
Historically, set values based on standard deviations (2,3) or interquantile range (box-whisker) have been used as criteria for screening for outliers.

The preferred method for Recommendations is a Bonferri-corrected \(z\)-score method. First \(z\)-scores are calculated for each observation by taking \(z_{ij} = \epsilon_{ij}/s^2\) where \(s^2\) is the residual mean square. Then a critical \(z_{crit}\) value is calculated from the normal distribution for a probability given by \(1-\frac{\alpha}{2n}\) (commonly \(\alpha=0.05\)) and \(n=i \times j\). Any \(y_{ij}\) such that \(|z_{ij}|>z_{crit}\) is marked as an outlier.

plot(10:200,qnorm(1-0.05/(2*(10:200))),type='l', ylim=c(2,4), lty=1,
     xlab='Number of Observations',ylab='Critical z score')
legend('topleft', legend=c("3 SD", "Correct z"),col=c("red", "black"),lty = c(2,1),lwd=1)


Suppose we use \(\mu \pm 2\sigma\) as the range of “normal” values, and consider any value outside that range as an outlier. The proportion of values drawn from a normal distribution falling between in that range is expected to be

pnorm(2) - pnorm(-2)
## [1] 0.9544997

so, if we have \(n\) greater than

ceiling(1/(1-(pnorm(2) - pnorm(-2))))
## [1] 22

we would not be surprised to find an outlier using this criteria.

# Percent of observations between -3 and 3 std dev
(pnorm(3) - pnorm(-3))
## [1] 0.9973002
#convert to a count (1/n)
ceiling(1/(1-(pnorm(3) - pnorm(-3))))
## [1] 371


A variety trial with 30 varieties replicated 4 times has 120 plots. How many often would outliers be detected even when the errors are normally distributed?

Single trial

We draw a random sample of errors from the \(z\) distribution, and plot histogram and qqnorm plots

errors <- rnorm(120, 0,1)


If we were to select outliers based on 3 sd, we would find at least one spurios outlier in this sample.

## [1] 3.087978

If we use a correct critical \(z\), we would not identify outliers in this sample.

## [1] 3.529296

Multiple Trials

Suppose we wish to combine 10 trials of 120 plots. How likely are we to identify spurious outliers?

trials <- 1:10
for(i in 1:10) {
  errors <- rnorm(120, 0,1)
  trials[i] <- max(abs(errors))
## [1] 5
## [1] 2

At 3 sd, we find that 5 of the 10 trials have spurious outliers, but with adjusted \(z\), we find only 2.