GDM Solutions
Providing an Industry Standard Software for Research

Creating a Split-Plot Factorial Study

This video demonstrates how to set up a factorial protocol in ARM and enter treatment information, then views a Split-Plot trial to see how the treatments are built and randomized in a trial.
Note: A Split-Plot study is entered the same way as a Factorial or a Strip-Block study. The only difference is the way ARM randomizes the trial map and analyzes the data. So these instructions apply for all 3 of these study types.


In ARM, select File – New Protocol to begin the protocol creation process.
Select the Protocol Settings button while on the New Protocol dialog, to set the study design so that the Treatments editor is set up for the factorial design.
Enter treatment information by specifying the levels of each factor.
The Factor ID and Level Number treatment fields describe how the treatments are built in a trial.
In a Split-Plot trial, the main units are randomized within the replicate, and the subunits are then randomized within each main unit.


Creating a Split-Plot Factorial Protocol.pdf - A written tutorial of this content, with screenshots from the video. - A .zip file containing the protocol and trial files used in the presentation.