support email is now always filled with GDM support email address. ***************************************************************** Version 2016.2 May 6, 2016 Changes ***************************************************************** File - Open -------------------- - Changed to report information that is lost when opening a prt0/dat0 file in an old revision of ARM. File - Open - Study from List -------------------- - Fixed unhandled exception error when archiving 3 or more studies at once. File - Close -------------------- - Study is now automatically saved using current filename when 'Yes' is selected on prompt to save unsaved changes. File - Save -------------------- - Studies containing ARM 2015+ study rules can now only be saved in ARM 2015+ format. - When using 'Save As' for a study older than the default version in ARM, the study version saved now matches the Save As version selected. - Warning about overwriting an existing study is not displayed until after 'Save' is selected on the 'Save As' dialog. File - Create trial -------------------- - Display Trial Test Messages before the Trial Map so the messages are not 'trapped' behind the Trial Map. File - Export Study -------------------- - Database import/export toolbar buttons are now hidden if no database is installed. - EDE/EDP can now be exported when a date/time field has a single digit day with no date separator. File - Print Reports -------------------- - Print button on the Print Preview dialog now prints the report. - Footnotes now print properly on the Assessment Data Summary report when assessment images are included. - Fixed so correct Spray Volume and Mix Size values are printed on labels when Spray Volume/Mix Size are entered in individual treatment lines. - Fixed so irrelevant help tip does not display on Product Amount Totals report options. - Right-click menus no longer display when selecting assessment columns, assessment rows or treatments. File - Print Reports - AOV Means Table report -------------------- - Fixed so only non-zero means are used to calculate the LSD range for transformed data columns. File - Print Reports - FAOV Table report -------------------- - Fixed so only non-zero means are used to calculate the LSD range for transformed data columns. Edit - Delete - Treatment -------------------- - 'Number to delete' is now based on treatment number, not treatment line. Tools - Show Validation List -------------------- - When a row in the SE Preview table has multiple fields, ARM now displays all fields in the row. - The SE Preview table now updates when the current selection is changed by pressing a key. - Fixed error 55 when reading corrupted validation lists with invalid byte sequences. Tools - Study Rules -------------------- - Added new 'Lock Treatment line to prevent edits' condition to prevent editing an individual Treatment field. - Added new 'Lock Treatment line to prevent edits' condition to prevent editing any part of a treatment line. - Added Protocol and Trial 'Study Rules' reports to the available reports on the Print Reports dialog. - The new Study Rule row appears with asterisk next to the row number. - Drop-down fields automatically display the list when clicked on. - ARM asks if Study Rules should be copied to the new protocol after changing protocol ID field(s). - Fixed so Study Rules exported to SE as Recommended are imported as Recommended and not Required. - Changed so field name displays instead of ID codes when loading older study rules. - Hidden Treatment Field study rules loaded from a rule set now use the current ARM user as the study rule owner. Utilities - Rebuild Study List -------------------- - Fixed so ARM does not hang when a rebuild is performed and there are no studies to add. Utilities - Load Migration Package -------------------- - Fixed so migrated studies are copied to the ARM Data folder when ARM does not have rights to add the folder location listed in the migration package. Window -------------------- - Scrolling with the mouse wheel in Windows 10 now moves ARM grids, such as Treatments or Assessment Data editors. Window - Treatments -------------------- - Units with blank space around '/' character are now recognized as valid units. - Other Rate Units ending in 'Row-m' or 'Row-FT' are now recognized, so the Other Rate can be calculated. - Fixed so alternate treatment rate (e.g. Other Rate) calculates when 'Calculated Mix Size' in Settings is 0. Window - Protocol/Site Description -------------------- - Added support for launching hyperlinks when clicked in RTF fields. - Fixed so negative GPS values are not allowed when a GPS direction of South or West is specified. - Read-only plot size fields are now formatted with the same decimal precision as entered on the Settings - General tab. Window - Assessment Data -------------------- - Changed to automatically add 'EC' ARM Action Code when Mean Comparison ID action code ending in 'E' is present, to exclude untreated check. - Changed so Enter key does not close warning dialog when overwriting existing assessment data in the next column. - Plot means for the correct column are now displayed on the Assessment Map when there are hidden columns on the Assessment Data editor. - Can now select a block of columns that contain different amounts of subsamples. - Fixed so correct plot is selected when clicking between columns with a different number of visible subsamples. - Fixed so column 1 does not flicker on the screen when navigating between columns with the Column Properties panel visible. Window - Trial Map -------------------- - When randomizing square lattices, treatments are now re-randomized within blocks for all square lattice types (plans affected are 3x3, 4x4 and 5x5 Square Lattices). Window - Settings -------------------- - ARM now resizes Design tab so the entire Power and Efficiency grid is visible. Graph - Options -------------------- - Fixed so data labels on Bar and Line graphs are formatted based on 'Number of Decimals' specified in the Assessment column. - When graph colors are changed on the Legend tab, update only the graph columns that have been changed. Tablet - Tablet Data Entry mode -------------------- - Changed so Windows camera app can be automatically launched in Windows 10 when entering Tablet Data Entry. - Changed so ARM size and position is remembered for both landscape and portrait mode on TDC. - Changed so ARM and camera size and position is saved for Tablet Data Entry. - Scroll position on Properties panel is now remembered when the panel is refreshed, so the panel does not scroll back to the top after entering data. - Reduced the initial zoom amount during pinch to zoom. - Changed so button text is larger on the 'Copy Down', 'Missing', 'Enter', and 'Tab' TDC keypad keys. - Increased width of separator between tiled editors on TDC so it is easier to resize. - Fixed so Assessment columns are not sized too wide when TDC zoom is greater than 100%. Help -------------------- - ARM now prompts to save changes to a study before attaching it to an email request for GDM support. - Corrected tooltips on the toolbar and Print dialog. ST - Tools - Begin Summary -------------------- - All temporary files are now closed after ARM ST analysis. Previously the work directory, identified in Tools -- ARM Options -- File -- Work, was not deleted in some cases when ARM ST was exited. - Fixed inconsistent Match and Separate action (@) in the ARM Action code field. ST now combines columns when ARM Action Code is not (@) and is not TA, TS, or TL. - The F and p(F) values for Non-additivity and Stability statistics in AOV table are now reported as 0 when Mean Square Error is effectively zero, to be consistent with other statistics in AOV table. ST - Tools - Begin Summary - Graph -------------------- - Fixed so last data header row in an ST Summary can be selected as a title field for an ST Summary graph. - ST now prompts for data header rows to summarize only once when selecting the ST Summary Columns 'Graph' button. ST - Window - Treatments - right click 'Set Equivalent Treatments from Synonym List Grouping' -------------------- - ST now correctly identifies equivalent treatments that contain '(Blank)' in the Rate or Rate Unit fields. ST - Window - Assessment Data -------------------- - Fixed error 5 when zooming the Assessment editor when TDC zoom is greater than 100%. ***************************************************************** Version 2016.1 February 5, 2016 Changes ***************************************************************** File - Open - Study from List -------------------- - Changed so 'Tutorial' Study List option is remains checked after opening a study from the tutorial Study List. File - Create Trial -------------------- - Fixed error 9 that occurred when creating Square Lattice trial with 5 replicates. File - Print Reports -------------------- - Fixed error 5 when reading report set that contains a treatment field order. Window - Treatments -------------------- - Added support for KCFU/g and KCFU/mL (thousand colony forming units) as valid formulation concentration units. Window - Assessment Data -------------------- - Changed so validation buttons use the entire height of the textbox. - Fixed so beep for 'Beep at end of subsample' option only occurs when there is more than 1 subsample in the column. Tablet - Record GPS -------------------- - Set default options for the Trial Map preview: + Always show in true scale. + Do not show movement arrows. + Always show plot numbers. - Changed so Trial Map preview retains its proportion when resizing the dialog. Tablet - Tablet Data Entry mode -------------------- - Added support for pinch zoom gestures on zoom supported editors. - Changed so assessment images are automatically attached to the current plot when in Tablet Data Entry. Image options are displayed when entering Tablet Data Entry. - Changed zoom to increments of 5%. - Changed so Study Rules panel is collapsed when entering Tablet Data Entry mode. - Text within TDC keypad buttons is now automatically sized to fit within the button. - The Tab and arrow keys are now the same height as other keys on the TDC keypad. - Changed so the default assessment column is scrolled into view when selecting columns to display. - Images taken when tablet is in portrait mode are now automatically rotated upright (previously they were sideways). - Fixed error 9 that occurred when changing 'Number of Subsamples' field in Tablet Data Entry mode. ***************************************************************** Version 2016.0 December 31, 2015 Changes ***************************************************************** File - Open - Study from List -------------------- - Added 'Previous Filters' button to show a list of previously used filters, to easily find and re-use past searches. - Added Trial 'Address' and 'GEP Accreditation Link' fields to the Study List. - Changed so each Trial Guidelines entry is exported to the Study List separately, so are now listed in dropdown selection list. - ARM now prompts to rebuild the study list after new fields have been added to the list. - The Study List is now rebuilt in its own ARM session, so can continue working while it rebuilds. - Added 'Interval to Prev Appl', 'Crop Stage Majority', and 'Artificial Population' fields to the Study List. File - Create Trial -------------------- - Changed so ARM does not prompt to save protocol after selecting 'Accept Current' on the Trial Map during the Trial creation process. File - Print Reports -------------------- - Added report option to print selected treatment fields and to specify the order treatment fields are printed, and the order can be saved into report sets as well. - Added General Summary report option to merge data headers across columns that have the same information. - Fixed an error 5 that occurred when printing a blank Data Collection report after a summary report. - Changed so when selecting treatment fields to print, value/unit fields must be selected as a group. File - Print Reports - Data Verification/Collection reports -------------------- - Added options for printing assessment footnotes and column numbers. - Added Replicate and Alt 'Plot' ID sort orders. - Changed so the 'Number of Decimals' assessment header field is used to format assessment values. File - Print Reports - Spray/Seeding Plan -------------------- - Fixed so seed treatments with a mix size unit of 'unit' are printed with a Metric mix size unit when the Treatment Units setting is Metric. - Changed so rate unit denominator is always printed as Mix Size Unit when Mix Size Unit is 'Units' for seed treatments. - Fixed so Spray/Seeding Plan 'Sort' option does not affect the treatment sort order of reports that follow in a report set. File - Print Reports - Assessment Data Summary report -------------------- - Added Assessment Data Summary report options to print extended plot description fields on reports (comments, barcodes, GPS, and images). - 'Damaged' values are now printed with red strikethrough font, to more clearly identify as damaged on reports. - Changed de-transformed means symbol from 't' to 'd' because 't' was already used on the AOV Means Table to signify descriptive statistics that were calculated from transformed means. - Added footnote identifying 'd' as de-transformed means. - Changed so images are positioned and sized correctly when printing to Excel. File - Print Reports - AOV Means Table report -------------------- - LSD/HSD is now reported as a range for the highest and lowest non-zero means in a column transformed with log, arcsine, or square root transformations. - Fixed so 'effective replicates' footnote prints the correct list of assessment data columns containing missing data. - Fixed so symbol indicating no significant difference between treatments is not truncated to 1 character. - Changed so missing data estimation is not performed for Least Square Means analysis. File - Print Reports - FAOV Table report -------------------- - Fixed so missing replicates are not included in the least squares analysis. - Fixed so the correct AOV table is printed when using 'Least Square Estimation' analysis method. A split-plot/strip-block trial always prints complete, and a factorial trial always prints pooled. - The 't' footnote now identifies transformed data units, the same as in AOV Means Table report. Previously 't' identified de-transformed treatment means, which could be confused with mean comparison letters. File - Print Reports - Print to Excel -------------------- - Fixed so missing data ('.') is not printed as '0' when printing to Excel. - Fixed so worksheet tab names are named properly when printing to Excel. Tools - Convert Yield -------------------- - Fixed so Yield Conversion Factor is calculated when using plot sizes defined in columns and the first plot has a missing size. Tools - Options - Assessment Data View options -------------------- - Added 'Hide columns with no treatment differences' Assessment Data View option to hide data columns in which there are no differences between treatments. Tools - Validate -------------------- - Changed so a multi-field entry with a unique ID field that fails validation is automatically refreshed and then re-validated. Tools - Study Rules -------------------- - Changed so fields linked to a newly added 'Strict Validation' Study Rule must pass validation before a study can be saved. Utilities - Migrate Study and Settings to a New Computer -------------------- - Changed so ARM does not prompt for which migration package version to create. Window - Site Description -------------------- - Fixed so large RTF images are automatically sized to fit the page when they are larger than the page. Changed so the RTF image size is saved in the study. - Changed Undo 'Delete Image' and 'Resize Image' to restore the original RTF image and size, respectively. Window - Assessment Data -------------------- - Changed the 'Ignore Match' button to 'Visible Cols x/y' which displays the column filter options. - Changed 'Copy Trial Map Plot description' button so column headings are always in English for easier use with external processes. Shortened copied plot description headings 'Alt Plot ID' to 'AltPlotID' and 'Barcode/RFID' to 'PlotCode'. - Fixed so warning message about overwriting assessment data is not shown when the next column is blank. - Changed so the 'Ignore match' Assessment Data View option also applies to the 'Data origin', 'Entry status', and 'Display sort as tabs' options. - Changed so a message displays when a newly loaded Assessment View is hiding columns. - Added expand button to the Assessment Property Comment text field. Window - Assessment Data - Column Properties Panel -------------------- - Fixed so outliers marked as damaged are found by the Outliers tool when the 'Skipped damaged assessments' option is off and there are more than 1 subsample. - Changed the default method for the 'Outliers' tool to '+/- 3 Standard Deviation'. Window - Assessment Data - Assessment Map -------------------- - Added option to display 'Plot' experimental unit means. - Changed so double-clicking a plot on the Assessment Map closes the map and displays the Assessment Data row of the selected plot. Window - Trial Map -------------------- - Plots can now be re-numbered at any time, so changes to plot numbering settings no longer require the Trial Map to be re-randomized. - New Trial Map movement orders: 'Serpentine within replicates', 'Reversed serpentine within replicates', 'Within replicates', and 'Reversed within replicates'. - 'Randomize All Replicates' button on the Quality tab is now hidden for Lattice Square design. - 'Size to fit' button no longer sizes the Trial Map window too narrow when the Quality tab is visible. Graph -------------------- - Added 'Display data' graph option that adds a scatter graph overlay to the current graph, showing plot or individual subsample values as points. - Added 'Size to Fit' button that automatically re-sizes and re-positions the graph to fit the current window. - Added 'Show X axis labels as legend' option that displays labels from the X axis in a table to the right of the graph, to better display detailed treatment information. - Added 'Box percentiles based on' option (Plot means or Subsample values) for the Box Whisker graph. Tablet - Tablet Data Entry mode -------------------- - Changed so Properties panel is automatically hidden when Column Properties panel displays, and Column Properties panel is automatically hidden when Properties panel displays. - Added 'Set GPS' button to the Assessment Data editor to allow recording GPS coordinates on command, for the current data value or current plot. Tablet - GPS -------------------- - Changed so the Trial Map displays on the 'Record GPS' dialog (TDC installations only), to show actual trial shape. Help - Request Corporate ARM Customization -------------------- - Added more detailed steps for the company representative that receives the 'Request corporate ARM customization' email. ST - Trials to Search -------------------- - Changed so columns in ST 'Trials to Search' grid are automatically sized based on content. ST - File - Export Study - Data Export -------------------- - Fixed error 9 that occurred when the study definitions in the summarized trials did not match the study definition of the criteria. - Fixed error 52 that occurred when performing Data Export. - Fixed so unhandled exception error does not occur after selecting Cancel when prompted to choose a different delimiter during ST Raw Data export. ST - Tools - Begin Summary -------------------- - Changed so treatment ingredient information is not skipped when the Treatment Type field is blank for 1 of the ST Criteria treatments. ST - Graph -------------------- - Added 'Horizontal Trial Cluster' option shortcut to the graph dialog in ST for a Treatment x Trial graph. - Fixed an issue with incorrect trial means in the Treatment x Trial Interaction plot for combined Latin Square. - Also fixed so titles are positioned correctly on Box Whisker graphs on the ST Summary Report. ***************************************************************** Version 2015.6 October 1, 2015 Changes ***************************************************************** File - New Protocol -------------------- - Changed so a new protocol cannot be created using an expired customization. File - Open -------------------- - Changed so a warning message displays when linked attachments in the study cannot be located. File - Create Trial -------------------- - Changed so a new trial cannot be created using an expired customization. File - Export Study -------------------- - Changed so a message displays when data export is successful. - Added options to allow opening an exported file or the file location after the data export is complete. - Changed so extended 'Plot' experimental unit description information can be exported to delimited files during Data Export. - Fixed so 'ID for this study already exists in the database...' message displays in the message log instead of its own message dialog when exporting to database. File - Import Study - EDE -------------------- - Changed so invalid Study Rule warning messages display under 'Warnings' and not 'Errors' section on the EDE Import Messages dialog. File - Print Reports -------------------- - Fixed an issue where images from rich text fields sometimes did not print on reports. - Changed Dose-Response graph so major and minor tick marks on the X and Y axis are in even increments. - Fixed an error 9 that occurred when analyzing a Latin Square trial that had a starting column offset greater than 1. File - Print Reports - AOV Means Table report -------------------- - Added 'Mean Description' option to print median for each treatment mean. - Fixed so the blank line printed between the 'Descriptive statistics' and the 'Replicate F' value does not contain vertical lines inside each column. - Fixed an issue where rounding very small values that affected mean comparisons tests using least square means. This error resulted in smaller critical values in some cases. File - Print Reports - FAOV Table report -------------------- - Changed so least squares analysis supports comparison treatments anywhere in the treatment list. Previously comparison treatments could only be added after factorial treatments. File - Print Reports - Spray/Seeding Plan -------------------- - Fixed so the printed mix size for canopy height treatments is multiplied by the canopy height entered on the Site Description editor. - Fixed so the calculated mix size in the table heading is correct for canopy height treatments. - Fixed so the Amount Product to Measure is calculated correctly for Liquid Form Types when the Form Conc Unit is PPM. Edit - Undo -------------------- - Changed so deleted text can be undone in Site Description RTF fields by selecting 'Edit - Undo Clear'. Edit - Insert - Image from File -------------------- - Fixed so the link between RTF images and Attachments is not lost when exporting an ede file to a location that is not on the PC. Tools - Merge -------------------- - Changed to prompt to update all merged date entries to the current year when merging protocol description. - Changed so a study can be selected using the Browse button on the Study List during the 'merge from ARM study' process. Tools - Options - Site Description View -------------------- - Fixed so a hidden by default Site Description field can be saved as visible by default. Previously the visible state was not getting saved within the view files. Tools - Validate Entry -------------------- - Fixed so the correct item is selected from a filtered personal list that allows multiple selections. - Fixed so the correct item is highlighted when opening a filtered personal list. Tools - Validate Trial -------------------- - Fixed so Latin Square trials do not fail validation when starting column offset is greater than 1. Tools - Study Rules -------------------- - Fixed so fields that cannot have a value are not displayed when selecting a Field for a study rule. - Changed so the Condition field is automatically filled after Field is selected for 'Strict Validation' study rules. Tools - About Study -------------------- - Added list of available customizations and their expiration date. Window - Protocol/Site Description -------------------- - Fixed an error 5 that occurred when editing a rich text field that contained an image. - Fixed so the background color of fields are immediately updated after modifying Study Rules. - Fixed so Site Description fields required by Study Rules are colored as required in the Protocol Description. - Fixed so Protocol Description 'Lock field to prevent edits' Study Rules colors the associated Protocol Description field as required/recommended. - Changed so display-only protocol instruction fields can be printed with 'Print display only protocol instruction fields' report option. - Changed so sections that do not contain printable data do not display on the 'Sections to print' dialog. - Fixed so Site Description tabs containing all hidden fields displays in italics when the first field in the next section is visible. Window - Assessment Data -------------------- - Changed to automatically prompt for columns to transform when selecting from the ARM Action Code validation list. - Fixed so when pasting data that is not sorted by Plot number, the selected row remains selected after the paste. - Changed so 'Range' and 'Row' columns are copied when using the 'Trial Map Plot Description' copy button for a trial with 'Range by Row' plot numbering. - Fixed so after deleting subsamples from a trial that has multiple subsamples and the current column only has 1 subsample, the correct number of assessment data rows are visible. - Changed so a warning message displays when the cursor moves to the beginning of a new column in the current cursor order and the user presses a key that overwrites existing data. Window - Assessment Data - Assessment Map -------------------- - Added 'Color by current treatment' option. - Changed so the Factor description text is colored the same as the Plot/Treatment text. Window - Trial Map -------------------- - Changed so blank rows/columns are removed from the Trial Map after pasting a new randomization in the plot description columns. - Fixed a display issue that occurred when moving treatments, when 'Color by Treatment' was selected and the vertical scrollbar was present. Window - Schedule Tasks -------------------- - Fixed so when saving an ARM 7 trial that has scheduled tasks, the trial can be saved in the current file format. Graph - Graph Options -------------------- - Fixed so the font can be changed when ARM font size is greater than 8. Previously certain textbox controls were sized incorrectly when the font size exceeded 8. Help - Request Corporate ARM Customization -------------------- - Changed so customizations can be requested when an obsolete version is installed on the current PC. ST - Tools - Options - ST Summary Report - Means (1) -------------------- - Added option to print median in grand mean columns. ST - Tools - Options - ST Summary Report - Format (2) -------------------- - Added 'Horizontal Trial Cluster' option to print the Treatments x Trial graph with a horizontal trial cluster. ARM Activation -------------------- - Changed so ARM displays warning messages when ARM maintenance and/or a customization is expiring or has expired. ***************************************************************** Version 2015.5 June 29, 2015 Changes ***************************************************************** File - Open - Study from List -------------------- - Added 'Auto-Size Column Widths' right click menu item to allow sizing grid columns based on contents. - Changed so only relevant items are visible in the right click menu when in the heading grid row. File - Create trial -------------------- - Changed to prompt when the protocol description Treated Plot Width/Length information is different from the Treated Plot Size in Settings. File - Export Study - Database -------------------- - Fixed an error 6 that occurred when exporting if the comparison treatment mean in an assessment data column is 0 and an automatic transformation is applied. File - Print Reports -------------------- - Changed so Trial Status and Protocol Data Headers reports do not print data header fields that are blank. File - Print Reports - Print to Excel -------------------- - Fixed so '-' character is not printed to Excel as '0'. - Fixed so multi-field number rows are not printed as 1 combined value. Tools - Convert Yield -------------------- - Changed so the 'Adjust to dry moisture percent' option is automatically filled with '% Standard Moisture' field from Crop Description section of the Site Description. Tools - Validate -------------------- - Changed 'Auto-size columns' right click prompt to 'Auto-Size Column Widths'. - Changed so Trial Year field is validated to prevent invalid entries. - Changed so Trial Year is filled with current year by default. - Fixed an issue where a valid Trial ID sometimes failed validation. Window -------------------- - Enhanced 'Merge from Study' to be available on the Header, Treatments, Site Description, and Assessment Data editors: + Added 'Merge from Study...' to the right click menu that automatically merges only data on the current editor. + Added 'Merge from Study...' buttons to the Properties panel that start a full merge and prompt for the data to merge. + Changed so the editor where the merge is occurring is made visible before and after the merge. - Fixed so the forward slash key is not suppressed on ARM grids when using a Portuguese keyboard. Window - Treatments -------------------- - Changed so messaging is clearer when an entry creates unbalanced treatments in a multi-factor trial. Window - Protocol Description -------------------- - Fixed so that the 'Create This Trial' right-click menu uses the correct trial ID for rows 10 and larger. Window - Assessment Data -------------------- - Changed so the 'Number of Subsamples' data header prompt is changed to 'Subsamples' while in Tablet Data Entry mode. - Fixed so correct outliers are selected when searching in a column that is not sorted by plot number and does not have subsamples. - Changed so changes to Assessment Comment, Barcode, GPS coordinates, and Damaged fields can be undone using Edit - Undo. - Changed so the damaged flag can be cleared from a block of selected Assessment Data cells. Window - Schedule Tasks -------------------- - Added 'Auto-Size Column Widths' right click menu item to allow sizing grid columns based on contents. ***************************************************************** Version 2015.4 June 26, 2015 Changes ***************************************************************** File - Open - Study from List -------------------- - Removed 'Sponsor Contact' from the Study List grid. - Added 'Official Trial ID' and 'Climate Zone' fields. - Fixed so fields that are hidden in the filter section are also hidden in the grid section. - Fixed so Treatment field 'Growth Stage' is exported to the Study List. File - Save As -------------------- - Changed so the 'Save studies in ARM 2015 format' option automatically sets the newest file format on the Save As dialog. File - Create Trial -------------------- - Changed so the 'Save studies in ARM 2015 format' option creates trials in the latest ARM format. File - Export -------------------- - Changed 'Export successful' message so it always displays in green. - Changed 'Export not successful' message so it always displays in red. File - Print Reports -------------------- - Fixed so when resetting all report options, the Study Definition path is not set to GDMdef when using a company customization. - Fixed so Site Description 'Named View' and 'Selected Tabs' reports can be previewed using 'Report Preview' tab. File - Print Reports - Labels -------------------- - Fixed so label report margins are not incorrectly rounded when ARM is using metric units. - Modified so label defaults are loaded with a single click instead of a double click. - Modified so right and bottom print margins are set to 0 when printing labels. - Fixed so the last row of labels on a page is not skipped when using labels that contain a vertical buffer space between rows. - Fixed so the 'Tractor feed labels' option is hidden since it is not used in ARM. - Adjusted label margin defaults for Avery 3451, 5160, 5161, 5163, L6103, and L6105 so they correctly fit on the label sheets. - Added label defaults