GDM Solutions
Providing an Industry Standard Software for Research

Frequently Asked Questions - General Information

Where does GDM come up with new ideas for features?

Where does GDM come up with new ideas for features?

Clients provide their ideas during professional meetings, phone calls, emails, or during company meetings. Many ideas happen while we listen to clients to find out about your research, and how you "wish" for new items.
Many new features are added to upcoming upgrades and updates for no cost, while others are a charge item when the new feature will only be used by a single person or group.

Microsoft Windows Vista 'End of Extended Support' was April 11, 2017

 Microsoft Windows Vista 'End of Extended Support' was April 11, 2017

This means that effective April 11, 2017, GDM ended support for Windows Vista computers.
The word 'support' includes:
  • Questions or problems with GDM programs on a Windows Vista computer.
  • Attempting to send or receive any files (ARM, MS Office, PDF, etc) on a Vista computer.
  • Installing GDM software on a Vista computer.
  • Installing any software updates on a Vista computer.
Windows Vista is more than 10 years old, so it cannot adequately support or protect modern computer hardware and software. GDM software uses Microsoft tools, and Microsoft only supports these tools when running on supported operating systems.