GDM Solutions
Providing an Industry Standard Software for Research

Import Custom Weather Data

We demonstrate how to import weather data into an ARM trial using any weather data source. We will create a custom connection to a weather data source file, link the data columns in the file to ARM weather fields, and use the connection to import daily weather to the Weather table, and then import 'hourly' weather to the Application table into several trials at once.


Select 'Custom Connection…' from the dropdown to create a new connection.
Daily connections link to the Weather tab of the Site Description, while Application connections
are for hourly data that import into the Application weather fields.
Select a source file for ARM to read the headers from, instead of hand-typing the information.
Now we can link the headers from the source file to ARM trial fields.
Let's open a trial to use this new connection.
You can also import weather data into multiple trials at one time.


Import Custom Weather Data.pdf - Contains the script and screenshots from this video tutorial.