for Avery 5162 and 5735. File - Print Reports - Spray/Seeding Plan report -------------------- - Fixed so the content does not begin on the second page when report borders are turned off. File - Print Reports - AOV Means Table report -------------------- - Fixed so assessment headers print correctly when 'Limit validation list' study rule is active. File - Print Reports - Print to Excel -------------------- - Fixed so '(n)' is not unnecessarily appended to Excel worksheet tab names. Tools - Convert Yield -------------------- - Fixed so converted yield is 0 when original weight is 0 and adjusted moisture is missing. Tools - Study Rules -------------------- - Fixed so that a GDM ID code does not display in the 'Columns' field of the Study Rules editor for Hidden Treatment Study Rules. Graph - New -------------------- - Fixed so graphs can be created even if the graph options becomes corrupt. Window - Hidden fields -------------------- - Fixed so all hidden Treatment and Assessment Header fields containing information are listed in the 'Hidden Study Editor Fields Containing Information' prompt. - Fixed so an 'unhandled exception' error does not occur after displaying hidden fields. Window - Protocol Settings -------------------- - Fixed so that the Other Protocol Owners are saved when changes are made to other settings such as 'Confidential'. Window - Assessment Data -------------------- - Added 'Across columns within subsample' assessment cursor order. Window - Assessment Data - Column Properties panel -------------------- - Fixed so the panel is not disabled after selecting OK on the Convert Yield dialog. - Changed so the 'Outliers' tool does not flag additional values as outliers after marking an outlier as damaged. - Fixed so correct outliers are selected when searching in an assessment data column that does not have subsamples and is not sorted by plot number. - Fixed so correct outliers are selected when 'View Subsamples' Assessment Data View option is set to 'First in 'Plot' experimental unit' or ''Plot' experimental unit Means'. Window - Settings -------------------- - Fixed an error 91 that occurred when closing the Settings dialog using the Enter key. - Increased margin between the 'OK' button and the 'Save as Default' and 'Save Set...' buttons. Window - Validation List -------------------- - Fixed so filters can be deleted in the filter textbox using the Delete key. - Fixed error on Filter For dialog when OK was selected and filter text was blank. Licensing -------------------- - Changed to allow technician license to print 'Data Collection', 'Map', and 'Trial Map' reports. ***************************************************************** Version 2015.3 April 20, 2015 Changes ***************************************************************** File - New Protocol -------------------- - Fixed an error 'G-BrfPs7.def is not present' that occurred when a new G-Gen7 protocol was created. - Fixed an error 5 'Error initializing study editors' that could occur, preventing a study from being opened or created. File - Open Study From List -------------------- - Fixed so filter drop-down lists do not contain duplicate entries. File - Print Reports -------------------- - Fixed so that if a button is clicked for more options, the correct report options tab displays. Previously a new dialog with the same tab would display. - Fixed an issue where rich text fields that contained hyperlinks sometimes did not print on reports. File - Print Reports - Spray/Seeding Plan Report -------------------- - Fixed so treatment Spray Volume and Mix Size fields are not forced visible when all treatments have the same Spray Volume and/or Mix Size. File - Print Reports - AOV Means Table Report -------------------- - Fixed so no significance differences are shown when the mean comparison test is Dunnett's vs. Reference and all means are 0. - Fixed a possible discrepancy between the number of replicates computed in the AOV Means Table and the number displayed in the Settings - Design - Power and Efficiency table. File - Print Reports - Factorial AOV Table Report -------------------- - Fixed so the pooled standard deviation is calculated correctly for multifactor trials that are deprecated to RCB due to too many missing values. Tools - Options -------------------- - Fixed so the 'Longest Language' language option is no longer available. Tools - Study Rules -------------------- - Fixed an issue where a study with unknown study rules was opened as read-only when opened by the same ARM version that was used to save the study. - Fixed so Site Description field prompts display instead of field IDs for Strict Validation Study Rules. Tools - About Study -------------------- - Changed so the UTC time offset for the current time zone is saved for GLP/GEP studies. Window - Header -------------------- - Fixed so 'Set as Default' always sets default values for new studies. - Fixed so 'Set as Default' values are immediately available. The study no longer needs to be closed first then re-opened before the default would take effect. Window - Treatments -------------------- - Changed so ARM prompts for a valid seed treatment Mix Size or Spray Volume when calculating the Other Rate for a seed treatment. - Added support for BCFU/g and BCFU/mL (billion colony forming units) as valid formulation concentration units. - Changed so ARM does not prompt for Active Ingredient information for CHK (Check or Untreated) or G-Seed7 Treatment Entry Name validation lists. Window - Protocol/Site Description -------------------- - Fixed so 'Set as Default' always sets default values for new studies. - Fixed so 'Set as Default' values are immediately available. The study no longer needs to be closed first then re-opened before the default would take effect. Window - Assessment Editor -------------------- - Changed to simplify the Column Properties panel by hiding properties that are rarely used. The hidden properties are: Column ID, Bartlett's X2, Friedman's X2, Replicate F, and Treatment F. Window - Trial Map -------------------- - Fixed so the option 'Assign plot numbers to border plots' is not cleared when the plot number is 'Standard by Rep' and border plots are defined. Window - Settings -------------------- - Fixed an issue where treatments appeared in the same position in multiple replicates for some lattice designs. - Fixed an issue where a user-defined mix size could not be entered when in a non-English program Language. The 'User-defined mix size' prompt overwrote the textbox control. Graph - New -------------------- - Fixed so numeric values are formatted using the 'Number of Decimal' assessment header field. Graph - Options -------------------- - Standardized the Graph Options dialog: + Added a Reset button. + Changed references of 'Defaults' to 'Sets'. - Fixed an error 5 that occurred when viewing graph options. Help - Deactivate this ARM -------------------- - Changed to display the number of allowed deactivations and available deactivations on the deactivation dialog. Help - Request Corporate ARM Customization -------------------- - Changed so installed customizations display, but are disabled. Added instructions in the generated email for the corporate representative. Help - About ARM -------------------- - Changed to display additional activation details: + Allowed Activations + Available Activations + Allowed Deactivations + Available Deactivations ST - Tools - Options -------------------- - Fixed so modified ST options are saved to ST Summary Set files. - Fixed so ST Summary Options load correctly when loading an ST Summary Set file that was saved with a blank file description. - Changed so the Reset button resets ST options to their original installed defaults when an ST Options tab is selected. ST - Tools - Begin Summary - Print ST Summary -------------------- - Changed so the 'Exclude' checkbox tooltip is visible only when mouse cursor is directly over the checkbox. - Fixed so Adjusted Means display on the Print ST Summary dialog and ST Summary Report. - Changed so the 'Print ST Summary' Graph dialog can toggle between the 'Treatments (Factor Levels)', 'Trials', and 'Treatments x Trials' graphs. ST - Tools - Build Treatments -------------------- - Fixed so treatment rates from trials convert to the treatment units of measurement in the criteria settings. ST - Graph -------------------- - Changed so 'Treatments x Trial' graphs print on the ST Summary report. ST - Window - Treatments -------------------- - Fixed so the 'Hide Current Field' right-click option is disabled for special ST Treatment fields that cannot be hidden. ARM Activation -------------------- - Changed so can cancel during the activation process. - Changed to display the number of allowed and available activations to the activation dialog. - Changed to provided 7 day countdown to demonstration version when licensee information is out of date. ***************************************************************** Version 2015.2 February 19, 2015 Changes ***************************************************************** File - Import Study - EDE -------------------- - Fixed an error 5 that occurred when importing an EDE file that contained country code that was not the proper length (2 or 3 characters). File - New Protocol -------------------- - Fixed so selecting a saved Settings file on the 'New Protocol' dialog now correctly updates the 'Treatment Units' setting. File - Send To ---------------------- - Fixed so 'Web-based Mail' and 'File' destinations can be used for sending protocols. File - Print Reports ---------------------- - Fixed so table text no longer wraps onto the next row when report borders are turned off. File - Print Reports - Spray/Seeding Plan ---------------------- - Changed so Spray Volume/Mix Size Settings are printed when treatment Spray Volume/Mix Size fields are blank. File - Print Reports - AOV Means Table ---------------------- - Changed report defaults: + Symbol indicating no significant difference between treatment means to '-' (was 'a'). + 'Analysis method' to 'Least square estimation'. - Fixed so Minimum Replicates value for 'Post-hoc power analysis' is correct. Minimum Replicates were not always correct when multiple columns were printed. File - Print Reports - Print to Excel -------------------- - Fixed so ARM can initialize communication with Excel or Word. Previously ARM did not initialize communication if the Windows locale was non-English but an English version of Microsoft Office was installed. - Fixed so decimal values are not formatted as text in Excel when Windows decimal symbol is a comma. Tools - Convert Yield -------------------- - Changed so Sample Size in original column is filled with '1 PLOT' when it is blank. - Changed so Sample Size in converted column is filled based on the selected 'Desired' unit. - Changed so 'Current' yield units are automatically