***************************************************************** GDMdef Definitions September 3, 2024 Changes ***************************************************************** Site Description -------------------- - Added Solar Radiation fields for Applications: + Solar Radiation Start + Solar Radiation Stop + Solar Radiation Max + Solar Radiation Unit Assessment editor -------------------- - Added 'Required' field to describe the necessity of the assessment. ***************************************************************** GDMdef Definitions June 10, 2024 Changes ***************************************************************** Treatments -------------------- - Increased Identification Code field length from 23 to 80 characters. Protocol/Site Description -------------------- - Added 'Notes' section to a protocol as a read-only table for automatic notes like signatures. - Added validation list to the Contact - Org. Type field. - Added 'Time' field to the Site Description - Notes tab. - Increased field lengths for certain fields: + Crop Description > Crop Variety from 30 to 50 characters + Guideline from 14 to 20 characters + Trial Location > Vendor ID to 30 characters (and updated to general text) + Protocol Developer from 20 to 38 characters Assessment editor -------------------- - Increased Crop Variety field length from 30 to 50. ***************************************************************** GDMdef Definitions March 20, 2024 Changes ***************************************************************** Treatments -------------------- - Added new FL OZ/X Seed rate units: + FL OZ/1000 Seed + FL OZ/50000 Seed + FL OZ/60000 Seed + FL OZ/80000 Seed + FL OZ/100000 Seed + FL OZ/140000 Seed + FL OZ/150000 Seed + FL OZ/1000000 Seed - Added new rate units for honey bee trials: + mL/Brood Chamber - Milliliters Product per Brood Chamber + Pouches/Brood Chamber - Pouches per Brood Chamber + g/Hive - Grams Dry Product per Hive + g/Brood Chamber - Grams Dry Product per Brood Chamber + g AI/Brood Chamber - Grams Active Ingredient per Brood Chamber - Added the following new Rate Units: + CFU/mL - Colony Forming Units per Milliliter + Item/ha - User-Defined Item per Hectare + Item/A - User-Defined Item per Acre + ug/Seed Site Description -------------------- - Increased length of Crop Variety to 50 characters. ***************************************************************** GDMdef Definitions November 29, 2023 Changes ***************************************************************** Protocol Description -------------------- - Added Equipment tab to allow adding detailed information about equipment used in the trial. - Added 'Irrigation Type' to Trial Establishment Guidelines tab. - Changed Treatment Appl Comments repeating section to a grid. - Changed SE Tasks repeating section to a grid. Site Description -------------------- - Added Equipment tab to allow adding detailed information about equipment used in the trial. - Changed Treatment Appl Comments repeating section to a grid. - Changed SE Tasks repeating section to a grid. - Changed so Pest Stage codes are determined by the selected scale on Pest Stage at Appl tab. Assessment Data -------------------- - Added Pest Stage Scale field to the Assessment Data editor, and changed so Pest Stage codes are determined by the selected scale. - Added Formulas and Online reference links on Rating Type list. ***************************************************************** GDMdef Definitions September 5, 2023 Changes ***************************************************************** Treatments -------------------- - Added new fields: + Notebook Number - Added the following new Treatment Types: + ADDI - Additive + GETR - Genetic Trait + IGR - Insect Growth Regulator + PROT - Protectant Coating + SAFE - Safener + TACL - Tank Cleaner Protocol Description -------------------- - Added new fields to Trial Establishment Guidelines tab: + Trial Location - Cooperator (name) - Added new fields to Regulations tab: + Registration Purposes (Y/N) + Registration Zone + Crop Destruction - Part Destroyed + Permit Number + Permit Description - Added new fields to Maintenance tab: + Comment (repeating) - Added new fields to Application tab: + Flying Mode + Nozzle Count + Spray Swath - Added new fields to Pest Stage at Appl tab: + Establishment Interval - Added new fields to Instructions tab: + Yield Required Site Description -------------------- - Added new fields to Regulations tab: + Registration Purposes (Y/N) + Registration Zone + Crop Destruction - Part Destroyed + Permit Number + Permit Description - Added new fields to Objectives/Conclusions tab: + Materials and Methods + Results - Added new fields to Site and Design tab: + Distance between 'Plot' Experimental Units - Added new fields to Maintenance tab: + Comment (repeating) - Added new fields to Soil Description tab: + Turf Thatch Rating - Added new fields to Weather tab: + Irrigation Type - Added new tab called 'Greenhouse' with the following fields: + Greenhouse ID + Date + Light Intensity + Hours of Light + Min Temp + Max Temp + Min % Relative Humidity + Max % Relative Humidity + Irrigation Type + Irrigation Frequency + Irrigation Duration - Added new fields to Application Description tab: + % Ground Cover + Flood-Appl Interval + Soil Temperature Depth + Moisture 