GDM Solutions
Providing an Industry Standard Software for Research

ARM 2023 Release Notes

See ARM 2023.x Features (pdf) for a presentation of features added to ARM this year.
  • Watch the PowerPoint version in presentation mode to view embedded feature-in-action videos.
See the Change Log (txt) for a complete list of all changes made in this (and previous) versions of ARM.

Version 2023.6

November 29, 2023

Extended assessment information icons

Visualize additional assessment information on the assessment data editor.
  • Icons for: GPS, images, and barcodes
  • Comments display as tooltips
  • Exclude displays as strike-through
    (Formerly named 'Damaged' but generalized for other uses)

New Site Description tab: Equipment

  • Document details about equipment used in assessments.
  • Save all information to Favorites from Equipment Name field
  • Link assessment column to Equipment details using ID field:

Connect Tasks to Outlook

Send ARM tasks to any calendar linked in Outlook.
Previously could only send to the default calendar, limiting sharing options.
Tip: Use new "Unlink from Outlook" right-click command to send tasks to different calendars.

Version 2023.3

September 5, 2023

Planned Comparisons (Contrasts)

Define comparisons of specific treatments for a custom analysis.
Retain full statistical power while focusing the analysis on the key objectives of the study.
  1. Window > Settings >
    Statistics tab (NEW).
  2. Pencil icon opens wizard.
  3. Select Type of comparison then select treatments to compare.
To run the analysis, turn on with 'Include planned comparisons' option on AOV Means Table report options.
For each planned comparison defined in the study, ARM calculates:
  • contrast value (estimate) and test statistic
  • P-value of comparison hypothesis
If significant (< 0.05), reject Ho and conclude there is a difference between compared treatments.
For more examples and statistical details,
see: User Contrasts (pdf)

Data Reliability

Assessment field to indicate data has been reviewed, and communicate what data to use in summaries.
Quickly set this value with shortcut buttons in the data column header:
  • Exclude = conclusions should not be made from this assessment column
  • Good = conclusions can be made from this assessment column
  • Best = conclusions can be made, prioritized over related assessments
    (for repeated assessments, or the one most representative of the study)

New Site Description tab: Greenhouse

Document daily environmental conditions throughout a greenhouse study.
Note: Field trials should still use the Weather tab for documenting conditions for those studies.

Version 2023.2

June 13, 2023

Improved assessment view

Assessment header fields re-organized into logical groups.
These groups can be collapsed or expanded for more control over what information is visible in ARM!
  • Individual rows can still be hidden or made visible again.
  • When a group is collapsed, its primary information is still shown.
  • Assessment view files now save the expanded/collapsed state too.

Automatic View: Required/Recommended Fields

Display only fields that have a Required or Recommended study rule assigned. 
  • Includes regular Study Rules, conditional rules, and built-in configuration rules.
  • Available on Treatments, Site Description, and Assessment Data editors
  • Also a shortcut on assessment header:

Scott-Knott mean comparison test

The Scott-Knott cluster analysis is a multiple comparison procedure that avoids the problem of overlapping groups.
  • Each treatment is assigned to a cluster, and each cluster is assigned a single letter.
  • Groups are considered different based on a likelihood ratio test computed from the between group sums of squares.
  • Requested from registration authorities in Brazil.

Application Standard

Standardized application description list, a combination of Method, Timing, and Placement.
Add ones that match your applications to your Favorites list, to save save time and increase consistency.

Version 2023.0

March 22, 2023

Updated 'New Protocol' Process

Streamlined and improved the process for creating a new protocol:
  1. Protocol Template
    • Copy selected sections from an existing protocol.
    • Better than "Save as": pick and choose what information to copy, eliminating the need to review and update all fields for the current year.
  2. Custom Settings
    • Protocol Checklist provides overview of study settings prior to protocol creation.
    • New Study Rules and SE Lists sections in settings to pre-load these important protocol features.
      • These new selections can be saved in the saved "Settings Set" defaults for future re-use.

New Protocol Checklist

  • Interactive overview of study settings for protocol creation
  • Red X indicates key information that is missing; Yellow warning indicates recommended (but not required) information is missing.

Protocol Planning

Limit who can view individual rows on the Trial Location table with new fields (GDM ID, Company ID, Company Name):
Trialists only see rows from their own company (via GDM ID or Company ID) when viewing the protocol:
Tip: Obtain the GDM ID/Company ID from contractors by having them select Send License Details found on Help > Profile.
For more information on the Trial Location table, see Planning Trial Locations in a Protocol.

Document multiple GEP Accreditation Certificates

ARM now supports multiple GEP Certificates for a single trial.
Use Profile > Certificates > Update Trial to add the new/updated certificate to the current trial.