selected based on Rating Unit in the assessment data column to convert. Window - Site Description -------------------- - Fixed an error 91 that occurred when selecting View files from the Properties Panel. Window - Navigation bar -------------------- - Fixed so 'Settings', 'Trial Map', and 'Tablet Read GPS' dialogs always open. Graph -------------------- - Fixed so ARM opens graph files. Previously when an ARMgraph.opt8 file existed from a previous ARM version, a 'ARM is not able to the graph file' error occurred. ST - General -------------------- - Fixed so Study Rule menu items are not available on the right click menu. ST - Open Criteria -------------------- - Changed to automatically select the Tutorial Study List when opening a criteria from the Tutorial folder. ST - Print ST Summary -------------------------- - Changed report defaults: + 'Minimum/maximum/count/standard deviation basis' to 'Trial means'. + Mean comparison test to 'Student-Newman-Keuls'. + Select 'Mean separation on grand trial means'. + Sort columns by 'Pest Code', 'BBCH Scale', 'Rating Type', 'Rating Unit', and 'Trt-Eval Interval' Assessment Header fields. + Sort headers 'Across Criteria'. + Select 'Only when significant AOV Treatment P(F)' for 'Mean separation on individual trial means'. + Select 'Only when AOV Treatment x Trial P(F) is not significant' for 'Mean separation on grand trial means'. + Select 'De-Transform means'. + Select 'Always ignore match criteria in permanently hidden fields'. - Fixed so 'Trials' graph does not print treatment means when 'Minimum/maximum/count/standard deviation basis' is set to 'Trial means'. ST - Tools - Begin Summary -------------------- - Fixed issue that 'Building Summary View' progress bar only went up to 50%. - Optimized displaying the 'Print ST Summary' dialog. ST - Tools - Options - ST Summary Report - Means (1) -------------------- - Fixed so 'Trial count within grand means' option is saved within STS files. - Fixed so loading STS files refreshes options on all ST related option tabs. ARM Installation -------------------- - Removed conflict between ARM and 64-bit Microsoft Office. ARM now works on a computer with 64-bit Microsoft Office. Licensing -------------------- - Changed to allow Technician License: + Open and edit study files saved in all currently supported ARM versions. + Pull from Rating Shell. - Added support for reading Classroom licenses. General -------------------- - Optimized ARM initialization ***************************************************************** Version 2015.1 January 11, 2015 Changes ***************************************************************** File - New Protocol -------------------- - Changed to allow saving and loading Settings files. File - Open -------------------- - Fixed so that ARM defaults to the correct language when searching for Study Definitions. ARM was always defaulting to Chinese language when automatically searching for Bayer Study Definition folders. - Fixed so ARM 9 format or older protocols conducted under GEP/GLP can be opened. File - Open Study from List -------------------- - Added the Clipboard - Map Info button to map the studies on the BatchGeo.com website. - Changed so 'Last Opened' date field includes the time. - Added filter options to make it easier to match partial text. - Changed so selecting a text box on the Study List scrolls the associated grid column into view, and clicking a grid column scrolls the associated text box into view. - Added Filter View fields: + Trial Region, Reliability, Treatment Type, Treatment Formulation Type, Treatment Growth Stage, + Assessment Part Rates, Assessment Rating Type, Assessment Rating Unit, Crop Group, Pest Type, Pest Stage Majority, + Study Design, Previous Crop, Trial Usage/Type, Application Soil Moisture, Rainfall/Irrigation Type, + Application Equipment, Nozzle Type, Carrier, Propellant. - Enhanced 'Last Changed' date field to display time. - Converted Study List file to newer Access format to optimize usage. File - Save As -------------------- - Added support for ARM 2015 (*.prt0 and *.dat0) and ARM ST 2015 (*.stc0) file formats. - Fixed an error 5 when opening an ARM 7 study that was last saved prior to April 2003. File - Create Trial -------------------- - Enhanced so new GDMdef trials are named as the Trial ID by default. File - Print Reports -------------------- - Changed so the Options Preview tab is the actual editable Report Options for the current report imbedded in the tab instead of a preview. - Changed so that if a preview is displayed and a different report is clicked, the preview for the clicked report displays instead of the report options. - Changed so the preview and the report options tabs are resized to fit the options and the preview. ARM also saves changes made to the current preview zoom throughout the current ARM session. - Added the Help button to the Report Options tab that displays the Help for the current report options. - Added a General Summary Report Options tab that displays when the current report is a summary report. - Added a Logo checkbox to print a logo on the report heading. If a logo file is defined it is added to the report heading. If a logo file is not defined, then prompt to select a logo file. + Added Logo+/- buttons on the Print Reports preview that can be used increase or decrease the size of a logo. - Enhanced the Report Set interface on the Print Reports dialog: + Added an expandable list box that displays the existing report sets (*set). + Browse for report sets from list box by clicking 'More sets'. + Select previous report set by clicking 'Previous Sets'. + As changes are made, save the modified report set in 'Previous Sets' list. + Display the name of the loaded report set. + Moved buttons so they are easier to use. - Enhanced so report options are saved across all profiles and can be reset separately from general options. File - Print Reports - Global Report Options -------------------- - Added Confidential, Heading text and Logo Header options. + Confidential will print on the report heading when the Confidential check box is clicked. + An optional line of free text can be added to the heading. + A company logo can be specified from an image file and added to the report heading. + All of the report heading items can be displayed on the left, center or the right of the text heading. File - Print Reports - AOV Means Table report -------------------- - Added Post-hoc power calculation to AOV Means Table Report. + Added a % Mean Diff option that is included on the LSD line of the descriptive statistics. + The Minimum Replicates needed and the Largest Mean Difference and % Mean Diff print at the end of the Descriptive statistics. + Footnotes are added to the reports if it is not possible to calculate the % Mean Diff values. + If the largest mean difference is based on a transformed value, display a 't' next to the % Mean Diff values. + Add a footnote to the Largest Mean difference (% mean diff) when the mean separation test is Dunnett's vs. Control/Reference. File - Print Reports - Factorial AOV Table report -------------------- - Changed so that the options 'Analysis Method' and 'Use adjusted mean as primary mean' are enabled when the AOV Means Table report options are loaded from the FAOV Mean report options. - Changed so the 'AOV tables to print' options frame is disabled and set based on study design when the 'Analysis Method' is Least Squares Estimation. File - Print Reports - Trial Map report -------------------- - Set 'Print Trial Map as formatted cells when printing to Excel' by default. Tools - Validate -------------------- - Changed so validation messages that indicate serious errors that prevent the trial from being saved will display with 'ERROR' instead of 'WARNING'. Tools - Study Rules -------------------- - Added Strict Validation study rule for Assessment Header and Treatment editor fields. When the Study Rule is added for qualified fields, values entered in the fields must be from the validation list. - Added a Study Rule to Require image(s) with Assessment data columns. Images can be required for Every Plot, Every Treatment or One or more plots. - Added Limit Validation Lists study rule. Limits the validation lists for Assessment Crop and Assessment Pest Codes to items added to the Site Description Crop Description and Pest Description tabs. - Added support for the 'Hidden Fields' Study Rule to the Protocol Description and Site Description. - Changed so all highlighted rules are deleted when marking a block of Study Rules and selecting Delete Rule from the right-click menu. - Added support for the Delete Rule right-click menu option when the cursor is in a study editor field with an associated study rule. Utilities - Install License -------------------- - Changed so licenses will always be installed through 'Check for Updates'. Utilities - Load Migration Package -------------------- - Added the menu item Utilities - Load Migrate Package, that will allow browsing for a migration package to load. - Changed so after a new installation, ARM prompts to load a migration package. - Changed so ARM creates a migration package in the ARM backup folder for the current settings and study definition personalizations after the final ARM session closes. + If the migration backup takes more than 3 seconds to build, then ARM does not run the migration backup the next time ARM closes if a migration backup has been built in the last 4 hours. Window -------------------- - Enhanced Study Editor Properties View interface: + Display the loaded View name. + Standardized the pop-out buttons for all view frames. Added missing pop-out buttons for the Hidden fields frames. + Do not include Views that are in an 'Old' folder in the list of available Views. + Display sub folder name in for View file location. Window - Treatments -------------------- - Changed to support up to 9999 treatments. Window - Site Description -------------------- - Changed so a settings linked field can directly display the Settings dialog. - Added a tool to add or delete repeating sections to the properties panel. Window - Assessment Data -------------------- - Added the Column Properties panel that contains general information and statistics about the current assessment column. - Changed so ARM copies the plot description column headings to the clipboard when copying plot description columns. - Added the 'Copy Trial Map' button that copies the current randomization for the trial. - Changed so all plot description columns can be sorted in ascending or descending order. - Changed to use the General Summary 'Assessment data header rows' report option when using the AOV Means Table button, to determine which data header rows are printed. Window - Trial Map -------------------- - Added the option "Current Treatment" to the "Color by" properties. When selected the Trial Map will