2 Weeks Before Appl + Moisture 1 Week Before Appl + Moisture 2 Weeks After Appl + Moisture 3 Weeks After Appl + Moisture 4 Weeks After Appl + Mixed/Prepared By - Added new fields to Pest Stage at Appl tab: + Establishment Interval - Added new fields to Application Equipment tab: + Flying Mode + Nozzle Count + Spray Swath - Added new Application Amount Unit 'L/AC' (liters per acre). - Added new fields to Protocol Instructions tab: + Yield Required Assessment Data -------------------- - Added 'Pest Est-Eval Interval' as an auto-calculated field calculating the interval between pest establishment and assessment date. ***************************************************************** GDMdef Definitions June 13, 2023 Changes ***************************************************************** Header -------------------- - Added 'Restricted' to the general study header. Treatments -------------------- - Added new Rate Units for honeybee trials: + Strips/Brood Chamber - Strips per brood chamber + Pouches/Hive - Pouches per Hive + mL/Hive - Milliliters Product per Hive + g AI/Hive - Grams Active Ingredient per Hive + ng AI/uL - Nanograms active ingredient per microliter mix + ng AI/mL - Nanograms active ingredient per milliliter mix + mg AI/mL - Milligrams active ingredient per milliliter mix - Added new Formulation Type: SR - A solid strip of plastic (or other inert material) with active ingredient already applied. Protocol Description -------------------- - Added 'Official Protocol ID' to Regulations tab. - Added 'Relative Density' to Pest Stage at Appl tab. - Added 'Standard' to the Application tab. Site Description -------------------- - Added 'Official Protocol ID' to Regulations tab. - Added 'Approximate?' to Crop Description tab for Planting Date. - Added fields to the Pest Stage at Appl tab: + Growth Condition + Relative Density - Added fields to the Application tab: + Standard + Amount of First Moisture - Updated the following fields to link the unit, so changing the unit in one field automatically changes the other linked fields: + On Crop Stage at Appl tab: Crop Height, Total Canopy Height, and Treated Canopy Height + On Crop Description tab: Row Spacing, and Spacing Within Row + On Site and Design tab: Total Plot Width and Total Plot Length Assessment Data -------------------- - Added 'Data Reliability' to the Assessment header. ***************************************************************** GDMdef Definitions March 22, 2023 Changes ***************************************************************** Header -------------------- - Added 'Investigator' to the general study header that is copy is copy from the Contacts information. - Changed so 'Investigator (creator)' does not print on reports. Treatments -------------------- - Added new treatment rate units "per 140000 Seeds": + mL/140000 Seed + L/140000 Seed + g/140000 Seed + kg/140000 Seed + g AI/140000 Seed Protocol Description -------------------- - Added fields to the Trial Location table (on Trial Establishmen Guidelines) to specify the trialist involved. This limits who is allowed to see that row in this table. + GDM ID + Company ID + Company Name - Changed Trial Establishment Guidelines - Background field to an RTF field. Site Description -------------------- - Added support for documenting multiple GEP Accreditation Certificates in a single trial (on the Regulations tab). - Added 'Certificate Expiration' to Regulations tab. - Added new fields to the Additional Measured Elements table on the Soil tab: + Depth and Depth Unit + Comment - Added 'Moisture 24 Hours after Appl.' to the trial Application Description. - Added 'Leaf Wetness Duration' to the daily weather table. Assessment Data -------------------- - Added 'Crop Attributes' to the Assessment header. Only visible when "Limit Validation List" study rule is present. ***************************************************************** GDMdef Definitions December 18, 2022 Changes ***************************************************************** Protocol/Site Description -------------------- - Added 'Interim Data Due' and 'Final Report Due' to the GDMdef Trial Location table in the protocol. Assessment Data -------------------- - Updated tooltip for Description field to no longer reference "crop", to generalize use of this field. ***************************************************************** GDMdef Definitions October 9, 2022 Changes ***************************************************************** Header -------------------- - Added new fields: + Project ID 2 + Project ID 3 - Moved 'Other Trial ID' from General Trial and renamed to 'Cooperator Trial ID'. Treatments -------------------- - Added new fields: + Genotype + Characteristic + Vector Name + Promoter::Gene + Core Component? + EUP (Experimental Use Permit) Protocol Description -------------------- - Added new fields to Trial Establishment Guidelines section: + Interim Data Due (was previously trial only) + Buffer Zone + Interim Report Due + Final Report Due + Trial Location table: - State - Vender ID - Investigator - Trial Cost - Cost Unit - Status - Secrecy Agreement - Internal Operating Number - Comment + Total Cost + Number of Applications / Trial + Number of Assessments / Trial + Number of Harvests / Trial - Split "Crop/Pest Description" into separate