GDM Solutions
Providing an Industry Standard Software for Research

Protocol Best Practices

Set up a complete protocol with these more advanced features and tips about ARM protocols.

Basics of Standard Evaluations (SEs) (6:28)

This video will demonstrate how to utilize Standard Evaluations to save time and improve data consistency. A Standard Evaluation, or SE, is a standardized rating to be performed. The user creates a file that saves the header description for an assessment. 

Creating SEs (5:38)

Modify existing SEs from the Master List or create your own custom SE. 

Duplicate Treatment Lines with Paste Special (1:30)

Use Paste Special to quickly duplicate treatment lines, for example adding an adjuvant to many treatments at the same time.

Creating a Split-Plot Factorial Study (8:21)

Learn how to set up a Split-Plot (factorial) protocol in ARM, and how the trial will be randomized.
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Search across ARM files with the Study List (4:17)

Learn the basics of using the study list tool in ARM.
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