only color the treatment that is currently selected on the Treatment Description or the Quality tab. All other plots will be colored white with black text. - Added a new Quality tab to the trial map to analyze the current settings and propose recommendations for higher quality randomizations. + If the randomization includes a rep that is not randomize, display a button to re-randomize the trial map will all reps randomized. + Added an At Edge column to the Treatment panel on the Trial Map Quality tap to display the number of times each treatment is at the edge of a trial map. Display the highest edge count values in bold. + Added an option to arrange plots within replicate into squares, not rectangles. + Display a grid to show the trail map area for various block sizes and a preview of the basic rep shapes. + Added an option to automatically approximate block size for square replicate and use that block size to create a randomization. + Added a panel to display the Treatment Edge count and Average Dispersion for each treatment. Window - Attachments -------------------- - Added support for previewing *.jpeg, *.jpe, *.jfif, *.tif, and *.dib image files. Window - Settings -------------------- - Changed to allow saving and loading Settings files. - Added the 'Power and Efficiency' tool to assist protocol writers to design trials with sufficient number of treatments and replicates to detect expected differences. - Added a Confidential checkbox to the Protocol/Trial Settings. + When printing reports for studies marked as confidential, Confidential heading will be printed on the report even if the option to print the confidential heading is not checked. + When running an ST Summary, if one of the trials matched in the summary is confidential, Confidential will print on the ST Summary. The matched trial(s) that are marked as confidential will be identified in the Summary messages. + Only the protocol owner or the person who marked the study as Confidential can change the option. is displayed. - Enhanced so the license serial number is always appended to ARM option filenames. - Changed so ARM prompts to re-randomize the study when changes are made that are only applied when randomizing. If Yes is selected, re-randomize the study and display the Trial Map. Help - Tutorial -------------------- - Changed the ARM and ST tutorials to reference pdf files instead of Power Point (pps) files. ST - Tools - Begin Summary -------------------- - Optimized ARM ST 2015 to improve performance. - Changed so the Treatment x Trial interaction is only used as the error term for mix model analysis if Treatment x Trial is larger than the Residual error. + Added Descriptive Statistics 'Error Term' row to report which error term was used (Residual or Trt*Trial). ST - Window - Site Description -------------------- - Enhanced so the 'Match and Separate' character ('@') can be used to match the beginning of a Site Description field. Licensing -------------------- - Added support for Technician License. - Added support for Graduate Student License. Activation -------------------- - Fixed ARM so activation verification is successful when computer is connected to internet from different locations (home, office, hotel, etc.). ***************************************************************** Version 9.2014.7 January 30, 2015 Changes ***************************************************************** File - New Protocol ------------------------------------- - Fixed an error 11 that occurred after changing the design to split-plot when the Block size is larger than 0. File - Open - Study from List ------------------------------------- - Fixed so treatment entries from multi-factor protocols are not exported multiple times which could result in a very large Study List database. - Fixed so grid column order and column widths are not lost after opening a criteria in ARM ST. - Changed to allow Technician License: + Open and edit study files saved in all currently supported ARM versions. + Pull from Rating Shell. - Fixed so grid column order and column widths are saved when closing ARM. - Fixed so Log In prompt does not display when viewing a previous version of study. - Fixed so selected filters do not contain trailing blank space. File - Save ------------------------------------- - Changed so study that is in a supported study format cannot be saved in an obsolete study format. User will be directed to the 'Send To' dialog instead. File - Send To ------------------------------------- - Fixed an error 76 when the current 'Print Path' did not exist. ARM now prompts for a valid 'Print Path' if the current one does not exist. File - Print Reports ------------------------------------- - Fixed an error 9 when Assessment Data View option 'Display sort as tabs' was set when printing a report that contained assessment columns. - Fixed so HSD values are not missing when the significance value is greater than 10%. - Fixed so Factorial AOV Table report honors 'Number of Decimals' assessment data header field and 'Force number of decimals accuracy to' General Summary option. File - Print Reports - Spray/Seeding Plan report ------------------------------------- - Fixed so incorrect mix size is not printed on Product Amount Totals report footnotes when mix size unit type (US or Metric) differs from the treatment unit type in Settings. - Fixed so incorrect Spray Volume/Mix Size unit does not display in heading if the Spray Volume/Mix Size Unit on the Treatment editor is in a different format than it is in the Settings (such as "L" and "liters"). - Fixed so Spray Volume/Mix Size Units are not reported multiple times in the Product Amount Totals footnotes (such as "1 L" and "1 liters"). - Fixed so plot numbers are not truncated in the Rep column in a table grouped by factor. - Fixed so a table grouped by factor will always print the Spray Volume/Mix Size from Settings when there are different Spray Volume/Mix Size Units between treatments in the table. - Fixed so application code letter is printed in heading of table grouped by factor when the report is sorted by application code. - Fixed so correct Spray Volume Units are reported in header when an application code other than A specifies a different Spray Volume Unit. File - Recent Files list ------------------------------------- - Fixed so recent file list is not lost when switching between company profiles. Tools - Merge ------------------------------------- - Fixed an error 5 that occurred when merging an EDE that contained scheduled tasks into a trial that also contained scheduled tasks. Tools - Study Rules ------------------------------------- - Enhanced so if a study that has study rules was saved with an older version of ARM, before the study rules Owner ID was added, the current protocol owner will be displayed as the Owner ID on the Study Rules editor. - Enhanced so when saving/loading a Study Rules set (*.set), verify that there are no invalid Study Rules in the current Study Rules before save the Study Rules set. Invalid Study Rules must be correct before the Study Rule set can be saved or loaded. - Enhanced so when saving a study that has Study Rules, if there are any invalid Study Rules, give a warning message so the invalid Study Rules can be corrected so the study is not forced to read-only the next time it is opened. - Fixed so the Columns field is now cleared when the Rule ID of an existing study rule is changed. Tools - About Study ------------------------------------- - Enhanced so GDM ID code + subuser ID code of the last user to save an ARM study is saved within the study file. Utilities - Rebuild Study List ------------------------------------- - Fixed so blank message does not display after rebuilding the Study List. Window - Treatments ------------------------------------- - Fixed so clicking the "Original" view file in the Treatment Views list will load the original view. Window - Assessment Data ------------------------------------- - Fixed so assessment image frame is updated after attaching an image to the current cell. - Changed so 'Remove Image' button will remove all images attached to a single plot. - Added new ARM Action Code data limit X=0-3. Window - Trial Map ------------------------------------- - Fixed so 'Range by Row' plot numbering displays on the Assessment Map tool. - Fixed an error 5 when inserting border plots while 'Auto-select for move' was turned on and treatments were selected to be moved. - Fixed so border plot numbers display on the Assessment Map tool. - Fixed so 'Accept Current' button does not apply plot IDs from a previous trial when 'Range by Row' plot numbering is set. Window - Schedule Tasks ------------------------------------- - Fixed so an 'Out of Range' message displays when the task length is greater than 24. Window - Settings ------------------------------------- - Fixed so 'Untreated Treatments' option can contain up to 50 untreated treatments. - Fixed so 'Study data', 'Synonym', and 'Study definitions' paths are not shown as selected when the 'File' tab was opened by default. - Changed so the 'Print' path is selected by default when displaying the File tab to enter a 'Print' path. - Changed so the 'Backup' path is selected by default when displaying the File tab to enter a 'Backup' path. Add-ins menu ------------------------------------- - Fixed so menu is not always visible on TDC when no ARM add-ins are installed. ST - File - Open ------------------------------------- - Fixed an error 9 when opening a study while in ARM ST without a criteria open. ST - Tools - Merge ------------------------------------- - Fixed an error 9 when merging from ARM 9 files. ST - Tools - Begin Summary ------------------------------------- - Fixed an error 5 when 'Print one composite mean column per criteria column' option was set and "@" was entered in a Site Description field to match and separate. - Fixed so composite grand mean column is not blank when the "Grand mean basis" and "Minimum/maximum/count/standard deviation basis" options are different. ST - Trials to Search grid ------------------------------------- - Fixed so date columns are formatted with the ARM date format. - Fixed so 'Trials to Search' selected from ATD database are filtered when the selected trials do not exist on the user's PC. ST - Window - Assessment Data ------------------------------------- - Fixed an unhandled exception error that occurred when a block of cells was selected by clicking on a Assessment Header field's name and match criteria was applied using the ST Properties panel. GDMdef.exe ------------------------------------- - Updated ReportLink.xls with Trial fields that have been added to the GDMdef customization in ARM 9. - Updated description field prompts in the Guideline Description validation list (G-Guide.lst8). - Increased the length of the Guideline Description field from 80 to 90 characters. - Changed so the Guideline field will automatically refresh the description field. - Changed so the Guideline Description field will not cause a study to fail validation. - Increased the Guideline Description field length from 65 to 90 characters in the Study List. ***************************************************************** Version 9.2014.6 December 3, 2014 Changes - Included in 2015.1 ***************************************************************** File - Open ------------------------------------- - Fixed the problem that ARM would not recognize the ARM 9 file extensions (*.prt9 or *.dat9) if the user manually typed the file extension in the Save As dialog instead of selecting the file type from the drop down list. File - Export ------------------------------------- - Fixed the problem that ARM prompted for the TBE to use multiple times during batch EDE export if the first study failed validation. File - Print Reports ------------------------------------- - Fixed the problem that ARM did not automatically choose an EDE file when a missing *.dat9 or *.prt9 file was selected to be printed. - Fixed the problem that an EDE imported during a batch print would not be printed. - Fixed the problem that when the Spray/Seeding Plan report was grouped by factor level and the 'Large plot experimental unit numbers' option was set, vertical lines were printed incorrectly and the "Rep" heading was not printed. - Fixed the problem that an error 91 occurred when printing a Spray or Planting - Spray/Seeding Plan report if there were no treatments to print for the selected report. Modified so a message displays warning the user that there are no treatments to print for the selected report. Tools - Study Rules ------------------------------------- - Added the Study Rule "Lock field to prevent edits" for Site and Protocol Description fields. When the rule is set for a field, the field cannot be modified. Window - Header ------------------------------------- - Fixed the problem that Undo editing does not undo changes to the General Study Header. Undo would only update changes to the Header if the Site/Protocol description was viewed before clicking Undo. Window - Treatments ------------------------------------- - Increased the maximum allowed formulation concentration limit for units beginning with "L" (such as "LB/GAL") from 8.33 to 17. Window - Site/Protocol Description ------------------------------------- - Added the menu item "Create this Trial" to the protocol Trial Location repeating section right-click. When the menu item is selected, create a new trial for the selected Trial Location, open it in another session of ARM and keep the protocol open the current ARM session. Window - Assessment Data ------------------------------------- - Fixed the problem that when opening an ARM 9 trial an error 6 may occur if the trial has a large number of subsamples, and assessment GPS coordinates that are saved in subsample 3 or higher may not be converted to decimal format during the open process. Window - Settings ------------------------------------- - Enhanced split-plot or strip-block designs so subunits can be wrapped into multiple blocks when "block size" in Layout tab of Settings (i.e. subunit size) is a multiple of block size. - Added "Calculated mix size" option to Application tab of Settings dialog. Graph - Open ------------------------------------- - Fixed the problem that ARM would not recognize an ARM 9 trial that was saved within a graph file (*.grf or *.grf8) if that trial was not already open. ST - Tools - Merge ------------------------------------- - Fixed the problem that an ARM 9 trial could not be merged into an ARM ST criteria. ST - Tools - Begin Summary ------------------------------------- - Fixed an error 91 that occurred when the Study List was opened to select trials to search in ST and a study type filter was already active in the study list. - Fixed the problem that least square means displayed for the wrong treatments in an ST Summary Report for individual trial columns with excluded treatments. - Fixed the problem that when performing an ST Summary, the 'Print ST Summary' dialog may display without any data when the 'Print one composite grand mean column per criteria column' ST Summary Report Means option was set. ***************************************************************** Version 9.2014.5 November 11, 2014 Changes- Included in 2015.1 ***************************************************************** File Menu ------------------------------------ - Fixed an error 5 that occurred when the Open or Save As file dialog was opened when the General option 'Use explorer-style open and save dialogs' was set and the Study Data path was a UNC file path. File - Open - Study From List ------------------------------------- - Modified so Study List layout settings are saved when the Study List editor is open when the user exits ARM. - Enhanced so the Rebuild button on the Tutorial Study List automatically rebuilds the Tutorial Study List from the Tutorial study folder. - Fixed an error 5 that occurred when the Filter For dialog was shown for a number field on the Study List and OK was pressed when one of the Filter For number fields were not entered. - Modified so the values on the Filter For dialog are swapped if the "From" value is larger than the "To" value. - Fixed an "Unable to find" error that occurred when adding filenames with apostrophe to Study List. - Enhanced so the "When was it modified?" Study List filter option is saved in the current ARM session. File - Save ------------------------------------- - Modified so when the current date is past the planned completion date of a trial and ARM asks the user whether the trial should be marked as completed, selecting 'Yes' will always change the Trial Status to completed/final. File - Create Trial ------------------------------------- - Fixed an error 9 that occurred when a multi-factor trial was created with a comparison treatment. File - Import Study ------------------------------------- - Fixed the problem that when importing generic EDE (such as PIAF or Field Pro) that was not associated with a study definition, *.dat8 would be the only allowed save format. File - Send to ------------------------------------- - Modified so when also attaching the study in the older default format during the Send To process, the option to always save in the newest ARM format does not affect whether the older study version is included. File - Print Reports ------------------------------------- - Added three sub-reports for the Spray/Seeding Plan Report. Standard: print the report same as previous Spray/Seeding Plan. Spray: filter so no variety treatments are included. Planting: Filter so only variety treatments are included. - Enhanced so the harvested width and length crop fields are used for seed amount calculations on the Spray/Seeding Plan report, instead of the plot size in Settings. - Fixed the problem that a labels report would not print if it was the last report in a report set. - Fixed the problem that labels sometimes would not print when they followed another report and the "Remove page break when blank space exceeds (%)" option was set. - Fixed the problem that the 'Range by Row' range and row numbers printed on labels were not always correct. - Added a Trial Map button to Trial Map report options dialog to display the Trial Map dialog so options can be changed on the dialog. - Fixed the problem that the 'Study Rules' report was printed when the 'Protocol Assessment Footnotes' report was selected to print. Tools - Study Rules ------------------------------------- - Fixed the problem that when a Study Rule is added from an SE file, the Owner ID was not added for the new Study Rule. - Fixed the problem that if the study rule 'Lock Trial ID as position 1' was added and then an *.se file was created with study rules included, the *.se file would add study rules for Assessment fields that do not exist. - Enhanced so that if a study has unknown study rules, and was created by the same version of ARM or an older version of ARM, a warning message appears and the study is opened as editable. Also, if a study with unsupported study rules is opened by the protocol owner, a warning message appears and the study is opened as editable so that the protocol owner can remove unsupported study rules. Tools - Validate Entry ------------------------------------- - Added a 'Remove Filter' button to the validation list dialog to remove all active filters. - Added a 'Show All' check box to ignore all previous and pre-defined filters when loading the validation list. Utilities Menu ------------------------------------- - Modified so the 'Restore Original ARM Tutorial Studies' Utilities menu item will restore the tutorial files in the ARM Data\Tutorial folder to their original state and rebuild the Tutorial Study List. - Fixed the problem that the "Use EPPO Weed Codes..." and "Use WSSA Weed Codes..." were disabled when the language was not US English. - Fixed the problem that Utilities and Help menu prompts were always loaded in English even when using a different language. Tablet - Data Entry ------------------------------------- - Fixed the problem where the number of subsamples visible did not always refresh after editing the 'Number of Subsamples' field in Tablet Data Entry mode. - Enhanced Tablet Data Entry mode to allow specifying the number of 'Plot' experimental units that will be entered between each automatic trial backup. Window - Site/Protocol Description ------------------------------------- - Added the menu item "Create this Trial" to the protocol Trial Location repeating section right-click. When the menu item is selected, create a new trial for the selected Trial Location, open it in another session of ARM and keep the protocol open the current ARM session. - Enhanced so pressing the spacebar in a grid checkbox field will toggle the checkbox state. - Enhanced checkbox fields so that "N" can be entered for No. Window - Assessment Data ------------------------------------- - Enhanced to always beep when the assessment data cursor moves from the last row in a column to the first row in the next column. - Fixed the problem that users with "Data entry" rights only were not allowed to edit assessment info fields (comments, barcodes, GPS, and assessment images). - Modified so the Enter key will advance to the next field on the Attachment editor similar to the Tab key. Window - Trial Map ------------------------------------- - Fix the problem that an error 9 may occur after changing the number of reps from the Trial Map - Settings dialog after re-randomizing the Trial Map. - Enhanced to support a defined number of border plots to the Trial Map. If a number of border plots is defined, then update Trial Map after moving plots so that no additional border plots remain. Window - Attachments ------------------------------------- - Fixed the problem that when a non-assessment image attachment was removed from the Attachment editor using the 'Remove' button, properties for assessment image attachments that came after the removed attachment were lost. Window - Master Calendar ------------------------------------- - Fixed the problem where an error 5 could occur when displaying the Master Calendar if there were more than 7 days of tasks to display. ST - File - Open Criteria ------------------------------------- - Fixed "Unable to find" error when adding filenames with apostrophe to Study List when in ST. - Fixed an error 5 that occurred when a criteria was created or opened with an apostrophe in the filename. ST - Tools - Begin Summary ------------------------------------- - Fixed the problem where no mean differences were reported in individual trial columns from ST summary reports. - Fixed the problem that ST always identified AOV as 1 replicate trial analysis if not every treatment from the trial was included in the summary. - Fixed an inconsistency between ARM and ARM ST reporting of mean separation letters when using least squares means analysis and error mean square is effectively 0. - Enhanced to include an option to print Std Error in grand mean columns. - Fixed the problem that the Least Square Means used to generate the Mean Separation letters for individual trial columns were not being reported on the ST Summary. - Fixed the problem where the wrong Mean Separation Letters were printed for individual trial columns when more than one column from a trial was included in a summary. GDMdef ------------------------------------- - Increased the default study version to 9 for GDMdef in ARM 9. ***************************************************************** Version 9.2014.4 August 8, 2014 Changes - Included in 2015.1 ***************************************************************** File - Open Study ------------------------------------- - Enhanced the duplicate study messages to be more specific in describing what in the study is duplicated (GUID, Unique ID, or file name). File - Export Study ------------------------------------- - Modified so database export is disabled when a trial that contains a duplicate Trial GUID in the database is opened and the user selects 'No' when asked to clear the Trial GUID. File - Send To ------------------------------------- - Modified so the current report set and report options are not lost after reports are created during 'File - Send To'. File - Print Reports - Summary Reports ------------------------------------- - Modified so a footnote is printed on summary reports when there are calculated columns that include excluded replicates in their calculations. File - Print Reports - Spray/Seeding Plan ------------------------------------- - Changed so product amount calculations for biological entities rate units support both mix-based and area-based report options. Previously, biological entities units were always forced to calculate on a 1 plot basis. - Fixed the issue where using the qt/100 ft2 spray volume unit caused a 10x calculation error. File - Print Reports - Factorial AOV Table ------------------------------------- - Enhanced so when printing the Factorial AOV Table report and the report option AOV tables to print is set to Both, the values for the "Complete" table are used to calculate the mean separation letters when the trial design is Split-Plot. - Enhanced to print the Pooled AOV Table on the Factorial AOV Table report if there are too many missing data points for the Complete table to be valid. - Enhanced so when printing the Factorial AOV Table report, the LSD values are not printed in the AOV Table for the Rep Row. - Fixed a problem where the LSD printed in the Factorial AOV Table when the mean separation test was set to Tukey's HSD. - Modified the Factorial AOV Table report options so changes made to the Mean Comparison Test and Significance level options no longer affects the AOV Means Table report options. - Modified so mean comparison letters are not printed for missing values on the Factorial AOV Table report. Tools - Study Rules ------------------------------------- - Fixed the problem that after entering a study rule, the Rule ID can then be changed to an invalid value which causes the study rule to be read-only the next time the study is opened. When changing a Rule ID any corresponding fields that are no longer valid for the new Rule ID will be cleared. - Added new study rule 'Create GUID' to create a Trial GUID when saving a trial that does not have Trial GUID. - Added new study rule 'Lock Trial ID as position 1' to force the Trial ID to the beginning of assessment image attachments file name. - Fixed the problem that if an Assessment Study Rule was applied to a large number of selected columns, it would cause a slow-down in redrawing the Assessment Editor. - Fixed the problem that multi-field Assessment rows were not marked when moving through Study Rules. As click through the Study Rules, the background color of the Assessment header field that the rule applies to should be marked so it is clear which field the rule applies to. Previously only single field rows were colored. Window - Treatments Editor ------------------------------------- - Added support for MCFU/g and MCFU/ml (million colony forming units) as valid formulation concentration units. - Fixed the problem where ARM would color the Rate Unit "Plants/m2" the same color as an empty Rate Unit field. - Fixed the problem that if the Treatments Properties panel was not 'pinned' the expanded View and Hidden Fields window would display below the screen. Also fixed the problem that if ARM was on a second monitor, the expanded view may display on the first monitor. Window - Site Description Editor ------------------------------------- - Fixed a problem that after inserting an image into a Rich Text field, the new image would not immediately display in the field. Window - Assessment Data Editor ------------------------------------- - Enhanced ARM to allow pasting data from Excel into the ARM plot description columns (Rep, Block, Col, Plot, and Trt). - Modified so the user cannot add ARM Action Code ERn to a calculated column that includes all replicates in its calculated values because the ERn code will not exclude anything since all replicates were already used in the calculations. Window - Attachments ------------------------------------- - Modified so when ARM cannot find an assessment image attachment it will look in the current study data path first. GDMdef ------------------------------------- - Added 'Study Director Region' and 'Site Region' fields to the Trial Establishment Guidelines protocol description tab. - Added 'Region' field with the Study Director fields on the Contacts Site Description tab. - Added 'Region' field with the Trial Location fields on the General Trial Site Description tab. - Added 'Data Location' field to the General Trial Site Description tab. ATD ------------------------------------- - Enhanced to support exporting attachments to ATD. ***************************************************************** Version 9.2014.3 July 7, 2014 Changes - Included in 2015.1 ***************************************************************** File - Open - Study from List ------------------------------------- - Fixed the problem where an error occurred in the Study List when opening a study that contained an apostrophe in the filename. - Fixed the issue where an "Access Denied" error would cause 'Rebuild Study List' to fail when the Documents folder was selected as the search path. - Fixed the problem that ARM would attempt to add *.zip files to the study list. - Fixed the problem that not all assessment Crop/Pest entries were exported to the Study List. File - Print Reports ------------------------------------- - Changed the "Selected" options to "Select" on certain report option dialogs so the terminology is consistent across options and easier to understand. - Enhanced so when Display sort as tabs option is active on the Assessment editor and the Summary options are defined to print Current View and Paginate to keep together and the summary is printed to Excel, then name the Excel sheets to match the corresponding sort tabs. - Modified the Schedule Report so that "-" and "+" columns printed surrounding the "Planned Date" column on the Schedule report instead of the "Completed Date". - Fixed the problem that incorrect treatment means printed for non-analyzable columns on the Assessment Data Summary report when treatments were not printed in sequential order. Window - Site Description ------------------------------------- - Added support for hyperlink Site Description fields. Pressing the validation button or double clicking the hyperlink field will open the entered file path or web address. - Added the menu item "Create this Trial" to the protocol Trial Location repeating section right-click. When the menu item is selected, create a new trial for the selected Trial Location, open it in another session of ARM and keep the protocol open the current ARM session. - Modified to include the number of characters to enter in the prompt for Trial ID. Window - Assessment Data ------------------------------------- - Enhanced so when multiple fields are marked in the assessment header and the right click 'Hide Current Field" is selected, hide all of the marked fields instead of just the current row. - Added support for converting KG to BUxxLB on the Assessment Data editor. - Fixed the problem that the assessment header defaults were not loaded when assessment data was the first thing entered in an assessment data column. - Fixed the problem where ARM would hang when displaying the Assessment data editor when TDC is enabled and Assessment Data View Option to "Display sort as tabs" is selected. Window - Trial Map ------------------------------------- - Modified so the "Move..." right click menu items on the Trial Map will automatically select the 'Auto-select for move' option and begin the drag/drop process instead of using separate move logic. - Fixed the problem that plots were not correctly inserted below or to the right of the Trial Map during a drag/drop when the 'Show True Scale' option was selected. - Fixed the issue where the mouse cursor incorrectly displayed as invalid when dragging a treatment number within the current replicate on the Trial Map. Window - Settings - Application tab ------------------------------------- - When the Application Volume Unit is 'L/10000m2 LWA' on the Application tab of the Settings dialog, append '/10000m2 LWA' to the mix size label. - Added support for Application Volume Unit 'L/tonne'. Tablet Data Collector ------------------------------------- - Fixed the problem that the selected Tablet Data Entry sort order was not being applied.