tabs (like the Site Description). - Added new fields to Crop Description section (added from Site Description): + Crop Group + Maturity Group + Natural Crop Population + Description + Seed Lot No + Seed Source + % Germination + % Seed Moisture + 1000 Grain Weight + 1000 Grain Weight Unit + Seed Shape + Seed Size + Seed Size Unit + Seed Mod./Coating Type + Seed Treatment Products + Nursery Date + Planting Date + Depth + Depth Unit + Planting Density + Planting Density Unit + Rows per Plot + Planting Method + Description + Planting Stage + Plant Shape + Rootstock + Harvested Width + Harvested Width Unit + Harvested Length + Harvested Length Unit + % Standard Moisture - Added new fields to Pest Description section (added from Site Description): + Resistance Characteristics 1 + Resistance Characteristics 2 + Resistance Characteristics 3 + Resistance Information + Stage at Establishment - Added new fields to SE Definitions section: + Untreated Rating Type + Required Site Description -------------------- - Added new fields to General Trial section: + Last Possible Tour Visit + Interim Report Date + Final Report Date + Meets Objectives + GEP/GLP Level Description + Trial County - Added new section "Regulations" with fields moved from General Trial section: + Test Facility fields + Official Trial ID + GEP Accreditation Number + GEP Link + Guidelines - Added new "Harvest Destruction" repeating section to Regulations tab: + Harvest Destroyed?" + Crop No. + Crop Code + Crop Stage + Explanation + Method + Destruction Date + Verified By - Added new fields to Crop Description section: + % Seed Moisture + Perennial Height + Seed Mod./Coating Type + Transplant Height + Transplant Weight - Standardized the Pest Description Resistance Characteristics to use IRAC, FRAC and HRAC Mode of Action and Chemical Family. - Added new fields to Site and Design section: + Location Quality + Plots - Updated to keep Total Plot Length and Width in sync: + Changed so Total Plot Length Unit is automatically filled when Total Plot Width Unit is entered. + Changed so a warning message is shown if Total Plot Length Unit differs from Total Plot Width Unit. + Added error message if Total Plot Width is less than Treated Plot Width. + Added error message if Total Plot Length is less than Treated Plot Length. - Added new fields to Soil section: + % Carbon + % Lime + Soil Component Total + Renamed 'Analyzed By' to 'Comments' - Added new fields to Weather section: + Weather Station Code + Renamed 'Closest Weather Station' to 'Weather Station Name' - Added new field to Application section: + Problems with Application? - Added new fields to SE Definitions section: + Untreated Rating Type + Required Assessment Data -------------------- - Added new field: + EDC App ***************************************************************** GDMdef Definitions April 17, 2022 Changes ***************************************************************** Treatments -------------------- - Changed so study rules are not enforced for fields in CHKT, VAR, and INOC treatments. Site Description -------------------- - Changed so Min/Max fields are not required by one another on the Site Description Weather tab. Assessment Data -------------------- - Changed so warning will not be shown that Assessment Data columns are duplicates if the Equipment field differs. ***************************************************************** GDMdef Definitions March 6, 2022 Changes ***************************************************************** Treatments -------------------- - Added new Treatment Type "Biological Entity Dispenser" (BIOENT) and corresponding Form Type (BD). - Added new Form Units to support biological entity dispensers: + BIOEN/D biological entities per dispenser + KBIOEN/D thousand biological entities per dispenser + MBIOEN/D million biological entities per dispenser + BBIOEN/D billion biological entities per dispenser - Added new Rate Units to support biological entity dispensers: + D/A dispensers per acre + D/ha dispensers per hectare + D/1000 FT2 dispensers per 1000 square feet + D/100 m2 dispensers per 100 square meter + D/1000 plants dispensers per 1000 plants + D/10000 m2 LWA dispensers per 10000 square meters leaf wall area - Added new formulation type 'VS' for vapor releasing solution/suspension products that are a liquid formulation. ***************************************************************** GDMdef Definitions December 12, 2021 Changes ***************************************************************** Treatments -------------------- - Added new treatment rate units to support Tree/Crop Row Volume calculations: + g A/10000 m3 TRV + kg A/10000 m3 TRV + kg/10000 m3 TRV + L/10000 m3 TRV Site Description -------------------- - Added Treated Tree Row Volume calculations to the Crop Stage at Appl. tab: + Treated Tree Row Volume + Treated TRV Formula + Treated TRV per Plot ***************************************************************** GDMdef Definitions September 12, 2021 Changes ***************************************************************** Protocol/Site Description -------------------- - Changed so value fields are not required when the linked unit field contains an entry. - Changed so a calculated Minimum Mix/Treatment smaller than 0.01 L is automatically converted to mL on the Application Equipment tab. - Increased length of Appl. Equipment - Ground Speed to allow for speeds > 99 mph for aircraft applications. Assessment Data -------------------- - Fixed so hiding the Crop/Pest Diameter, Height, or Density Min/Max fields does not cause the Unit field to be hidden on the previous row. - Changed so "PERCENT" unit is automatically changed to "%" in the following fields: + Rating Unit + Crop Density Unit + Pest Density Unit - Changed so value fields are not required when the linked unit field contains an entry. ***************************************************************** GDMdef Definitions May 30, 2021 Changes ***************************************************************** Treatments -------------------- - Added new rate units to support CFU and biological entity rates involving LWA: + CFU/10000 m2 LWA + M CFU/10000 m2 LWA + B CFU/10000 m2 LWA + Bio En/10000 m2 LWA + M Bio En/10000 m2 LWA + B Bio En/10000 m2 LWA Protocol Description -------------------- - Added new fields to Trial Location table in protocol: + Country + Region + Trial Year Site Description -------------------- - Added new nozzle fields to the Application Equipment tab: + Nozzle TradeName + Nozzle Color - Renamed "Nozzle Size" field to be "Nozzle Model" instead. - Created multi-field personal list for Nozzle Model, includes the following fields: + Nozzle Type + Nozzle TradeName + Nozzle Tip Size + Nozzle Color Assessment Data -------------------- - Added Minimum and Maximum fields to the Rating Unit field row. These values can be automatically filled for certain Rating Units (e.g. 0-100 for %). - Added the following fields to document diameter, height, and density for crop and pest: + Pest Diameter Average, Unit, Minimum, and Maximum + Pest Height Average, Unit, Minimum, and Maximum + Crop Diameter Average, Unit, Minimum, and Maximum + Crop Stage - Density Average, Unit, Minimum, and Maximum + Crop Density Minimum, and Maximum + Pest Density Minimum, and Maximum - Added Davis damage scales to the Rating Unit master list. - Fixed layout of Crop and Pest Stage fields in G-Seed7 studies. ***************************************************************** GDMdef Definitions February 14, 2021 Changes ***************************************************************** Header -------------------- - Changed so Study Director and Sponsor fields on the header are linked to the Site Description > Contacts tab fields with the same name. - Increased length of Protocol ID field from 25 to 35. - Increased length of Project ID field from 25 to 35. Site Description -------------------- - Changed the Reasons field (on the Deviations tab) to Rich Text so support text formatting and images. - Changed to fail validation if pH values are not between 0-14. - Increased length of Crop Name and Pest Name from 40 to 42 to match length of Scientific Name fields. - Changed Deviations and Deviation Reasons fields to RTF data type. Assessment Data -------------------- - Added new field 'Acceptance Level' and unit, used to indicate a threshold between damage or pest density in the area of the trial that would not be commercially acceptable if exceeded. - Increased length of Description field from 20 to 50. ***************************************************************** GDMdef Definitions November 23, 2020 Changes ***************************************************************** Treatments editor -------------------- - Added the following new rate units: + M-CFU/60000 Seed + M-CFU/80000 Seed + CFU/60000 Seed + CFU/80000 Seed ***************************************************************** GDMdef Definitions September 11, 2020 Changes ***************************************************************** Header editor -------------------- - Changed to "Investigator (Creator)" in both the protocol and trial. Prompt was previously "By" in a protocol, and "Investigator" in a trial. Site/Protocol Description editor -------------------- - Added repeating section to Contacts tab, to allow as many to be added as needed. - Added Contacts tab to the Protocol Description. - Added new pest type 'N' for non-taxonomic pests. Also added a new master list of non-taxonomic pests. - Added BBCH Scale "NOSC (No Scale)" for non-taxonomic crops. Also can use "No Growth Stage" for Crop Stage, "NOSC" and "NA No growth stage available" for Crop Growth Stage. - Added Min and Max % Relative Humidity field to the Weather tab. - Added the following fields to the Pest Stage at Appl tab: + Crop Part Attacked + Diameter Minimum and Maximum - Added the following fields to the Crop Stage at Appl tab: + Crop Coverage Unit + Diameter Minimum and Maximum - Added Stage Scale field to Pest Description tab, to define the default Stage Scale used for Pest Stage at Appl tab. - Added fields to Contacts tab so all contacts have the same entry fields. - Fixed issue where "The I1 must be entered..." message that was sometimes shown when displaying the Crop Stage at Infestation list on the Pest Description tab. Assessment Data editor -------------------- - Changed so Trt-Eval Interval is automatically recalculated when assessment or application date is changed. - Changed so Trt-Eval Interval is validated against its validation list. Custom entries are no longer allowed. - Added Crop Height Average, Min, Max, and Unit