GDM Solutions
Providing an Industry Standard Software for Research

ARM 2024 Release Notes

See ARM 2024.x Features (pdf) for a presentation of features added to ARM this year.
  • Watch the PowerPoint version in presentation mode to view embedded feature-in-action videos.
See the Change Log (txt) for a complete list of all changes made in this (and previous) versions of ARM.

Version 2024.1

June 11, 2024

Protocol Signatures

Add your signature to a protocol to finalize or "sign off" on the protocol. 
This follows the same process as Trial Signatures.

Mark a protocol as Reviewed

  • Track whether a protocol has been reviewed
  • Identifies who marked as reviewed
  • Protocol Settings > General tab > Reviewed Protocol
  • 'Trial Reviewed' action automatically logged in Notes tab
  • Checkbox is cleared when any change made to data in the trial

Copy Assessment Headers

Shortcut buttons copy and paste the entire header description.
  • Copy appears only in columns with header information to copy
  • Paste appears only in completely empty columns
Tip: Re-use what you have copied across trials by saving to an SE file.

Copy Coordinates to LL Corner

Right-click on coordinates in Assessment editor to Copy Coordinates to LL Corner of Trial.

Mean Comparison is not applicable (na)

Assessments where residual error (or error mean square) is 0 is now considered non-analyzable.
  • F statistics (from ANOVA) report as 'Not a Number'
  • Mean comparisons are 'not applicable"
Occurs when there is no variation in treatment response, e.g. no pest pressure or crop damage.

Version 2024.0

March 18, 2024

Rating Interval

Define the numerical interval between valid assessment values.
  • For example, use "1" for whole numbers,
    or "0.25" for values like 0.75 or 1.25.
  • Intervals define rating shortcut buttons in ARM Mobile: