GDM Solutions
Providing an Industry Standard Software for Research

ARM Trial Database

ARM Trial Database (ATD) is a relational database for storing and retrieving trials based on standard ARM study definitions.
ARM directly exports and imports trials in the database, and Microsoft Office™ products can be used to build customized reports for trials extracted from the database. ATD stores all of the information in an ARM trial, making the database a convenient long term repository for trial information.

Use ATD to:
  • Store ARM trials and manage attachments in an SQL Server database.
  • Import trials from ATD into ARM to utilize all of ARM's features.
  • Integrate directly with ARM ST to enhance defining of search criteria.
Trial information is protected in ATD database, to prevent changing of information in a way that would violate GEP or GLP requirements.
Only ARM users with a valid ATD license are allowed to export trials to the database, providing an additional level of protection against accidental trial changes in the database.