fields. - Changed so Crop/Pest Stage Majority, Min, and Max are on the same row. ***************************************************************** GDMdef Definitions May 22, 2020 Changes ***************************************************************** Treatments editor -------------------- - Increased length of Supplier field from 3 to 8. Assessment Data editor -------------------- - Added Rating Timing field to G-Seed7 definition. ***************************************************************** GDMdef Definitions February 12, 2020 Changes ***************************************************************** Protocol Description editor -------------------- - Moved Objectives from Trial Establishment Guidelines to its own tab Site Description editor -------------------- - Changed so Address field is included in Trial Location validation list. ***************************************************************** GDMdef Definitions October 28, 2019 Changes ***************************************************************** Treatments editor -------------------- - Added new rate units: + m U/Seed - milli (0.001) enzyme units per seed + m U/cm2 - milli (0.001) enzyme units per square centimeter + U/m2 - enzyme units per square meter + K U/ha - thousand enzyme units per hectare + K U/A - thousand enzyme units per acre + g/Seed - grams product per seed - Added new formulation concentration units: + U/L - enzyme units per liter + KU/L - thousand enzyme units per liter + U/kg - enzyme units per kilogram + KU/kg - thousand enzyme units per kilogram ***************************************************************** GDMdef Definitions August 5, 2019 Changes ***************************************************************** Treatments editor -------------------- - Changed 'Spray Volume' prompt to 'Application Amount' to be more generic for all situations. - Changed 'Growth Stage' prompt to 'Appl Timing' to match the Protocol/Site Description. - Changed so the following Treatments fields are read-only and are filled from the Protocol/Site Description: + Appl Timing (prev. Growth Stage) + Mix Size + Application Amount (prev. Spray Volume) Protocol/Site Description editor -------------------- - Added 'Crop Type' field to define whether to use EPPO or non-taxonomic crop codes. - Changed 'Spray Volume' prompt to 'Application Amount' to be more generic for all situations. - Changed so Form Unit on the Maintenance tab allows entries that are not in the validation list. Assessment Data editor -------------------- - Added 'Crop Type' field to define whether to use EPPO or non-taxonomic crop codes. - Added 'Pest Attributes' field to Assessment Data editor when 'Limit validation list' study rule is active. ***************************************************************** GDMdef Definitions May 10, 2019 Changes ***************************************************************** Site Description editor -------------------- - Added 'Risk Phrase' and 'Safety Phrase' to the Maintenance Site Description tab. ***************************************************************** GDMdef Definitions February 27, 2019 Changes ***************************************************************** Treatments editor -------------------- - Added new treatment type DEFO Defoliant. ***************************************************************** GDMdef Definitions February 1, 2019 Changes ***************************************************************** Header editor -------------------- - Added 'Trial Origin' field to the trial study header. Treatments editor -------------------- - Added the following fields to the Treatments editor: + Risk Phrase + Safety Phrase + Genotype (for G-Seed definition only) - Increased length of Description field from 30 to 70. Protocol Description editor -------------------- - Added 'SE Definitions' tab to plan and define standard evaluations (SEs) and tasks to use in the study. Use Tools - 'Build Header, Tasks' to create the SEs and tasks defined in this tab. - Added the following fields to the Trial Location table on the Trial Establishment Guidelines protocol tab: + Trial Origin + Site - Renamed 'Description' field to 'Attributes' on Crop and Pest Description tabs. - Renamed 'General Comments' tab and field prompt to 'Instructions'. - Added 'Tree/Crop Row Volume (m3/ha)' field to Crop Stage at Application tab. - Added 'Density Min' and 'Density Max' fields to Pest Stage at Application tab. Site Description editor -------------------- - Added 'SE Definitions' tab to plan and define standard evaluations (SEs) and tasks to use in the study. Use Tools - 'Build Header, Tasks' to create the SEs and tasks defined in this tab. - Changed so the following Site Description fields are linked to Settings: + Time Zone + Treated Plot Width + Treated Plot Length + Angle Y Axis to North + Study Design - Added new fields to track trial status and progress throughout the season. These fields are read-only and filled automatically by ARM. + Added 'ARM Trial Created On' to General Trial tab. + Added 'Entry Date' to Crop tab. + Added 'Entry Date' to Pest tab. + Added 'Appl. Entry Date' to Application tab. - Added the following fields to the General Trial tab of the Site Description: + GPS Accuracy + Test Facility + Protocol Revision Number + Protocol Revision Date + Trial Status Date + Last Changed By + Last Export Date + Interim Data Due + Discipline (added to Guidelines repeating section) - Added the following fields to the Crop Description tab: + % Germination + Seed Source + 1000 Grain Weight + Seed Lot No. + Seed Treatment Products + Planting Stage + Natural Crop Population + Ground Cover Planting - Added 'Stage' field to the Pest Description tab to define pest stage at infestation. - Added the following fields to the Pest Description to define crop stage at infestation: + Crop + Stage Scale + Stage at Infestation - Added the following fields to the Pest Description tab: + Pest Depth + Establishment Time + Resistance Characteristics + Resistance Information - Renamed 'Description' field to 'Attributes' on Crop and Pest Description tabs. - Added 'Buffer Zone' field to Site and Design tab. - Updated the Previous Crops table on the Site and Design tab as follows: + Added 'Previous Pest Type' field. + Added 'Previous Pest' field with validation list tied to the Pest list. + Added 'Month' field. + Added 'Comment' field. + Added validation list look-up for the existing Previous Crop field. - Added 'Water Leaching' field to Soil tab. - Added the following items to the Additional Measured Elements validation list on the Soil tab: + GRAVEL + C (carbon) + CaO (lime) -Added 'Official Weather Station' field to the Weather tab. -Added 'at application stop time' variants of the following fields on the Application tab: + Air Temperature + % Relative Humidity + Wind Velocity + Direction - Added the following fields to the Application tab: + Wind Velocity+Dir., Max (maximum wind velocity and direction) + Soil Surface Condition + Moisture 6 Hours after Appl + Comment - Changed field length of '% Relative Humidity' and '% Cloud Cover' at Application to 5, and limited values to 1 decimal place. - Renamed 'Dew Presence' field to 'Wet Leaves' on Application tab. - Added the following fields to Crop Stage at Application tab: + Tree/Crop Row Volume (m3/ha) + Total Leaf Wall Area + Total LWA Formula + Days after Emergence + Crop Growth Condition - Added 'Density Min' and 'Density Max' fields to Pest Stage at Application tab. - Added the following fields to Application Equipment tab: + Concentration Factor + Boom Flow Rate - Increased length of the 'Nozzle Size' field on Application Equipment tab from 9 to 20. - Changed 'Nozzles/Row' field to accept decimal values, found on Application Equipment tab. - Added 'Context' field to Notes tab to further describe the entered notes. - Increased length of the following 'By' fields from 11 to 38 to support longer names: + Applied by (on Application tab) + By (on Notes tab) + By (on Deviations tab) Assessment Data editor -------------------- - Added 'Data Entry Date' assessment header field for the date the first data value was assessed. This field is read-only and filled automatically by ARM. - Added 'Calculation' assessment header field to describe how to calculate % of untreated check. - Increased length of 'Assessed By' field from 11 to 38 to support longer names. ***************************************************************** GDMdef Definitions November 14, 2018 Changes ***************************************************************** Treatments editor -------------------- - Added missing columns to Biostimulants validation list: + Active Ingredient + AI Conc. Protocol Description editor -------------------- - Updated CEB Guidelines in the SART table from the AFPP website. Assessment Data editor -------------------- - Added new assessment Rating Types: + CONCU - content - copper + CONFE - content - iron - Fixed so values calculated by ARM Action Code formula 'YLDKGKGDM' are not 100x too large. ***************************************************************** GDMdef Definitions May 25, 2018 Changes ***************************************************************** Treatments editor -------------------- - Fixed rate conversions between units 'FL OZ/10 GAL' and 'OZ WT/10 GAL'. ***************************************************************** GDMdef Definitions January 8, 2018 Changes ***************************************************************** Treatments editor -------------------- - Added new Treatment Type 'BIOSTIM = Biostimulant' - Added new Rate Units: + m3/ha + YD3/A + OZ WT/FT3 + LB/FT3 + LB AI/FT3 + g/FT3. - Fixed Rate Unit conversions: + from dt/ha to Ton/A + from FL OZ/YD3 to mL/m3 + OZ WT/YD3 to g/m3. Protocol/Site Description editor -------------------- - Changed protocol 'Revision Date' field to read-only, because it is always automatically filled with the current date when the protocol is saved. - Added 'Rows per Plot' and 'Plant Shape' fields to Site Description - Crop tab. - Added 'Total Canopy Height' and 'Treated LWA per Plot' fields to Site Description - Crop Stage at Appl. tab. - Changed protocol 'Treated Leaf Wall Area' field to an editable field in which estimates can be entered. - Changed default 'Treated Canopy Height' unit to meters when using metric units, and feet when using US units. - Added 'Time Zone' field to the Site Description - General Trial tab: - Added the following fields to the Site Description - Weather tab: + Precipitation - Total daily precipitation amount + Irrigation - Total daily irrigation amount + 30Y Precipitation - Average rainfall amount on this day over the previous 30 years + Average Temperature - Average daily air temperature + 30Y Minimum Temperature - Average lowest air temperature on this day over the previous 30 years + 30Y Maximum Temperature - Average highest air temperature on this day over the previous 30 years + 30Y Average Temperature - Average air temperature on this day over the previous 30 years + Min Wind Speed - Lowest daily wind speed + Max Wind Speed - Highest daily wind speed + Average Wind Speed - Average daily wind speed + 30Y Average Wind Speed - Average wind speed on this day over the previous 30 years + % Cloud Cover - Percentage of sky that was covered by clouds + Average Shortwave Radiation - Average amount of high-energy solar radiation that reaches Earth's surface at trial location + 30Y Average Shortwave Radiation - Average amount of high-energy solar radiation that reached Earth s surface on this day over the previous 30 years. + Average Soil Temp (S#1) (HelpID=803) - Average daily soil temperature + 0-10cm Scaled Soil Moisture - Moisture content of the layer between the surface and 10cm depth, relative to the location's soil moisture climatology (0-1). + 0-200 cm Scaled Soil Moisture - Moisture content of the layer between the surface and 200cm depth, relative to the location's soil moisture climatology (0-1). + Source - Source of entered weather/irrigation information - Added the following fields to the Site Description - Application tab: + Moisture 1 Week after Appl. - Total amount of moisture that occurred during the week after application was performed. + Weather Source - Source of entered application weather information - Added 'Mix Overage' and 'Minimum Mix/Treatment' fields to Site Description - Application Equipment tab. - Increased Trial ID field length from 28 to 35 characters, so 35-character Trial ID is allowed during trial creation. Assessment Data editor -------------------- - Added new Crop Growth Stages 'Feekes Cereal', 'VR Corn', and 'VR Soybean'. - Added new Assessment Type "CONCA = content - calcium". - Added 2 new ARM Action Codes formulas: + EYECERIXS is for summarizing a single column of class assessments for eyespot of cereals disease entered as subsamples. + EYECERIX is for summarizing the 4 columns that are the total number of each different class. ***************************************************************** GDMdef Definitions March 27, 2017 Changes ***************************************************************** - Added new items to the SART Table: + Application Equipment Type WINTUN=Wind Tunnel + Form Unit Mixed + Rating Unit MICRON = micrometer + Rating Type FORMAT = foreign matter/extraneous matter - Added 'Conducted Under GEP' field to Header so GEP status can appear in the study header. - Added 'Plots numbered as in field' field to Site Description - Site and Design tab, to identify whether plots are numbered exactly as they are in the field. - Added 'Plant Arrangement' field to Site Description - Crop Description tab, to describe arrangement of plants in a plot. - Added 'Min # Appl' field to Treatments for G-All7 definitions, to specify the minimum number of applications to use for product amount totals. - Added 'Equipment field' to Assessment Data Header, to describe equipment used for the assessment. - Added the following fields to Protocol/Site Description - Maintenance tab: + Type + Specific Gravity + Registration Number + Re-Entry Interval + Cost + Cost Unit + Identification Code + Supplier - Linked Maintenance 'Product Name' field to product lists on Treatments editor. - Linked 'Nozzle Type' field to validation list G-NozTyp.lst on Protocol Description - Application tab. - Changed 'Leaf Wall Area' field name to 'Treatment Leaf Wall Area' on Site Description - Crop Stage at Appl tab. - Added the following new EPPO Guidelines to the SART table: + PP 1/272(2) Foliar diseases on maize + PP 1/291 (1) Evaluation of influence of tank mix adjuvants on efficacy of plant protection products + PP 1/292 (1) Cleaning pesticide application equipment (PAE) efficacy aspects + PP 1/293 (1) Nasonovia ribisnigri and other aphids on lettuce + PP 1/294 (1) Ceutorhynchus picitarsis + PP 1/295 (1) Helicoverpa armigera on vegetables and ornamentals - Corrected the version number on the following EPPO Guidelines: + PP1/055(3) corrected as PP1/055(2) + PP1/114(3) corrected as PP1/114(2) + PP1/176(3) corrected as PP1/176(2) + PP1/268(3) corrected as PP1/268(1) ***************************************************************** GDMdef Definitions December 2016 Changes ***************************************************************** - Updated Pest and Crop Code validation lists with the latest codes from EPPO. - Added new assessment Rating Types: + CONINU - content - inulin + FLOW50 - flowering - 50 % flowers open + GLNCON - gluten content + SFI - short Fiber Index %, proportion by mass of fiber shorter than one-half inch/12.7mm - Added new crop AGARBI - cultivated mushroom. - Updated to use previous scientific name for Pest and Crop Codes that did not include the Latin name as the scientific name from EPPO. ***************************************************************** GDMdef Definitions August 19, 2016 Changes ***************************************************************** - Changed so Formulation Concentration Units '% K', '% K2O', '% N', '% P', '% P2O5', and '% S' are automatically corrected to include space. - Fixed so 'Application Equipment Comment' does not get copied to read-only 'Protocol Application Equipment Comment' field when opening a trial. ***************************************************************** GDMdef Definitions May 6, 2016 Changes ***************************************************************** - Added 'LWA Formula' Crop Stage at Appl field to show the values used in Leaf Wall Area calculations. - Updated Pest code and Crop code validation lists with the latest codes from EPPO. - Added K ppen-Geiger climate zones to the Climate Zone validation list. - Converted the Climate Zone list to a master list, so a personal list can be built according to preferred code types. - Renamed 'Plant Foliage Height' field to 'Treated Canopy Height' on Crop Stage at Appl tab. - Fixed so Application Equipment Comment is not lost after saving and re-opening a trial. ***************************************************************** GDMdef Definitions March 24, 2016 Changes ***************************************************************** - Added 'Online Reference' column to Pest code and Crop code validation lists with links to EPPO website. - Added the following new EPPO Guidelines to the SART table: + PP 1/16(3) Botrytis fuckeliana on strawberries + PP 1/95(4) Slugs + PP 1/182(3) Chemical hybridizing agents in cereals (except maize) + PP 1/213(4) Resistance risk analysis + PP 1/271(2) Guidance on comparative assessment + PP 1/285(1) Fusarium ear rot of maize + PP 1/286(1) Phthorimaea operculella + PP 1/287(1) Anarsia lineatella + PP 1/288(1) Grapholita molesta + PP 1/289(1) The design and use of molluscicide small plot cage (barriered) field trials + PP 1/290(1) Weeds in asparagus - Marked the following existing EPPO Guidelines as inactive: + PP 1/16(2) Botrytis cinerea on strawberries + PP 1/95(3) Slugs on vegetables, strawberry and ornamentals + PP 1/96(3) Slugs in field crops + PP 1/182(2) Chemical hybridizing agents in cereals (except maize) + PP 1/213(3) Resistance risk analysis + PP 1/271(1) Guidance on comparative assessment ***************************************************************** GDMdef Definitions December 31, 2015 Changes ***************************************************************** - Changed so a warning displays if there are duplicate treatments in a GDMdef study. - Changed so a warning displays if there are duplicate assessment data columns in a GDMdef protocol. - Added 'Maintenance' and 'Treatment Application Comment' sections to the GDMdef protocol description. - Added 'Discipline' to 'Trial Establishment Guidelines' Protocol Description tab. - Added Trial 'Address' to 'General Trial' Site Description tab. - Added 'Trial Usage/Type' to 'General Trial' Site Description tab. - Added 'GEP Accreditation Link' to 'General Trial' Site Description tab. - Added 'Interval to Prev. Appl., Unit' fields to 'Application' Site Description tab. ***************************************************************** GDMdef Definitions October 1, 2015 Changes ***************************************************************** - Added ReportLink.xlsx to fix 'Error communicating with Excel' when printing Excel Report Link Workbook where a Site Description repeating section contains over 256 records. - Added the following new CEB Guidelines to the SART table: + CEB 255 I I: Efficacit insecticides pour prot ger gazons contre larves insectes du sol, ravageurs. + CEB 256 D D: Efficacit de la limitation de population des vers de terre dans les gazons. + CEB 257 R R: Efficacit d'app ts rondenticides pour lutter contre campagnols dans galeries souter. + CEB DT22 DT: Recommandations pour exp rimentation d'un adjuvant. Domaine d'utilisation. ***************************************************************** GDMdef Definitions June 29, 2015 Changes ***************************************************************** - Changed so Application Start Time and Moisture Time fields are forced to Time format instead of free text. - Fixed so Rate Unit 'OZ/1000FT2' is not exported as 'OZ/100FT2' in ARM 6 and ARM 5 studies. - Changed 'Density' treatment field prompt to 'Specific Gravity'. - Added 'GPS Precision' field to the 'General Trial' Site Description tab. - Fixed so 'CFU/g' displays in the Rate Unit list. - Added missing rate units to the 'Other Rate Unit' treatment list. ***************************************************************** GDMdef Definitions April 20, 2015 Changes ***************************************************************** - Fixed so 'Seed Size Unit' validation list contains valid units. - Fixed so metric GDMdef unit codes are in the correct lower case format. - Added a link to the 'EPPO Standards' webpage in the Guidelines validation list. - Changed so the 'State/Prov' validation items are shortened, by removing the '( )' and '[ ]' characters. - Corrected validation list description for Rate Unit 'CFU/ha'. ***************************************************************** GDMdef Definitions February 19, 2015 Changes ***************************************************************** - Changed so Spray Volume/Mix Size are not printed in table header when Spray Volume/Mix Size are different among treatments.